Hurry! You only have 1 week left to register your group for Leader's Summit!




There's only one week left to register for First Priority's Seventh Annual Leader's Summit. You don't want to miss this high-impact, exciting one-day conference! The Summit will be held on Friday, Feb. 3, 2012, at Samford University. Hurry and register today! The deadline to register your group is Friday, Jan. 20, 2012.


The Summit will feature live music and inspirational messages geared toward highly motivated student leaders and teacher sponsors involved in First Priority campus clubs. The line-up for this year's conference is incredible! You will hear from: Thought-provoking Visionary and Speaker Brent Crowe, Founder of Field of Grace Ministries Mike Satterfield and Chief Meteorologist for ABC 33/40 in Birmingham James Spann. You will also enjoy praise and worship by Finding Favour.


Students will be equipped and encouraged on a new level. These national leaders will provide students in-depth leadership training in timeless skills, making them better leaders in all aspects of campus life. Thanks to our gracious sponsors, we are able to provide this event at no cost to attendees.


We hope you will plan to attend this exciting leadership training event! Register now online by clicking on the link below. The deadline for registration is Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. If you are not able to attend, we ask that you please keep the students, teachers, campus coaches and speakers in your prayers.


Click here to register



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