Help us Saturate Alabama Schools with God's Word


The Life Book Movement


First Priority is partnering with The Life Book to saturate our schools with God's Word. Founded by The Gideons International, The Life Book Movement (TLBM) is an innovative strategy to reach high school students with God's Word. TLBM works through churches and their students to saturate high schools with God's Word. It is best described as a short-term mission trip in which high school students receive the opportunity to offer the gift of The Life Book to their classmates during school. Please read the information below to learn more about The Life Book and how you can help us reach students with God's Word.


Praise God for the opportunity to reach 100,000 students in the Birmingham area with The Gospel of Jesus Christ this coming Spring. First Priority and The Life Book are coming together for a life-changing saturation of Birmingham schools.


Here's how it works:


* First Priority works with the Birmingham local churches to mobilize students as missionaries on their campus.


* We are asking that each church involved (up to 100 churches) sign-up NOW for a Spring 2012 Saturation (a Life Book short-term mission trip to the local schools)

            - Click here to sign-up NOW

            - You MUST enter FIRST PRIORITY when asked "How did you hear

            about The Life Book Movement?"


* Churches that sign-up will receive an e-mail explaining that we are currently printing books for the Spring, and they will be available soon.


* On NOVEMBER 14, churches will receive a PRIVATE REGISTRATION e-mail for Mission: Birmingham Spring 2012 Saturation


* In the NOVEMBER 14th PRIVATE REGISTRATION e-mail, churches will be asked to do the following:

            - Choose dates for the Saturation Week and The Church-Wide Love Offering (this should be chosen in advance and every participating church uses the same date); and

            - Make the $105 donation for the shipping of The Life Books (each church will be shipped 1,050 Life Books).


The Life Book Movement will then:


* Ship a Saturation Kit to each Youth Leader with tools for the Saturation and Love Offering; and

* Provide each Youth Leader with a Saturation Manager, available to answer questions, give directions, and be a prayer partner through the process.


We hope you will get involved and sign-up today! Click here for more information.



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