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Because of First Priority's relationship with local church youth ministry several youth pastors in areas affected by the recent storms have asked if First Priority supporters could help provide teenagers in their youth group with new Bibles. This is an immediate need as we are trying to get Bibles to them in time for Wednesday night youth group meetings.


First Priority is able to obtain nice leather bound Bibles in bulk for $5 each from Family Christian Stores and LifeWay Christian stores. Will you consider sponsoring at least one Bible for a teen? Bibles are $5 each. Please click here to make your instant, secure donation for this effort. In the comments section type "Bibles" and the number of Bibles you are sponsoring.


We would like to thank you for your support with this important effort. Students are looking for answers and we want to ensure they receive the right ones.




Greg Davis


First Priority Greater Birmingham



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