Prayers for the state "Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama"March 25, 2011 



March 25, 2011


Dear First Priority Prayer Warrior Friends,


Please pray with me the following prayers for "Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama."


Joan McKinney




P- Parents

Father God, we pray today that You would turn the hearts of the parents of the students in our schools to their children, and we pray that You would turn the hearts of the children to their parents. We ask You to lavish Your wisdom on the parents, about how to guide each child successfully through to adulthood. We pray that You would give each parent eyes to see the talents, call and destiny that You have put into each child, so that they would guide them in the way that they should go. Help the parents understand and be at peace with the fact that their children are part of a warrior generation into which You have breathed Your breath of life. Guide the parents to speak words that will empower their children to war in prayer and in love for their peers at their schools, to see many souls saved, and the ground of their schools taken for Your kingdom.


Lord, help the parents guide their children to become warriors for You, because without their support, the students in our schools will struggle to be successful in their school careers. Papa God, for those children who don't have Godly parents and have difficult home lives, please teach them how much You love them. Send Godly surrogate parents to instruct these children about You. Please send Your Holy Spirit and Your anointing to these children who need it so desperately. As You speak of in 1 John 2:27, Lord, where You promised that the anointing that these students have received from You will remain in them, and that this anointing will teach them about all things having to do with You, stir Your anointing in these students. Also, use First Priority as a place where they learn more about You, so that they will be confident in their relationship with You. We pray that You will help each student to be strong and courageous for Your purposes. Stir in the parents' and in the students' prayers from Your heart for our schools and for First Priority. We pray all of these things in Jesus' precious name. Amen


R- Responsibility

Papa God, please give the students of the schools in our state a desire in their hearts to make responsible decisions. Draw them into Your Word Lord, so that You might teach them to be in the world of the public schools, and yet not of it. Give them an understanding of what that looks like, and show them how to walk that out. Captivate them in Your presence through worship and as they call out to You in prayer. Your Word says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that no temptation is upon our students, except what is common to man. We are assured in this scripture that You are faithful God, and that You will not allow our children to be tempted beyond what they can bear, but with every temptation, You will provide a way of escape, so that they will be able to stand up under it. We thank You for Your faithfulness, and for Your Word, in Jesus' holy name. Amen



Lord Almighty, our children struggle with spiritual battles on every side; spiritual, social, emotional, academic and intellectual. Lord, we pray what the Word says in Jeremiah 33:3, that our students will call to You and You will answer them, and teach them great and unsearchable things that they know not of. Lord, we as humans tell only our best friends the things that are in the deepest parts of our hearts. This scripture is reserved for Your children that are in Your inner circle; Your closest friends. Lord, we humbly ask You to draw the students in our public schools into Your heart, and that You would teach them unsearchable things, and that through that they would come to know that they are Your dear friends. Help them to remember the things that they learn at school, but teach them more than that, the deeper things that are in You. Teach them your heart secrets. And Lord, help them to know that they can and should tell you all of the things that are in the deepest places of their hearts. Help them to learn intimacy and transparency with You, and by that show them that this is how they delight themselves in You, and that through that, You will give them the desires of their hearts. (Psalm 37:4)


Y- Yearning

Papa God, we pray that You would put a yearning in the hearts of the students of the State of Alabama, to know You more, and to follow You more closely. Help them to read Your Word regularly. Help them to discern Your still small voice, and to be obedient to follow through on what you tell them. Give them the integrity to use what You tell them wisely, and for Your Name's sake. Put a fire in their hearts that burns for the things that are important to You, especially to see the peers at their schools to come to know you as Savior and Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen


E- Encourage

Lord, I pray for the students that represent You in the public schools, that they would encourage each other. Help them to rejoice when their friend's rejoice, and to weep with their friends when they weep. Help the students to focus on whatever things that are true, whatever things that are honorable, whatever things that are just, whatever things that are pure, whatever things that are lovely, whatever things that are of good report, and if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, to dwell on these things with their Christian brothers and sisters first, but also with their peers that do not yet know Jesus personally. I pray that the unsaved students and teachers would know the Christians by their love for one another. We pray Lord, that each Christian teacher, student, administrator, and all other employees would be living Epistles read of all men. In Jesus' holy name. Amen


R- Reaching Out

Lord God, give the students in our state that attend our public schools, a holy boldness to share what You have done for them. Help the students to be wise to listen to their unsaved peers and hear their hearts' needs. When their peers are lonely, help our students to introduce Christ as a friend that sticks closer than a brother. If their peers' families are struggling financially, help our children to introduce God as Jehovah Jireh, our God who supplies all of our needs, according to His riches in glory. If they or one of their loved ones are sick, Lord please encourage our students to tell their peers about Jehovah Rophe, the God whose very character is to see His children healed and delivered. He is the God that heals not only broken bodies, but also broken hearts, broken spirits, broken emotions, and even broken relationships. If their peers need guidance, Lord have our students introduce their peers to Jehovah Rohi, who is the Lord, our Shepherd. If their friends are anxious, I pray that You our Lord, would become known as Jehovah Shalom, the God of all peace who crushes Satan under our feet. Lord, help our students reach out to their peers, and to make You their Papa with the character that fulfills all of the needs of everyone in our schools.


Lord, we approach Your throne of Your grace, and ask that thousands of students throughout Alabama would come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, from the example of and the words spoken by the Christian students, and the opportunity that First Priority presents.


S- Supplication

Lord, we beseech You to help every Christian in our public schools to pray for the administrators in their schools, as well as the leaders in their cities, our state, and our nation. We ask Lord, that You would also nudge them to pray for the counselors, teachers, aides, lunchroom workers, and custodians in their schools, and to thank them for what they do for them. Please remind the students to keep a prayer journal so that they can be reminded of all the prayers that they have prayed, and more importantly, of how faithful You have been to answer those prayers. Holy Father, Lord Adonai, please send legions of angels to war on behalf of the students and employees of our public schools, so that much ground, and many lives will be won for Your kingdom. In Jesus' holy and precious name we pray. Amen