The focus for First Priority leadership teams all over the Shelby County area is what we can do to minister to the entire community. They want to get their feet dirty with spreading the love of Christ and they have already been very creative. For example, last spring, Oak Mountain Intermediate students partnered with the ROTC program at Pelham High School and collected school supplies for a school in Afghanistan that was bombed by the Taliban. Chelsea High School students had a burden for the poor and hungry and served at Jimmie Hale Mission during the holiday season. Pelham and Oak Mountain High Schools sponsored free hot chocolate to bless students on cold mornings. Thompson High School collected money for Children's Hospital. And, Oak Mountain Middle School partnered with an area church to rebuild houses in a local community.
The most recent story is a bit more delicate. During "The Awakening" last fall, Christian clubs came together for a prayer walk around the school and the enemy hated it. On that very day a new club emerged: "The Gay and Lesbian Alliance." We knew we wanted to reach out to this club. After much prayer we decided to take the club breakfast. I have been overwhelmed with the responses from teachers who were so encouraged by our Christian students loving the Alliance members and trying to reach out and bless them. The Alliance members were very receiving of our gifts and said we were the only ones who had reached out to them.
So, my question to you is "how dirty are your feet?" We all love to go to foreign countries and make a difference, feed the hungry and collect coats etc., but there are so many other opportunities that are a bit messy but still just as piercing to God's heart. As the darker days lie ahead, we as the body of Christ have to shine brighter. Our teenagers love the challenge of dirty feet. Do you?
Debi DeBoer
First Priority Greater Birmingham
Shelby County Area Director