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First Priority Greater Birmingham - Weekly E-News
Jan. 19, 2011 
"Chasing Elephants - Wrestling with the Gray Areas of Life"
Chasing Elephants

Does this situation sound familiar? You have a situation with a teenager where you so strongly knew that a moral or social issue was black and white (wrong or right) that you put your foot down and demanded that your view be accepted as correct. The teen responds with, "The Bible doesn't say this is wrong" or "The Bible doesn't say this is right." You may suddenly realize that the Bible does not directly speak to that issue. This situation could arise from questions like- How far is too far? Is it alright to social drink? Is this music or movie ok for me?


If you have ever felt helpless to answer these types of questions with your teen, then I want to recommend a great book and event that you need to consider. My good friend Brent Crowe from Orlando, Florida has written Chasing Elephants, which I believe to be the most comprehensive and practical guide to help you and your teens "Wrestle With The Gray Areas Of Life" that are not specifically addressed in Scripture.


Crowe does not try to persuade us on what or why to believe a certain way on these issues but gives us an outline of biblically principled questions to ask that will help us and our kids know how to tackle these so called gray issues. I believe given the opportunity to thoughtfully answer these biblically principled questions, teens will be able to make the right choices on moral and behavioral issues for the rest of their lives. They will know how to believe and live for themselves.


In addition to the book, we have the opportunity to experience Chasing Elephants in person. Crowe and his Leadership Rocks Youth Conference will be in Birmingham for the very fist time March 4-5. This weekend will teach in a relevant way how to apply Chasing Elephants to our lives. Crowe and Dr. Jay Strack will speak, Rush of Fools will lead worship and perform a concert, and illusionist Drew Worsham will creatively reinforce the weekend's teachings. Make plans to be a part of this exciting and much needed event right here in our own city. I encourage you to deal with the gray areas of life and see God's truth.


Greg Davis


First Priority Greater Birmingham


Click here for more information about Leadership Rocks




  You can still get tickets for the "Establishing the Home Field Advantage" Parent Seminar!
Parent Seminar 


It's not too late to purchase tickets for the "Establishing the Home Field Advantage" Parent Seminar with Dr. Jay Strack, founder and president of Student Leadership University, this Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011, from 6-9 p.m. at Northpark Baptist Church, 5700 Deerfoot Parkway, Trussville, AL, 35173. Tune-in to 93.7 WDJC radio on Thursday during the lunch hour to hear from Dr. Jay.


Individual tickets for the seminar are $10 each. Tickets are $8 each when you purchase 50 or more. Please click on the link below to register and purchase tickets. You can also purchase tickets over the phone by calling 205.871.8886 or you may stop by our office. You don't want to miss Dr. Jay's inspiring words of encouragement and equipment. There are only 1,000 seats available for this three-hour event, so get your tickets today!


*Childcare will be available for children K5 - fifth grade. Click here to register for childcare. 




  There is still time to register for Leader's Summit 2011

If you haven't already registered for First Priority's Leader's Summit, there is still time to do so! But, hurry; the event is this Friday! Click on the link below to register. The sixth annual Leader's Summit, brought to you by First Priority and Chick-fil-A, will be held this Friday, Jan. 21, 2011, at Southeastern Bible College. The Summit will feature live music and inspirational messages geared toward highly motivated student leaders and teacher sponsors involved in First Priority campus clubs.


We hope you will plan to attend this exciting leadership training event! Register now by clicking on the link below. Hurry and register today! 


Leader's Summit
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Upcoming Events

P3 Prayer Walk:

Leadership Rocks
March 4-5, 2011 
New FP Bham Logo 
P.O. Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259-9365