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First Priority Greater Birmingham - Weekly E-News
Dec. 1, 2010 

Building 429 to visit Birmingham

Building 429

Building 429 will be visiting Birmingham on Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011, for the BBVA Compass Bowl. The band will be performing prior to game kick-off for the "Be Bold" Concert.


Click here for Building 429's bio 


Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience one of the best Christian bands in the country and a great football game in the same day!


The BBVA Compass Bowl will be held at Birmingham's historic Legion Field on Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011, at 11 a.m. The "Be Bold" pre-game concert will begin at 10 a.m. in the Fan Zone. Group combo tickets are $20 each and include admission to the concert and game. Tickets are general admission and the seats are in the North End Zone close to the field. Groups that purchase a minimum of 10 tickets by December 10th will be eligible to receive one of the following Be Bold Concert/Birmingham Bowl experiences:


1.      Your entire group to meet the band

2.      Two tickets to the Monday Morning Quarterback Club Kick-off Luncheon with Golden Flake Legend of Birmingham Bobby Bowden and Keynote Speaker Dr. Kevin Elko

3.      One sideline pass for a portion of the game


Get your tickets today by calling our office at 205.871.8886.


Click here for more information



Birmingham Bowl




  FREE Christmas Bible Study from ym360

Youth Ministry 360


youthministry360 is giving you a FREE Christmas Lesson complete with

PowerPoint. ym360 is committed to creating solid Bible Study resources

that are highly creative, and culturally relevant.


Click here for more details and for the FREE download



Victory Matching Challenge

Victory Matching ChallengeWe are pleased to inform you that some of our friends have gotten together to challenge the First Priority ministry to raise $100,000 in November and December; and they will match every penny donated! We hope you will consider giving a gift for our year-end "Victory Matching Challenge." Every gift of love, every prayer, every word of support to a Christian student, faculty sponsor or youth worker means that another student will have the opportunity to hear the life-changing Gospel of Christ!


Click here to support our victory matching challenge



FREE Workshop for your youth praise band!

Don't miss a FREE workshop for your youth praise band at Live in the Mountains. Dwayne Moore, the author of Prue Praise for Youth: A Heart-focused Study on Worship, will be leading a unique 2-hour workshop designed especially for your youth praise band. This is going to be an exciting time for your youth praise band!  


Click here for more details 



Visions of Christmas


Visions of Christmas 


Click here for more details and to register 



Stay Connected With First Priority

We want to ensure that you receive all the latest news on upcoming events as well as how God is changing lives on school campuses and throughout the community today.

Upcoming Events

P3 Prayer Walk:

Live in the Mountains!
Dec. 27 - 30, 2010  
  Mark your calendars for First Priority's Leader's Summit
Jan. 21, 2011
New FP Bham Logo 
P.O. Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259-9365