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First Priority Greater Birmingham - Weekly E-News
Oct. 5, 2010 

Great things are happening on our campuses!

This year's "See You at the Pole" far exceeds any previous year I've seen. Students all around the state seem to have a new hunger for Prayer like never before. Campus coaches and teacher sponsors in the Hueytown, Fairfield and Pleasant Grove areas are reporting that students are on fire with a new passion to see the message of Christ be shared on campus. Being in a new school, Pleasant Grove in particular has seen teens come to Christ and receive salvation. Students at Hueytown Middle School are arriving early to hear the message of Christ each week and are encouraging their friends to join First Priority.


These are some exciting times to be in ministry when you see students take the lead and make a difference. All the hard work and dedication of local youth pastors and campus sponsors is paying off in big ways and we would like to thank you. The love and message of Jesus Christ is going forth and it's a difference-maker.


James Cato

Area Director

SYATP - Great things

A local student arrived at his flagpole early on Sept. 22, 2010, because he didn't want to miss "See You at the Pole."




Destinations 2010



We still have Six Flags Tickets Available!

  Six Flags logo

If you are still planning to take a trip to Six Flags, get your tickets from First Priority and we will buy back the tickets you don't use! 
Stay Connected With First Priority

We want to ensure that you receive all the latest news on upcoming events as well as how God is changing lives on school campuses and throughout the community today.

Upcoming Events

The Awakening 2010 - Oct. 6-8
P3 Prayer Walk:

A Night with the Chapmans - Nov. 14, 2010

Live in the Mountains!
Dec. 27 - 30, 2010  

New FP Bham Logo 
P.O. Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259-9365