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First Priority Greater Birmingham - Weekly E-News
Sept. 21, 2010 

REVEAL: See You at the Pole

SYATP Reveal

Below is a prayer written by a local parent. It is a great example of how we can pray for our students as they participate in "See You at the Pole" tomorrow morning. We would like to encourage you and your community to take part in one of the largest prayer movements in our nation.

Hello Fellow Prayer Warriors for First Priority,

I ask you to pray with me the following:

Lord God, All Powerful and True,

We pray that You will meet with the students across the nation that will be meeting together at "See You at the Pole" Wednesday morning. Lord, give the students instructed tongues as to how they can pray Your heart for their schools and for their friends. Lord, we humbly ask that You move in great power on the campuses of every school in our nation during these gatherings, and show the students what is on Your heart that You want to accomplish during this school year. Breathe Your breath of life into Your faithful representatives, and hold them up in Your mighty right hand above the fray of the spiritual battle they find themselves in at their schools. Help them to see these battles from Your heavenly perspective, and go before them Jehovah Nissi, and be their Victory Banner.

We pray that You, the Lord of Hosts, will surround the public schools of this country with Your warring angels, and that we would see mighty moves of Your Spirit that will capture the hearts of your children and ignite them to do impossible works on Your behalf, El Shaddai. We praise You in advance for the fire that You will put in the hearts of the children of our country, that will cause them to be rooted and grounded in You. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created, and they will renew the face of the earth.  

We pray all of these things in the precious name of Jesus,
Joan McKinney 

  Join First Priority for its Tee Time Golf Tournament!


 Golf ad

We are excited to invite you to take part in the Tee Time Golf Tournament presented by CraneWorks, with husband and wife Doug Bell and Brenda Ladun. This year's golf tournament will be held at the breathtaking FarmLinks Golf Club in Fayetteville, AL, on Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010. We hope you will plan to take part in this year's event! You will be a blessing for First Priority and the important work it does on public school campuses all across our area.


Click here for more information and to register online


We still have Six Flags Tickets Available!

  Six Flags logo

If you are still planning to take a trip to Six Flags, get your tickets from First Priority and we will buy back the tickets you don't use!
 Click here for more information and to get your tickets today
Stay Connected With First Priority
We want to ensure that you receive all the latest news on upcoming events as well as how God is changing lives on school campuses and throughout the community today.

Upcoming Events

 P3 Prayer Walk:
See You at the Pole - Sept. 22, 2010
A Night with the Chapmans - Nov. 14, 2010
Live in the Mountains!
Dec. 27 - 30, 2010  
New FP Bham Logo 
P.O. Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259-9365