First Priority and North Jefferson Ministry Association
Campus Prayer Walk
Sunday, Aug. 8, 2010, at 3:30 p.m.

Prayer Zone Logo


There will be a prayer walk at the campuses below on Sunday, Aug. 8, 2010, at 3:30 p.m. We will meet at the front doors of each campus. There will be a Prayer Walk Guide provided by P3 Prayer Ministry to be used at each campus. We will be praying for the students, administration, teachers and support staff of each campus. We will be praying that the power of God will protect and provide for our campuses as we partner together through prayer. We hope you will come out and join us!


Prayer Zone Schools:


Fultondale High School

Gardendale High School

Tabernacle Christian School

Mortimer Jordan High School

Corner High School

Hayden High School

Bragg Middle School

North Jefferson Middle School

Bagley Junior High School

Corner Middle School

Hayden Middle School

Fultondale Elementary School

Gardendale Elementary School

Snow Rogers Elementary School

Mt. Olive Elementary School

Bryan Elementary School

Hayden Elementary School

Hayden Primary School

Warrior Elementary School


First Priority: Every Student, Every Campus, Every Community

For more information, please contact me at 205.612.9347 or contact our office at 205.871.8886. You may also e-mail me at or We look forward to seeing you there!
Donnie Rhodes
Area Director
First Priority Greater Birmingham
120 Summit Parkway, Suite 100
Birmingham, AL 35209