LeadingAge, Denver
COLLAGE will be at LeadingAge in Denver -- members will be leading presentations and exhibiting with us -- will you?Two presentations by members include:
Community-Based Care Coordination for Aging in Place, Monday, October 22, 3:30-5:00 PM: Session 9-C.Presented by Ellen O'Connor and Jeanne Read, Fairport Baptist Homes, Fairport, NY. COLLAGE: An Assessment Tool to Improve Wellness Outcomes, Monday, October 22, 3:30-5:00 PM: Session 182-C. Presented by Diana Cox, Kendal at Hanover, Hanover, NH; Diana Delgado, Eaton Senior Communities, Lakewood, CO; and, Joan Krueger, Longwood at Home, Oakmont, PA. COLLAGE will be exhibiting in booth 2130. The NEW streamlined assessment system will be demonstrated! Learn about: - The new Wellness and Core Assessments
- The assessment process -- we'll map it for you
- How organizations with multiple settings are benefiting -- what is the value-added?
- New approaches to wellness programming and service development -- based on assessment data
- Easy-to-run individual and aggregate reports and how sites are using them
- Future (bold) direction -- integrating Vitality 360 and COLLAGE -- implications for program development
Leaders of Aging Service Organizations Talk About COLLAGE, The Art & Science of Healthy Aging
Welcome to COLLAGE!
Arlene Parmelee, Carol Mortensen, Linda Lawrence, Sherry Marsh Mohini Mishra and Team Jean Grubman, Olivia Fenning, Polly Levinson, Alice Loeppert
Robyn Stone talks about COLLAGE
COLLAGE is a membership consortium of aging services organizations, including continuing care communities, moderate-income and federally subsidized housing, home care and community-based agencies using an evidence-based assessment system and person-centered process to advance healthy aging and improve outcomes of older adults living independently.