In June, 2010, the American Geriatric Society's Foundation for Health in Aging put out a top ten list of tips for aging successfully. Excerpts from the article are below.
- "Eat a rainbow....choose nutrient-rich foods like brightly colored fruits and vegetables...the more varied, the wider the range of nutrients you're likely to get."
- "Sidestep falls...walking as little as 30 minutes, three times a week can help you stay physically fit and mentally sharp, strengthen your bones, lift your spirits....get plenty of bone-healthy calcium and vitamin D daily."
- "Flatten your (virtual) opponent...conquering your adversary in a complex computer game, joining a discussion club, learning a new language, and engaging in social give-and-take with other people can all help keep your brain sharp."
- "Speak up...when you feel down or anxious. Roughly 1 in 5 older adults suffers from depression or anxiety. There are many good treatments for these problems."
- Get your shots...they're not just for kids! Must-have vaccines include those that protect against pneumonia, tetanus/diphtheria, shingles, and the flu.
To read the original article, Ten Top Tips for Aging Well From the American Geriatrics Society's Foundation for Health in Aging, click HERE.
Capturing accurate and reliable resident assessment data leads to the development of personalized healthy aging plans for individuals, and provides a way to target the right programs and services to best match healthy aging needs for a campus or community.
To show that something really works, a provider must have solid outcomes-based program measures. Without this, communities will never know whether anecdotes really represent what's going on across their entire membership.
The next free one-hour webinar, "An Introduction to COLLAGE, 2011" will be held on Thursday, December 8 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time.
To register, click HERE.
COLLAGE gives organizations the tools to partner with older people in their quest to age successfully. Through the COLLAGE assessment system, organizations have the opportunity to measure, track and improve healthy aging outcomes. Valid and reliable assessment data leads to: 1) the development of personalized healthy aging plans for individuals, and 2) a methodology to target the right programs and services to best match needs for a campus or community. This two level approach enables individuals to take charge of their own aging and allows organizations to focus aging support resources appropriately for their community.
Welcome to Our Newest COLLAGE
Consortium Members!
Meth-Wick Community
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
membership consortium of aging services organizations, including CCRCs, moderate-income and federally subsidized housing, home care and community-based agencies using a holistic, evidence-based assessment tool and person-centered process to advance healthy aging and improve outcomes of older adults living independently.
**Phone: 610.335.1283
"Data from the COLLAGE assessments validates the trends I'm seeing as we interview our residents. The data will serve as concrete evidence to show my administrator and team the need for a redistribution of resources and staffing. I'm excited to be able to develop targeted programs and resources that will best meet the needs that we've uncovered...My hat's off to you. COLLAGE is an incredible product with a dedicated team of professionals supporting it."
--Kathryn Kelly, Wellness Coach, Orchard Cove, Canton, MA

"Our acute care statistics speak for themselves: since utilizing COLLAGE, across two years, hospitalizations dropped from 173 to 137; pain as a reason for hospital admission dropped from 11 to 4. This is very significant."
--Karri Sears, Director of Wellness Alexian Village of Milwaukee, WI