| "I felt so free when I was done with my conversation - it was as if everything was laid out on the table and I had someone there willing to help me with things of concern. I left there feeling so free and unburdened. It was a great experience. Everyone should do it." |
A 15-person panel of experts has released a 10-page updated set of fall prevention guidelines, Summary of the Updated American Geriatrics Society/British Geriatrics Society Clinical Practice Guideline for Prevention of Falls in Older Persons. The publication updates the earlier guideline by evaluating evidence and analyses that have become available since 2001 and by providing revised recommendations based on these evaluations.
The updated guidelines are based upon observations by doctors and health professionals and focus on prevention strategies to minimize risk. The program focuses more effort on assessments of the elderly and intervention strategies designed to modify environments and behaviors in order to lessen the chances of a fall happening.
A four-page Summary of Recommendations is also available here. |
We want to welcome the following organizations to the COLLAGE membership consortium:
- Longwood at Oakmont, Presbyterian SeniorCare, Oakmonth, PA
- Moorings Park, Naples, FL
- Meadowlark Hill, Manhattan, KS
- Neighborhood Interfaith Movement, Philadelphia, PA
- Center Communities of Brookline, Brookline, MA
We're delighted to be working collaboratively with you! |
Questions about COLLAGE? Our contact information is below.
Neil Beresin
COLLAGE, The Art & Science of Healthy Aging
Quick Notes
Longwood at Oakmont, a Presbyterian SeniorCare community, joins COLLAGE Consortium
Moorings Park, Naples, Florida, joins COLLAGE Consortium
Meadowlark Hills, Manhattan, Kansas, joins
COLLAGE Consortium
Neighborhood Interfaith Movement, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, joins COLLAGE Consortium
Center Communities of
Brookline, Brookline, Massachusetts, Launches COLLAGE
Free One-hour Introductory Webinar for Prospective
COLLAGE Members:
Thursday, 2/15, 2pm, EST
COLLAGE, The Art & Science of Healthy Aging
A membership consortium of aging services organizations, including CCRCs, moderate and subsidized housing, and home care agencies using a holistic, evidence-based assessment tool and person-centered process to advance healthy aging and improve outcomes of older adults living independently.
Contact COLLAGE:
