| "It's a critical milestone for the COLLAGE product. The intuitive nature of the software combined with the exceptional reporting capabilities are truly innovative in our field, and our members are ecstatic with what they will be able to achieve now." |
Kennett Square, PA -- COLLAGE, the Art & Science of Healthy Aging (collageaging.org), a memberhip consortium of aging services organizations (including CCRCs, moderate-income and subsidized housing, and home care agencies) using an evidence-based assessment tool and person-centered process to advance healthy aging and improve outcomes of older adults living independently, has announced that the new Web-based assessment tool is now available to current and prospective members.
COLLAGE was created in 2005 as a joint venture between Kendal Outreach, LLC, a not-for-profit subsidiary of The Kendal Corporation, and the Institute for Aging Research at Hebrew SeniorLife, a not-for-profit organization affiliated with Harvard Medical School.
"Now that the new Web-based product is available we're hearing from our members that this is a real turning point for them and their ability to measure healthy aging outcomes," says Beryl Goldman, PhD, RN, NHA, Director for Kendal Outreach. "It's a critical milestone for the COLLAGE product. The intuitive nature of the software combined with the exceptional reporting capabilities are truly innovative in our field, and our members are ecstatic with what they will be able to achieve now." |
| "I felt so free when I was done with my conversation - it was as if everything was laid out on the table and I had someone there willing to help me with things of concern. I left there feeling so free and unburdened. It was a great experience. Everyone should do it." | Through the COLLAGE assessment tools, organizations have the opportunity to measure, track and improve healthy aging outcomes for individuals and their community of residents. Using good resident assessment information helps guide the development of highly personalized individual healthy aging plans as well as target aggregate health and wellness programs to match the changing needs of older adults living independently.
The Center for Information Management, Inc. (CIM; ciminc.com), an Ann Arbor, MI-based company developed the new Web-based tool, a second-generation software package. CIM will provide customized Web software, data hosting, and support services for all COLLAGE consortia members across the country. The new platform will allow COLLAGE to better meet unmet demand for its services and expand its membership from the current 65 sites to over 400 sites in the next five years. |
"The partnership with COLLAGE is an ideal match for us" says Douglas Zimmer, President of CIM, Inc., "because it will allow us to work with true innovators in this field and to build systems that leverage information to improve the lives of countless older adults. The people-centered mission and quality standards of COLLAGE align precisely with those of CIM."
In business since 1980, CIM provides both hosted systems and custom software services, with a specialization in meeting the unique needs of aging service providers. CIM has customers in Michigan and other states. |
COLLAGE, The Art & Science of Healthy Aging
A membership consortium of aging services organizations, including CCRCs, moderate and subsidized housing, and home care agencies using an evidence-based assessment tool and person-centered process to advance healthy aging and improve outcomes of older adults living independently.
Contact Us:
nberesin@collageaging.org 610.335.1283
