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Greetings Colleagues,
Here are some tips and questions posed to get you started down the road to using your COLLAGE data. Using data to make good decisions about new programs and services is a cornerstone of COLLAGE. Parentheses placed at the end of each tip represents the estimated time to complete. (If it's your first time, a little longer may be required.)
1) Look at your community's aggregate report on Clinical Assessment Protocols or CAPs. Order by highest to lowest percentage and choose your top five to ten, depending on your interest. (Takes 20 seconds -- if you need help doing this we'll be happy to show you how. We also have a step-by-step guide that we'd be pleased to email to you, upon request.) Graph the results using one of the bar or pie charts available. Print each one and be sure to save to a file as a pdf and print each one (5 to 10 ten minutes). Repeat this process on a monthly basis and note any changes 
2) Repeat #1 above for diseases and medications (10 minutes). Once completed, some questions to get you started thinking about the reports, if you haven't already:
  • RE the disease report, are there any surprises on the list (2 minutes)? Discuss with your team, as applicable, which diseases and accompanying challenges may be most amenable to interventions, education, new services or programs? For instance, osteoporosis and some of the self-imposed limitations and/or pain that may come with it (3 minutes);
  • Re the medication report, do any of the medications appear to be over prescribed? Also, which medications have some pretty hefty side affects - ones that might impact safety, for example? Could there be an better choice alternative (10 minutes)?;
  • Drill down on medications to the list of residents that take the medication - it will help you target specific residents for resources, education or an alternative follow-up plan (2 minutes).
3) Is there data that you're not getting that could be helpful? For instance, the percentage of residents:
  • who report an unsteady gate or feeling dizzy
  • who report feeling sad or depressed  
  • with minimally, moderately or severely impaired memory/daily decision making (from the Cognitive Performance Scale)
  • experiencing occasional or frequent episodes of incontinence
  • with at least one fall in last 90 days
  • with mild, moderate or severe pain that is not adequately controlled 
  • who have indicated total exercise/physical activity level in last three days is less than one hour
  • who have not had a colonoscopy in the last 5 years
  • who have not had a mammogram in the last year
  • who had at least one ER visit or one overnight hospital stay in last 90 days
  • who report moderate or severe fatigue
  • who rate their health as fair or poor
  • who have challenges managing medications

Wouldn't it be worthwhile to know whether the percentage of residents in any of the above areas went up or down when comparing the current assessment to the previous assessment? (I.e., over time, are we improving or not in any of several areas?) It's your feedback loop to whether the interventions, programs and resources that are in place are working and viable.

4) If you answer "yes" to the above, consider forwarding a request to COLLAGE to help you get this type of data. You may also want to drill down to the specific residents this situation exists for so you know who you would want to invite to participate in a new program or service initiative. (We're working hard behind the scenes to make the data retrieval process for the future easier to do on your own, rest assured.) 
It's exciting and gratifying to see members pushing the envelop on reports. If you haven't yet, we encourage you to take the next step and look at your data critically and with an eye towards developing new healthy aging initiatives or redesigning existing ones.
Take care,
Neil Beresin
COLLAGE, The Art and Science of Healthy Aging
COLLAGE provides an integrated health and wellness assessment information tool to advance healthy aging and improve outcomes. Go to our new website -- -- to learn about membership, features, benefits and demonstrations.