eBay WWII Hot Finds Newsletter
  AUGUST 16, 2012
USA Hot Finds
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WWII Hot Finds
I have a fully loaded issue of the WWII Hot Finds for you today. There are some great picks (as usual!) in today's issue featuring many American, German, and other international items.  All of these auctions were hand picked and have bids.
USA Auctions Going To The Highest Bidder

I actually lost a really nice Hamilton watch at the gym a few years ago and since it was a present for my wife she has not let me live that one down yet.  There are some great wrist watches listed here but I think I'll stick with my Timex for everyday wear.


 militarywatch shoulderpatch flightjacket wristwatch  
German Auctions In WWII - The Clock Ticks
I usually try and pick auctions that are in the last half of their life on eBay.  Since most of these are seven day auctions that means they are now starting to heat up.


 germndress uboatbinoculars germancross grandgermancross     

WWII Auctions From Around the Globe
There are some neat picks in this final block of the Hot Finds.  Many of the pieces are either from Russia or Japan as these are among the larger subcategories in WWII on eBay.


 officershoulderpatch goldenkitemedal fightingknife japanesehelmet            

As the calendar winds down my family has about ten days until school starts back up.  I think its been a good summer and I'm perfectly happy for it to end - especially for these kiddos to get out of the house and back to class.  My son is going to a 3-day week preschool so he and I will still have plenty of daddy-son time.  I hope you have also had a great summer and are ready for it to cool off.

Happy Hunting,
Jason Spangler, Santeeswapper