eBay WWII Hot Finds Newsletter
  JULY 12, 2012
USA Hot Finds
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WWII Hot Finds
The Hot Finds is back today with a fully loaded issue dedicated to the best live auctions on eBay.  I try and save you time (a precious commodity!) by spending hours searching the WWII category for the best listings and then giving you a one-click link to see how they are doing.  Try out today's picks and see if you agree that they are deserving of nomination as a top pick.
High Rolling United States Auctions in WWII
Its easy to go through and and find good auctions to recommend in the USA category with thousands and thousands of auctions to choose from.  Then again maybe that's why so many collectors like this newsletter because it cuts through the trees to find the hidden gems.

Bale Helmet Air Force Cross Woman Uniform
German Top Picks Live & Ending Soon
I think German collectors would agree that many of these auctions are on the watch list of many eBay buyers.  The variety of items found here is by design and I hope you enjoy checking them out.
Prisoner Uniform Holster Sniper Scope Telescope
Top Picks From Other Categories
There are many more subcategories in WWII that deserve a mention and I try and cover them in this last block of links.
Soviet Banner Chinese Grip Bayonet ribbon bars cotton shirt
I am looking for some guest bloggers to help me put fresh content up on my blog site.  If you have some expertise in an area of military collecting and would be interested in writing a short article or telling us about your collection please write me back.  I'd like to develop a group of contributors that would help the site at WWIIHotFinds.com become a place to share knowledge.  All you would need to do is type something up in Word and send it to me.  All credit will go to the author of course.

Happy Hunting,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC
