eBay WWII Hot Finds Newsletter
FEBRUARY 20, 2012
USA Hot Finds
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If you have a minute between your second cup of coffee and starting your morning's work I hope you'll take a few to click through to see some great auctions in the WWII category of eBay that I've dug up.
Big USA Auctions Ending Soon in WWII
One look at these uniforms and other great American items and you know its going to be a good week on eBay for military collectors.  
Great WWII Auctions Getting Big Bids
There are so many neat listings in the USA subcategory of eBay WWII that I can devote an entire issue to them.  Everything in this email is a live auction that has received bids and therefore is going to sell.
In case you didn't click on last weeks Top 10 post you can do it here.  Each week I try and go back and take a good look at closed listings in the category and use those for blog post ideas.  I should be cranking out some new ones this week so make sure to check back in.

Happy Hunting,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC