eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Weekend Rewind
  October 30. 2011
This has been a big week for the Scouting Hot Finds with rolling out a podcast and youtube video series.  However, the core project will always remain bringing you the best live auctions on eBay and today that means another great issue of the newsletter filled with listings that have less than 48 hours before they close. Click on today's top picks to see the best. 
Vintage Scouting Memorabilia On Top
If you are in the market for a really classic Scoutmaster patch then there are three separate listings in today's issue that you can choose from.  One of the more unusual pieces of old insignia that I found was some veteran patches on Sea Scout blue.
http://www.santeeswapperstore.com/servlet/the-7554/OA-Lodge-468-Oo/Detail Sterling Eagle Scout Ring and other Scout PinsVeterian XV 15 year patch Sea Scout BlueScoutmaster patch        
Order of the Arrow Patches & Lots
You have to wonder sometimes how many sashes are there that were signed by E. Urner Goodman?  Well if the laws of supply and demand must be believed then not enough because today there is another one getting good bids - although its got some bonus items helping the bottom line also.
http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5574774297&toolid=10001&campid=5336198517&customid=Oct30&icep_item=160670417772&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lgso aka gha gwaBOY SCOUT PATCHES HUGE NOAC LOT SHIRTS BIO AND MORE MINT NOAC           
No Drop Off Here - More Beauties!
I love when a Sunday is so active in the Boy Scout category that I can fill a second block with really vintage auctions.  I don't think any of these listings will disappoint if you like the old stuff as much as I do.
Mixing The Old & The New
While 95% of this issue is vintage I do have to remember to leave a little bit of room for the new stuff that is getting lots of bids and deserves a piece of the spotlight.  How about that 1930s uniform - too bad it doesn't have some old patches on it.
If you checked out some of my multimedia offerings this week then why not listen to a brand new one I posted Friday afternoon.  October 28 Podcast(click here)  I am going to try and do a quick podcast for every issue of the Hot Finds that gives me some airtime to do commentary and when I build up to it even have live guests on the show.  The trick is that since these are recorded and published the same day that you get the newsletter but not until the afternoon you need to either check the Facebook Page or use the RSS button to sign up for the feed.  Another way is to subscribe to my channel on BlogTalkRadio so that you can get all the updates.  Some of the feedback I've received so far has been very helpful and I am very interested to hear your opinions.  


Yours in Scouting,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC
OA Hot Finds
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