
August 22, 2012

2012 Ontario Summer Games
hosted by ABYC 
                                                                                                                                                                          Photo - BCaron    

Close action for these young sailors on Day 2 of the 2012 Ontario Summer Games  
In This Issue
Upcoming ABYC Events
Cruise to Bluffer's Park Yacht Club
Bridge to Hamilton Bay having problems
Crane Haulout 2012
S2S Delivery Problems
Scenes from Ontario Summer Games
Race Committee
Hansen Trophy Regatta
LOSHRS results
Nigel Cochrane, Olympic Sailor & Coach
Racing Outside ABYC

Upcoming ABYC Events

Friday - Fine Dining 





  25  Saturday - Cruise to & from Bluffers Park Yacht Club   



  Tuesday Evening:  Series C (July 10 - September 4)

  Wednesday Evening:  Dinghy Series 2 (July 18 - September 5) 

  Thursday Evening:  Series D (July 12 - September 6)



Friday - Fine Dining 






  01  Saturday - Cruise to & from Macassa Bay Yacht Club    

  01  Saturday - Cruise to Toronto Islands   

  15  Saturday - Cruise to & from Whitby Yacht Club

  22  Saturday - Cruise to Royal Canadian Yacht Club    



  Tuesday Evening:  Series C (July 10 - September 4)

  Wednesday Evening:  Dinghy Series 2 (July 18 - September 5) 

  Thursday Evening:  Series D (July 12 - September 6)


  10  Monday - Protest Night #4

  15  Saturday - Vertigon/Whiplash Challenge Race

  22  Saturday - Donald Summerville Memorial (ABYC Host) 

  29  Saturday - Archie Walker Race 

Cruise to Bluffers Park Yacht Club 
August 25th - 26th 
- from Ron Boudah

"Howdy Pardners.  C'mon out To Bluffers Park for Buffalo Boudah's Wild West Round Up and Chili Cookout.  Featuring hot, mild and veggie with all the fixin's . Be sure to bring your cowboy hats and partake in our mini rodeo and Texas hold em poker game."

Bridge to Hamilton Bay having problems
- from Bruce Hannah

For cruising members planning on attending the long weekend cruise to Macassa YC - the bridge to Hamilton Bay is defective and only rises every hour instead of every half hour and it will not lift for one sailboat given that the process is now very slow.  Our cruisers may have a longish wait unless they arrive at the bridge as a fleet.

Crane Haulout 2012
- from Anthony Mirvish, Crane Committee Chair

The planning for this year's haulout has started.  Unlike last year, the entire crane haulout will take place over a single weekend on the dates in the events book (October 19-21).  I expect that more boats will be moved by hydraulic trailer this year than last, with likely one additonal way being taken in the railyard for this purpose (now that the docks are built, the railway gets some space back). 

Space will be tight, so any boat brought into the fleet after September 7 will not be hauled by crane this year.  The only exception to this policy will be for existing members who bring in a new boat of similar dimensions (length, beam, draft and displacement) to their current boat. 


Any member who is not planning to haul and store with us this year should notify the club office and the crane committee chairman of this as soon as possible.

S2S delivery problems continue

Delivery problems surfaced again last week when many of our readers did not receive their copy of Ship To Shore.  These were all people who have email accounts with smaller Internet Service Providers.  If you did not receive your copy last week and still want to read it, you can notify us and we will be happy to send you a copy.

Alternative sites to access Ship To Shore:
If you do not receive an edition of S2S, you can simply go to the ABYC website, [Member Area], [Ship To Shore Archives] where you will find the weekly S2S for the last 12 months.  You can also find a weekly link to S2S at: ShiptoShore Editors Facebook page

S2S Editors

Scenes from the Ontario Summer Games

                                                                                                                                                                          Photos - BCaron

Final results of the Ontario Summer Games Sailing competition can be found at:

Race Committee
- from Calum Semple

Last Push for Major Events - Race Committee and Mark Boat
We have two events at other clubs EYC (August 25-26) and QCYC (Sept 8) and WE NEED HELP for both please! 

So if you have volunteer hours left to use up, this is great chance, or if you just want a day or a weekend out on the water, please volunteer.


Come join us September 9th for the 48th running of the ABYC's Hansen Regatta.  Sailed annually, the Hansen is a one day event open to ABYC club members with the objective of having as much fun as possible.


The skippers' meeting is at 1100 hrs the day of the event.  Racing starts immediately thereafter with the goal of sailing anywhere between 3 and 5 races to determine the winner.  


The event is open to Lasers and Laser Radials, the skill level ranges from beginner to advanced, from juniors to old timers with one goal in mind  


- to have as much fun as possible!!!!!


Even if you don't have your own boat you still may be able to compete, chartering of club Lasers is available on a first come basis.  There is talk of some special guests showing up this year so you don't want to miss this very special event.


For more information please contact Kevin Armstrong by email at


Lake Ontario Short Handed Race Series

The latest LOSHRS event was the 100 mile race last weekend.  Four ABYC boats participated with the following results:

Crime Scene - 2nd. in DH FS1
Umi Taka - 3rd. in DH FS 3
Lively - 2nd. in DH WS 1
Latis - 5th in DH WS 3

For the full results of the race go to:  Results of LOSHRS 100 Mile Race

Nigel Cochrane, Olympic Sailor, Coach 
(and former ABYC Junior Sailor)
- from Barbara Jones

This is the third of three articles incorporating excerpts of an interview with Olympian and now Olympic Coach, Nigel Cochrane.  If you were on vacation the past several weeks, check your in-box for the earlier articles and photos in Ship to Shore.  Nigel grew up sailing at ABYC, winning championships with in Canada and internationally.  He competed in the Seoul and Barcelona games (Men's 470) and won several Goodwill Games medals.


Though busy with the 470s crew daily Olympic schedule, coach Nigel generously sent along his thoughts while racing was underway at Weymouth.  

What is a 'day in the life' like for the sailors/coaches at the 2012 Olympics?

We are staying here at the Athletes' village and it is just great to see everyone in their country uniforms every day.  It really makes you feel you are somewhere special.  Everyone is very friendly and we all get to catch up and meet all together at the dining hall.  The food at every Olympics is different and unique. They do their best to make food for every culture but always make it with their own so it is quite funny every Games to see what they come up with.  The food here definitely has an English flare to it!


After [breakfast] we head over to the Venue which is about a 10min. walk.  The security is overwhelming.  They have fully armoured police everywhere ready to pull the trigger at a moment's notice.  Once you pass through security and get to the boat park everyone is doing their best to try and make it just like a regular regatta but failing miserably.  


I go to the coaches container for a morning briefing.  We have two containers for the Canadian team that we use for meetings, gear etc.  I then prep my team with any tactical or current info I want to go over before they launch and their brains are not too focused.  Once we launch we try and stay race ready and sail hard down to the race course which takes around 30 min.  We use this as a warm up and it helps us get used to the wave patterns and wind shifts.  We tune up wind with a tuning partner, usually Chile or Ireland.  After that we get to the start line and prep for our start.  We have a set routine that we roll through prior to our first race every day.




Do you have any additional 'shout outs' for the ABYC membership?


Thanks so much for the chance to share my thoughts with you.  It has been a great pleasure to re-connect with ABYC and give me the opportunity to thank all the membership of my generation that supported and pushed me to such a high international level.  I never would have been able to accomplish what I did without the help of ABYC.  


Roger Renaud, Sven Petersen and the other sailors of their generation were huge fans and would always cheer me on and encourage me every time we were at the club together.  I felt I was the product of a real team effort and I had the whole club behind me.  The fundraising parties we had at the club were epic and raised so much money for me.  I would really like to thank all the people who showed up to those parties and a special thank you to the ones bidding on the bottle of Dom P�rignon!!!  That was so much fun and it just showed the energy the club had in its support of my sailing. 


I want to encourage all the young sailors at the club today to really cherish the opportunity that they have in front of them and let them know that if they work hard the club will support them and get behind them and there is no limit what they can accomplish in our sport.  It has given me the opportunity to travel the world and meet so many great people.


Who will be ABYC's next international champion? 


Follow Nigel on Twitter at @NigelCoach


Sailboat 01Racing Outside ABYC


August 25 - EYC Level & Open Regatta

August 28 - Sept. 1 - Youth Nationals (Lasers & 29ers) 

September 08 - QCYC Open Regatta

September 08 - Cornish Hen - RHYC (Lasers & 29ers) 

September 15 - LOSHRS PCYC to Dalhousie

September 16 - LOSHRS Dalhousie to PCYC

September 22 - Fall CORK (Lasers & 29ers) 

September 22 - Donald Summerville Memorial Race - ABYC

September 30 - Boswell Trophy Race


          Current Weather at ABYC >>  
   ABYC Website       |      Lake Ontario Cruising Club Association      |     ABYC Facebook Page
Summer Hours Of Operation




Gas Dock


  4:00pm -    9:00pm  

  4:00pm  -  8:00pm 

9:00am  -  5:00pm  


    NOON  -  11:00pm  

    NOON  - 10:00pm  

9:00am  -  6:30pm  


    NOON  -  11:00pm

    NOON  - 10:00pm

9:00am  -  5:00pm  


    NOON  -  11:00pm

    NOON  - 10:00pm

9:00am  -  6:30pm  


    NOON  -  11:00pm

    NOON  - 10:00pm

9:00am  -  7:00pm  


11:00am  -  10:00pm

  8:00am  -   9:00pm

9:00am  -  6:00pm  

Sunday & Holidays

11:00am  -    8:00pm

  9:00am  -   7:00pm

 9:00am  -  5:00pm   

ABYC Office Hours:  8:30am - 5:00pm (Monday - Friday) 
For Dining Room Reservations call 416-698-4498 Ext 222 or email  
  Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club
30 Ashbridge's Bay Park Road, Toronto, Ontario M4L 3W6 
Tel. 416-698-4498    Fax 416-698-5760    Email
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Submitting Articles for Ship To Shore   
- Ship To Shore is scheduled to go out at Noon (1200 hr.) on Wednesday of each week.  

- The deadline for submitting an article is Noon (1200 hr.) on Tuesday(Articles run for a maximum of 2 weeks)

- Send Articles to and mark "For Ship To Shore" OR "For S2S".
- Questions and comments regarding Ship To Shore should be sent to

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