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Universal Design Book Talk
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Brain Fitness Activity of the Month
Exercise Your Peripheral Vision
Sit in a place outside your house, such as on a park bench or in a café. Stare straight ahead and don't move your eyes.Concentrate on everything you can see without moving your eyes, including in your peripheral vision. When you have finished, write a list of everything you saw. Then try again and see if you can add to your list. Why: Scientists have shown that the neurotrans-mitter acetylcholine, which is crucial to focus and memory, falls off with memory loss and is almost absent in Alzheimer's patients. This activity should help you reinvigorate the controlled release of acetylcholine in your brain through a useful visual memory task.
March Bus Trips
Call the office at 858-792-7565 to sign up.  $5 suggested donation per trip.

Photo of American Flag

Fri, 3/5 Whale Watching, 12 noon - 6 pm - Detect & listen to whale & dolphin sounds in real time using state-of-the-art research equipment from Scripps. Get a close-up look & learn about gray whale baleen, barnacles & prey items from aquarium naturalists during the cruise. Bring your lunch & eat on board (no coolers, alcohol or glass containers allowed.) Wear warm clothing & bring binoculars. $30 per person (includes cruise & bus donation) payable in advance by Monday, March 1.
Tues, 3/16 Museum of Contemporary Art La Jolla, 11-3 -
The Classic Contemporary art of Lichtenstein, Warhol & Friends on exhibit at the La Jolla MOCA. $10 includes admission & the DMCC bus donation.   
Thurs, 3/18 Gallery Night on Cedros 6-8 pm  Third Thursday Gallery Night on Cedros will feature the Ordover Gallery exhibition of "Hope & Tragedy: Contem-porary Paintings by Saphire." The artist's work includes complex visual, spatial & emotional relation-ships between abstract forms. $5 bus donation.
Mon,3/29 Shopping trip to Target, Encinitas 10 - 1 pm  There are  many other stores to visit in Stagecoach Plaza, too!
Tues, 3/30 10:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Patrician Cognitive Skill Building Talk, Lunch & Tour at The Patrician, La Jolla.
Lunch Around the Village

picture of found bird

Monday, March 1
11:30 - 1 pm
L'Auberge - $15 includes lunch & tip
Treat yourself with a fabulous meal and a giggle with good friends! Join us for another fun lunch event with DMCC's Care Manager Darcy Mulholland!    $15 includes  lunch and tip.  Reservations
are full; waitlist RSVPs only: 858-792-7565 
Lunch Around the Village is funded in part by Emeritus at Carmel Valley.

Let Us Help You

Lost Pets
Did you know DMCC can help reunite lost and found pets with their owners?  If you, a friend or neighbor has lost their pet - or found one - call or email DMCC with the information and we'll craft an Alert for email distribution ASAP. If you can provide a photo of the pet, that's even better! 858-792-7565 or

Singing Therapy
Helps Stroke
Patients Regain
Doctors at Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical
Center in Boston,
Massachusetts, are
treating stroke patients who have little or no spontaneous speech by associating melodies with words and phrases. 

Del Mar Community Connections is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation providing resources to age in place....because there's no place like home.

yellow house

Coffee & Conversations
Corinne and Barry SmedleyKeeping Fit as We Age
with Mitch McIntyre
Learn techniques to appropriately challenge your body at any age, anywhere.  Refreshments immediately following.  The Gym at Del Mar,  2010 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Suite 11.  Please RSVP to DMCC by Weds., March 3.  858-792-7565 or email              
Monday, March 8          
10:30 am to 12:30 pm
In-Home Care 101 - Tips About Hiring Caregivers
Tuesday, March 23
1:30 to 3:30 pm
City Hall Annex, 235 11th St 
Whether it's you or someone you love who needs extra assistance in the home, this presentation will provide you with the important questions you need to ask and everything you need to know about hiring caregivers. Scott Samuels, owner of ComForCare Senior Services North County San Diego, will share a wealth of experience on hiring and keeping the best. Please RSVP by Thursday, March 18.
Note:  An evening presentation will be offered in the future for those who work and want this information.  A similar talk will follow in April about Assisted Living Options.
What Is Universal Design?
A Book Talk with Author Barbara Krueger 
Come and hear author Barbara Krueger, a local resident for more than 20 years, present a talk on her new book Universal Design:  A Step-By-Step Guide to Modifying Your Home For Comfortable Accessible Living.  The book is a pictorial how-to that addresses ways to modify your home to make everyday living easier as advancing age, or physically or mentally limiting diseases affect your agility, balance, vision and/or recall.  Please RSVP by Thursday, March 18.
Monday, March 22
5:30 to 7 pm
Powerhouse Community Center
1658 Coast Blvd. 
DMCC Guest Bartender Night
At Sbiccas
215 15th St
Wednesday, March 24
5 to 8 pm 
It was such great fun the first time around, we're returning!  Stop in for a tasty bite and refreshing cocktail poured by a DMCC Board Member.  All proceeds will benefit DMCC programs.

Regular Activities

Unless noted otherwise, call DMCC at 858-792-7565
for more information on any of the following
activities.  Donations are always welcome.
Computer Tutoring for Seniors
9 -11:30 a.m.  
Free!  Whether you are new to computing or just want to
brush up on your skills, please drop by!  In Partnership
with Casa di Amistad and the Solana Beach Senior
Center, DMCC offers computer tutoring plus use of Web Adapt technology for those with vision challenges.  120 Stevens Ave., SB, Computer Lab, Room 108.
Tai Chi by the Sea
10:30  - 11:30 a.m.  
Improve your physical and mental balance, coordination
and fitness next to the soothing ocean waves.  Powerhouse Community Center.  Register by phone 760-753-7073 or online at
www.sdadulted.comFee:  $48.

Warm  Water Aerobics Class for Del Mar Seniors
12 Noon to 1 p.m.
Noonan Family Swim School, Jimmy Durante Blvd.  Fee:  $6/class or $30 for 6 classes.  Register in class.
Senior Fitness Classes by San Dieguito Adult Ed
T/Th - 8, 9 or 10 a.m. (10 am class is Low Impact
Chair Fitness)
Sessions held at the Powerhouse Community Center.  Register by phone 760-753-7073 ext. 3 or online at
www.sdadulted.comFee:  $29. 
Brain Fitness Computer Program
T/W/Th 1-2:30 p.m. and 3-4:30 p.m.
A 40-hour computer-based program developed by Posit Science scientifically proven to improve memory, speed up thinking and sharpen focus. No previous computer experience is required. Participants must commit to complete the full 40-hour program. The DMCC Brain Fitness Program is funded by a grant from the office of San Diego County Supervisor Pam Slater-Price and is offered in partnership with The Gym in Del Mar in the Kids Klub Room.  Call DMCC office to be placed on the waiting list. Your brain will thank you! 
Seasoned Readers Book Club - March 30 - 2 p.m.
Meets the last Tuesday of every month at the Del Mar
Library to discuss the selected book. This month's
selection:  A Voyage Long & Strange by Tony Horwitz.  Contact Joanne Sharp to sign up at 858-755-0555, or email

Singing Together
March 9, 3 - 4:30 p.m.
Chisari residence, 1010 Crest Road.  Come and sing or
just listen to an afternoon of joyful music to piano accompaniment.  No reservations required; newcomers always welcome.

Grocery Shopping Shuttle Bus
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

DMCC shuttle bus provides pick-up at City of Del Mar residents' homes and takes them alternately to either
Henry's in Solana Beach or Trader Joe's in Encinitas. 
Our bus hosts assist riders loading and unloading their purchases.  Suggested donation:  $5.  Call DMCC 24 hours in advance to arrange pick up.    
Mah Jongg Games
10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Free!  No partner necessary.  Upstairs in the Powerhouse Community Center.  We're always looking for new players!  For more information, call June Strasberg 858-755-4680.
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Free!  No partner necessary.  Downstairs in the
Powerhouse Community Center.  For more information, call DMCC office.
Brain Fitness Computer Program
T/W/Th 1-2:30 p.m. and 3-4:30 p.m.

See Tuesday description for details
Senior Fitness Classes by San Dieguito Adult Ed
T/Th - 8, 9 or 10 a.m.  
See Tuesday description for details
Grocery Shopping Shuttle Bus
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
DMCC shuttle bus provides pick-up at City of Del Mar residents' homes and takes them to Vons on Mango and Ralph's Shopping Center in DM Highlands.  Our bus hosts assist riders loading and unloading their purchase.  Suggested donation $5.  Call DMCC 24 hours in
advance to arrange pick up.   
Brain Fitness Computer Program
T/W/Th 1-2:30 p.m. and 3-4:30 p.m.

See Tuesday description for details 
Knit and Stitch - March 4, (First Thursday of each month) 3 - 4:30 p.m.
Free!  Bring your own project and share an idea.  At the
Del Mar City Library.  For details, call Regina Horner at
Silver Age Yoga for Seniors
10 - 11 a.m.
With chairs or on the floor.  Chairs provided; bring your own yoga mat for floor work.  Teacher trained and
certified by Silver Age Yoga.  At St. Peter's Parish Hall. 
Senior Legal Services - March  26, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Free!  For seniors 60 and older in the 92014 zip code
area.  Attorney provides advanced healthcare directive, power of attorney, wills, referrals and more.  Must call
DMCC office for an appointment and to confirm date.
Save These Dates!
Tuesday, April 13 - A special DMCC Tenth Anniversary Event!  Dr. Michael Merzenich, creator of our Posit Science Brain Fitness Program, will be in Del Mar to speak.  Don't miss this opportunity to meet one of the world's leading pioneers in brain plasticity research.
Saturday, May 22 - Second Annual Jerry Finnell Memorial Walk starts with a pancake breakfast at the Firehouse and guided lagoon tour!  Memorial ribbons as remembrances for loved ones will be made during the breakfast for a community wreath.
Watch the DMCC website - - as these events develop!
Would You Like to Make a Difference in Someone's Life This Year?
Volunteers Needed
Help us get the New Year off with a rousing start by giving a tiny amount of your time to help with the DMCC programs that mean so much to our seniors.
1. TGIF duty, or "Friday-lite": Give two hours on a Friday to staff the lively DMCC office. Friendly personalities need apply.
2. Black-tie unnecessary: Serve as Bus Host for four hours the second Thursday of the month on the DMCC bus. Help seniors with shopping, assist bus driver. Cheerful, patient personalities need apply.  We also need regular bus hosts to supervise special bus excursions;  these hosts get into museums, plays and concerts for free!
3. Party-time, pre: Volunteers needed to set-up for Coffee and Conversation events, one hour the second Monday of each month. Punctual personalities need apply.
4. Party-time, post:  Volunteers to help clean-up after the Coffee and Conversations events the second Monday of each month for one hour. Organized personalities need apply.
If any of these jobs peak your interest, please call our Volunteer Coordinator, Beth Levine, at (858) 481-2749 for more information.
Online Community of Care 
CaringBridge provides free websites that connect family and friends during a serious health event, care and recovery.  It saves time and energy by centralizing communication and easing the burden of updating everyone during a health event. 
Each site is unique - authors add health updates and photos to share their story while visitors leave messages in the guestbook, creating a network of support for the patient.
DMCC computer tutors can help you learn how to use the website at our weekly Computer Tutor for Seniors classes.  See Monday in our "Regular Activities" section above.