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September, 2011 
Alumni Weekend Banner
Alumni Weekend is Almost Here!


You are warmly invited to a fun-filled feast of activities to help celebrate the Boalt community's many accomplishments during Alumni Weekend. A conversation with Dean Edley and newly minted California Supreme Court Justice Goodwin Liu kicks off the weekend events on Friday, September 30, and the agenda includes a special 50th anniversary Citation Award Dinner that evening. We encourage you to participate in the weekend events and help launch Boalt's centennial year-which will look forward to our next 100 years.


Weekend honorees include Citation Award winners Pat Herron '64 and Jess Jackson '55, Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award winner Kathleen Vanden Heuvel '86, Young Alumnus Award winner Mitch Zuklie '96, and Professor Richard Buxbaum '53, who will be recognized for 50 years of teaching at Boalt. The D. Lowell and Barbara Jensen Public Service Award will be presented to Penny Cooper '64 on Saturday. Some of the special events include a Golden Circle Brunch for classes of 1960 and earlier, a bevy of compelling panels and presentations, tours to see the sparkling new South Addition and other renovations, and class dinners for reunion classes ending in 1 or 6.  


Register here for Alumni Day and Reunion Dinners.
Register here for the Citation Award Dinner


Auctions Kick off Centennial Year


Boalt is excitedly preparing to conduct its first-ever silent and live auctions, which will kick off its centennial year as part of the Citation Award Dinner on Friday, September 30. Proceeds from these auctions will support a variety of important student funding needs. The special live auction features a host of top-shelf items, including a magical getaway to Cabo San Lucas, exclusive packages of some of California's finest wines, and seating for 10 in an AT&T Park Legacy Suite for the Cal-Utah football game on Saturday, October 22. A "paddle-raise" also will be held to raise additional funds for the student financial aid program. Be sure to get in on the action by registering here.

Centennial logo 


Help Your Class Leave a Legacy


The Class of 1961 is well on its way to raising the funds necessary to endow a scholarship fund to help students with substantial financial need. At the same time, the Class of 1996 has set a goal to raise $200,000 to name a classroom.


Don't let your class be left out of an important opportunity to leave a legacy as Boalt enters its second 100 years. Contact your Reunion Class Liaison Fran Davis at 510-642-3473 or fdavis@law.berkeley.edu to discuss your fundraising idea.  

archivistAlumni News
Class of '64 Duo to Be Honored at Upcoming Alumni Weekend


Classmates Pat Herron and Penny Cooper, both 1964 Boalt graduates, will be honored over the course of Alumni Weekend. Herron will receive the law school's highest honor, the Citation Award, at a special dinner on Friday, September 30. Cooper will receive the D. Lowell and Barbara Jensen Public Service Award at a luncheon event on Saturday, October 1. You can register here to join the celebrations for Pat and Penny, two of only 11 women in their graduating class-and two of only three women from that class who went into practice.


Soon after graduating from Boalt, Herron was the founding managing partner of Knox, Herron and Pierce in Point Richmond. In 1977, she became the first woman on the Superior Court in Contra Costa County, and two years later was named its first female presiding judge. After 10 years on the Superior Court, Herron spent 19 years as a private judge with Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services and worked to improve protections for seniors.


Cooper was inducted into the Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame last year by the State Bar of California. She formed one of the nation's top criminal defense firms with Boalt lecturer Cris Arguedas, and together they were the first women defense lawyers to try a major white-collar crime case. Renowned for her cross-examination skills, Cooper managed to obtain acquittals and reduced sentences in several high-profile cases during her career.

newsSchool News
Honoring Professor Buxbaum '53

Richard Buxbaum

After 50 years on the Boalt Hall faculty, Richard Buxbaum '53 is retiring. In his honor, a group of Boalt alumni in Germany have established the Richard Buxbaum '53 International Law Students Graduate Fellowship, which now includes contributions from all around Europe, Asia, and the United States. Well over the $50,000 required to establish the fund has been contributed, and ongoing support continues to increase the amount that will be available to assist international students to attend law school at Boalt. An overview of the fellowship is available here.

Goodwin Liu Wins Confirmation to Supreme Court of California


On August 31, Boalt Professor of Law Goodwin Liu was confirmed as the newest Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of California. An expert in constitutional law, education policy, and civil rights, Liu was unanimously approved by the three-member Commission on Judicial Appointments after supporters spoke on his behalf at a public hearing in San Francisco. The following day, Liu was sworn in at a ceremony in Sacramento with Governor Jerry Brown.


The 10 witnesses who testified on Liu's behalf included Dean Edley, who promoted Liu to associate dean shortly after he earned tenure. Edley praised Liu for his "patience, clarity, organization, humor, a balanced temperament, and good listening skills," and said "there was no one on the faculty more widely respected or more genuinely admired for his fairness, collegiality, and good judgment."


Liu earned the highest rating of "exceptionally well-qualified" by the state bar's Commission on Judicial Nominations Evaluation. He also received more than 1,000 supporting letters from various legal associations, members of Congress, and law professors nationwide. 
Recap: Dean Edley's Trip to China
Dean Edley in China

Boalt alumni hosted Dean Edley for special events.

In late June, law deans from nine U.S. and ten Chinese Universities exchanged ideas during the two-day U.S.-China Law Deans Summit at Tsinghua University in Beijing. The agenda included topics such as the role of law schools in society, building the rule of law, and modes of collaboration among law schools to support academic and institutional goals. China's Vice Minister of Education, Hao Ping, also attended the summit, which sought to create better understanding of the deans' objectives and constraints, and their impact on legal education.

archivistAsk the Archivist 
Peeving POTUS

Q. I collect old law books, though I don't have any that are tremendously valuable. I'm really more interested in stories connected with the books than with the contents. Do you have any rare books in the Archives that have great stories to tell?
- WRH, San Francisco


A. How about the book that ticked off the President of the United States?

Read more... 

In this Issue 
Make a difference in helping secure the future of the law school.
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eventsUpcoming Events


September 30, 50th Annual Citation Award Dinner

Celebrate the accomplishments of the Boalt Hall community with friends and faculty and honor the recipients of the Boalt Hall Alumni Association's Citation, Young Alumni, and Faculty Lifetime Achievement Awards.
Register now.


October 1, Alumni Day
Return to Boalt for MCLE presentations from faculty and alumni and hear a state-of-the-school update from the Dean. Enjoy socializing over lunch and a late afternoon wine tasting. Register now.



careerCareer Corner 

News and Updates: 
Despite the tough legal job market, Boalt alums are persisting in finding great jobs. See "Success Stories" posted on the Career Corner website.



Support for your career development doesn't end with graduation. The Career Development Office provides resources for alums, including access to the b-Line jobs database and individualized confidential career counseling: resume review, job search strategies, career exploration (including careers outside of law practice), and more. See the Alumni Resources page on the CDO website.


connectionsOnline Alumni Networks


All law school graduates are invited to join AlumNetwork. Just email alumni@law.berkeley.edu for your security ID, then visit AlumNetwork here to activate your profile. The online community includes: a directory of alumni, Class Notes, your own personal profile, alumni/ae profiles, events and registration, and more....

And be sure to join our other groups: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. LinkedIn is a great resource for referrals, job listings and career development advice from Robert White, Boalt's director of alumni career services.

Follow us on Twitter 

Become a fan on Facebook 

Network on LinkedIn 


notesClass Notes
Keep your fellow alums up-to-date with your important life changes by submitting a Class Note. To submit a class note, you will need to use your AlumNetwork ID and password. If you do not have your ID, email alumni@law.berkeley.edu. We'll publish your news on the web and/or the alumni magazine, Transcript. You can also browse current class notes here.
  • Ana de Alba 07
    Ana de Alba writes, "On July 13, 2011, California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye presented Ana de Alba OneJustice's "Opening Doors to Justice" award for the work she has done in the Central Valley to promote pro bono."
  • Marilyn (Epstein) Berger '70
    Marilyn (Epstein) Berger produced, directed, and wrote her second non-profit documentary, Out of the Ashes: 9/11. She is a Professor of Law and the director of the Films for Justice Institute at Seattle University School of Law. Eleven days after the 9/11 terrorist attack, the federal government enacted the largest public entitlement program ever-the 9/11 Victim's Compensation Fund-to compensate victims of terrorism. The film is about seven families who explore the legal, moral and ethical ramifications of the Victim's Compensation Fund and its impact on the civil justice system. It was screened by the Yale Law School Visual Persuasion Project, Boston College Law School, the New York County Lawyers' Association, and the ABA-ADR section meeting in April 2011. The film was selected for the 2011 Politics on Film DC Film Festival. This fall, Marilyn will be screening the film at various locations on the East and West coasts. The film is inspiring, educational, and timely considering ten years have passed since the 9/11 attacks. For more information about the film, to see the trailer, or to purchase a copy visit www.outoftheashes911.com/main.
  • Thomas Ginsburg '97
    Tom Ginsburg was appointed the Leo Spitz Professor of International Law at the University of Chicago. His co-authored book, "The Endurance of National Constitutions," won an award from the American Political Science Association for best book on comparative democratization. And he misses California badly.
  • Frederick Hertz '81
    Frederick Hertz writes, "I'm currently an attorney and mediator in Oakland, specializing in the law of unmarried couples, both gay and straight. My most recent book for Nolo Press is "Making It Legal: A Guide to Same-Sex Marriage, Domestic Partnerships and Civil Unions." I'm also the author of the forthcoming American Bar Association book, "Counseling Unmarried Partners: A Guide to Effective Representation." I'll be on "sabbatical" from my law and mediation practice for the first half of 2012, teaching a course on gay couples law at a law school in Tel Aviv, Israel. "
  • Jonathan Petrus '03
    Jonathan Petrus writes, "As a partner of Pluritas, LLC, an intellectual property and intangible investment bank, Jonathan Petus has played an instrumental role in driving some of the largest M&A transactions in both healthy and distressed environment for the calendar year 2011. Plutiras, under the leadership of Mr. Petrus and his colleagues, is about to unveil a new product to provide incentive to traditional lenders to deploy debt capital towards commercial finance transactions where the lender may feel reticent of ascribing real value to the borrower's intellectual property portoflios."
  • Niloofar (Nejat-Bina) Shepherd '99
    Niloofar (Nejat-Bina) Shepherd recently accepted a position at Deluxe Entertainment Services Group Inc. located in Hollywood, CA as VP, Associate General Counsel - Labor & Litigation. Niloofar recently was employed at Ascent Media Group, Inc. as VP, Associate General Counsel.
  • Niloofar (Nejat-Bina) Shepherd '99
    Niloofar (Nejat-Bina) Shepherd and Richard Shepherd are proud to announce the birth of a baby boy, Blake Tivon. He was born on November 28, 2010. Niloofar says, "The phrase 'First Year' has taken on new meaning. Blake is a treasure, and gives us something to laugh about every day!"