Samuelson Clinic Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Festive Forum
 | Jennifer Urban '00, Robert Glushko, Pamela Samuelson, Deirdre Mulligan and Jason Schultz '00 |
At the Samuelson Clinic 10th Anniversary forum earlier this month, co-directors Jennifer Urban '00 and Jason Schultz '00 welcomed an overflow crowd of clients, friends, and alumni-more than 120 people who showcased the extent of the clinic's connections and its impact on technology law and policy.
Several graduates described the clinic's powerful impact on their professional lives. "As educators who are passionate about what we teach, hearing alumni stories was tremendously rewarding," Urban said. "It was inspiring to learn about all the great work our former students are doing, how they're applying what they gained at the clinic, and the positive way they view their practice and policy work." Berkeley Law professor Pamela Samuelson and her husband, UC Berkeley School of Information professor Robert Glushko, established the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic in 2001 with a $2 million gift and have continued to support its work. Under the leadership of Deirdre Mulligan, now also a professor at the School of Information, the clinic opened as the nation's first of its kind. Today, it provides students with hands-on training while representing the public interest in the fast-changing field of technology law, and has been followed by similar clinics at more than 10 other law schools.
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School News
Reflections from Professor Buxbaum LL.M. '53
On the occasion of his 50th and final year of teaching, Professor Buxbaum - or Buxie - as he is affectionately known, recently reflected on his time at Boalt and UC Berkeley.
Click here to view the video of his talk.
Although many are familiar with Professor Buxbaum's leading work in Corporations Law and Comparative Law, and as a pillar of the Berkeley Law's business faculty, he also figured into the major social and political events of the 1960s and 1970s. Professor Buxbaum served as criminal defense counsel for numerous UC Berkeley students involved in the Free Speech Movement, as civil counsel for participants in campus protests against the Vietnam War, and as criminal defense counsel for students charged with offenses during the recurrent pitched campus battles over affirmative action demands.
You can help honor Professor Buxbaum's legacy by making a gift to the Law School in his honor. Just click here to make your contribution online.
Changes in Fall Recruiting
For the fall 2011 semester, nearly all of Boalt's on-campus interviews will take place over the course of a single week (August 8-12) prior to the start of classes. The change results partly from recent developments in the legal hiring market, and also in response to student feedback. Adopting an early interview week (EIW) schedule will better align the timing of our on-campus interviews with those of students from other schools with whom our students compete for positions. Some schools have recently announced their intention to move their on-campus interviews earlier in the fall of 2011. Moreover, during the last recruiting season, employers appeared to have scheduled callback interviews earlier than in years past. Scheduling an early interview week here at Boalt responds to these trends in a way that we believe will maximize our students' employment options. |
David Caron '83 Discusses Changes to the Arctic
David Caron '83, Boalt's C. William Maxeiner Distinguished Professor of Law, is the current President of the American Society of International Law, and recently lectured on "Images of the Arctic and the Futures They Suggest" at the Law Library of Congress. The G. William and Ariadna Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law sponsored a reception afterward for Professor Caron and law school alumni, students and friends. Professor Caron is pictured here with Himamauli Das '97, David Bowker '98 and Jeewon Kim '04.
In addition to David's role with the ASIL, Professor Kate Jastram was recently elected to its Executive Committee.
Prof. Bartlett Talks SEC on TV
Professor Robert Bartlett recently discussed the Security and Exchange Commission's scrutiny of so-called secondary markets on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg West." The SEC has begun requesting data from the markets where buying and selling of private shares have surged in recent years. Click here to check out Professor Bartlett's discussion.
Campaign for Boalt Hall
"Partners" Meets First Milestone
Partners in Leadership '11 is up and running and has met its first giving milestone. Under the chairmanship of Tyler Gerking '02, this program to encourage participation with the Boalt family of supporters enlists individual Captains at law firms and organizations to be volunteer ambassadors for Boalt. "Partners" now includes 61 law firms and 10 organizations, with 1,401 alumni, led by 103 Captains. It's achieved 29 percent giving participation and raised over $1,012,000 through March. If you will join us as a Captain and ambassador for Boalt at your firm or organization that has four or more Boalt alumni, or would like more information about Partners in Leadership, please see the webpage at http://www.law.berkeley.edu/87.htm or contact Susan Persson at 510.642.2590 or spersson@law.berkeley.edu. |
Act Fast! Until June 30, Gifts from Grads in Classes 2006 to 2011 Matched Dollar for Dollar!
Alumni and students in classes 2006 through 2011 can have their gifts matched 1:1 by the UC Berkeley Foundation. Contributions can be designated to any of Boalt Hall's funds and the matching offer ends June 30. Please act now, as only a limited amount of matching money is available to UC Berkeley grads. Learn more and make your gift online here. |
Noel Nellis '66 and Art Shartsis '71 Lead Reunion Gift Campaign
Class reunion campaigns for graduates in classes ending in 1 and 6 are officially underway. More than 50 volunteers have committed to helping plan reunion celebrations and fundraise for a class gift. Noel Nellis '66, a partner in Orrick's San Francisco office, and Art Shartsis '71, a founding partner of Shartsis Friese LLP, are chairing the overall effort.
Class reunions will be held during Alumni Weekend, September 30 through October 1, in the Bay Area. All gifts and pledges made from January 1 through December 31, will count toward class gifts. More information is available online here.
Alumni News
Judge Richard Paez '72 and Former Professor and Judge John Noonan Block Key Parts of Arizona's Immigration Law
Berkeley Law graduate Richard Paez '72 and former professor John Noonan formed the majority in a recent federal appeals court decision that rejected key provisions of Arizona's controversial 2010 immigration law.
In a 2-1 ruling, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals judges affirmed a district court's ruling that Arizona cannot make its police demand proof of legal status from suspected illegal immigrants. Arizona argued that it was merely bolstering enforcement efforts because the federal government had not patrolled its borders sufficiently. But the court held that such activities impinge on federal authority and foreign policy. Judge Paez's majority opinion said, "Arizona has enacted a mandatory and systematic scheme that conflicts with Congress' explicit requirement" that state agents are subject to federal direction and supervision when performing immigration officer functions. No statute, Paez added, demonstrates that Congress "intended to permit states to usurp the Attorney General's role in directing state enforcement of federal immigration laws." Judge Noonan concurred in a separate opinion, noting that foreign policy is the federal government's exclusive domain and stressing the need for states to operate under a uniform immigration policy. "That 50 individual states or one individual state should have a foreign policy is absurdity," he wrote.
Berkeley Law Alumni Nearly Sweep National Bar Association Awards
Berkeley Law enjoyed a banner night at the National Bar Association's recent mid-year conference dinner. Six of the seven awards handed out went to graduates of the law school, with John Burris '73 and Pamela Price '82 receiving the Herman Marion Sweatt Award and Robert Harris '72, Thelton Henderson '62, William Hunter '70, and Eva Patterson '75 winning the Gertrude E. Rush Award.
The National Bar Association was established by a dozen African-American attorneys in 1925, when there were fewer than 1,000 African-American lawyers in the United States. Today, its membership exceeds 20,000 lawyers, judges, educators, and law students. Read more here. |
In Memoriam: Gerald Marcus
Gerald D. Marcus, Boalt Hall Class of 1941, died in San Francisco on March 25 at the age of 93. He was a pioneer in promoting diversity and equality and a dedicated environmentalist, outdoorsman, and traveler. A passionate advocate of civil and first amendment rights, Marcus was president of the Northern California chapter of the ACLU and a founder and co-chair of Death Penalty Focus. Marcus served in the Roosevelt administration and in the Army during World War II before founding the firm Hanson, Bridgett. To honor his dedication to equal opportunity and diversity in the legal profession, his law firm partners and friends established The Gerald D. Marcus Fellowship Fund at Boalt Hall.
At his request there will be no funeral and plans for a memorial service will be announced at a later date. Donations in his name may be made to The Gerald D. Marcus Fellowship Fund at Boalt Hall. Just click here to make your contribution online. To read the full obituary, please click here.
Online Alumni Communities Alumni + Students = the New Mentor Directory!
Please take a moment now to join Boalt Hall's new Mentor Directory on LinkedIn. Just click here.
This new group is being established to become a primary source for Boalt law students seeking to benefit from alumni assistance with regard to career-related advice.
Students may use the forum to obtain informational interviews, ask advice on choosing a practice area, and seek information on legal trends in diverse geographic locations. They are advised not to contact mentors for employment or business purposes.
Boalt 1st Generation Professionals Group Forming
Stay tuned for further information about this effort to connect Boalt students and alums who share the experience of being the first in their families to become professionals. Join the Facebook group First Generation Professionals online here.
Stay Connected with Boalt Online!
AlumNetwork | Facebook | Flickr | LinkedIn | Twitter
Student Corner
Students File Brief in High-profile Viacom-YouTube Copyright Case
Working under Samuelson Clinic Director Jennifer Urban '00, clinic students Aaron Mackey '12, Eddy Park '12, and Brianna L. Schofield '12 filed an amicus brief in the high-profile Viacom-YouTube copyright case. The law and technology clinic recently filed the friend-of-the-court brief in the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York on behalf of its clients the National Alliance for Media Art and Culture and the Alliance for Community Media.
In the brief, the clinic explained to the court how Internet platforms such as YouTube have allowed independent artists, creators, and speakers to reach worldwide audiences to tell stories, particularly of those unrepresented in traditional media. The brief explains the importance to independent media artists of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, which protects online service providers from certain kinds of liability.
With the filing, the clinic and the students have added their voice to one of the most closely watched online copyright cases. Media giant Viacom, which owns brands such as MTV Networks, BET Networks and Paramount Pictures, has been seeking $1 billion in damages from Google-owned YouTube because it says the video-sharing service allowed users to upload and share clips from copyrighted television shows without permission.
Emily Holland '12 Co-authors Book on Recollections of Liberian Child Soldiers and Their Victims
 As a former television producer and humanitarian journalist with extensive experience in Africa, Emily Holland '12 was no stranger to tales of hardship and devastation. But over the three years she and co-author Agnes Umunna worked on And Still Peace Did Not Come-which reveals haunting, personal recollections of Liberian child soldiers and their victims-Holland admits "not being fully prepared for the emotional impact of these stories."
3L and LLM Gifts Matched to Any Boalt Hall Fund - Including Student Orgs!
Maximize your support to the areas of Boalt you care for most! Matching funds are limited and the program expires June 30. Students in the class of 2011 will have their gifts up to $1,000 matched dollar for dollar by the UC Berkeley Foundation Board of Trustees. To make your gift now click here. |
Ask the Archivist Cupid Laughs at Law Books
Q. Do Boalt Hall professors ever marry their law students? (I'm just asking.) - C.E., Berkeley
A. Since 2003, the University of California has had an official policy forbidding professors from dating students in their classes, or any student who might reasonably be expected to enroll in one of their classes. But once the Socratic method has been left far behind, le coeur a ses raisons.... In 1921, Bay Area newspaper readers were titillated by the headline, "Cupid Laughs at Law Books," and shocked by what the article revealed.
In this Issue
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Upcoming Events |
April 21, Alumni Reception with Admitted Students
New York City
Meet alumni and newly admitted students from the NY area, as well as hear from Dean of Admissions Edward Tom. Special thanks to Benson Cohen '04 and Sidley Austin for hosting.
June 7, Alumni reception with admitted and current students, Los Angeles Save the date!
June 17-19, Annual Reunion of International Alumni, London. For information contact Ana Penteado LL.M. '97 penteado.ana2008@gmail.com
July 29, San Francisco Alumni Happy Hour. Save the date! This special event is to celebrate completion of the July Bar Exam and welcome incoming students.
Career Corner |
Check out these upcoming career-focused events:
Thursday, April 28th 6:00-7:30 p.m., Getting An In-House Counsel Position. This complimentary CDO program will be a panel discussion featuring Boalt alums in avariety of in-house positions including at Google and Yahoo! addressing questions on timing and strategies for moving in-house. Hosted and light refreshments courtesy of Farella Braun + Martel LLP, 235 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. RSVP ASAP please.
Boalt Solos & Smalls - Join the new private LinkedIn subgroup "Boalt Solos & Smalls."
Sample B-Line Job Board Postings for Alums:
Staff Attorney, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Washington, DC.
See b-Line job ID #9548
Full-time Contract Attorney (Litigation), Bryan Cave LLP, San Francisco. See b-Line job ID #9546
General Attorney, U.S. Dept. of Education Office of the General Counsel, Washington, DC. See b-Line job ID #9571
b-Line may be accessed from the CDO website. Email career@law.berkeley.edu for a password. And if your organization or firm is hiring, please let us know - we would love to help locate a great Boalt alum for you.
News and Updates: Despite the tough legal job market, Boalt alums are persisting in finding great jobs. See "Success Stories" posted on the Career Corner website.
Support for your career development doesn't end with graduation. The Career Development Office provides resources for alums, including access to the b-Line jobs database and individualized confidential career counseling: resume review, job search strategies, career exploration (including careers outside of law practice), and more. See the Alumni Resources page on the CDO website.
Online Alumni Networks
All law school graduates are invited to join AlumNetwork. Just email alumni@law.berkeley.edu for your security ID, then visit AlumNetwork here to activate your profile. The online community includes: a directory of alumni, Class Notes, your own personal profile, alumni/ae profiles, events and registration, and more.... And be sure to join our other groups: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. LinkedIn is a great resource for referrals, job listings and career development advice from Robert White, Boalt's director of alumni career services.
Class Notes Keep your fellow alums up-to-date with your important life changes by submitting a Class Note. To submit a class note, you will need to use your AlumNetwork ID and password. If you do not have your ID, email alumni@law.berkeley.edu. We'll publish your news on the web and/or the alumni magazine, Transcript. You can also browse current class notes here. |
- Beverly Baker-Kelly '76
Beverly writes, "Beverly Baker-Kelly, J.D. , Ph.D, Ed.D, ,and her husband are the first African American couple to both receive Fulbright Awards. Beverly has been awarded a 2010-2011 Fulbright Scholar grant to lecture on law and business and to do research in Muscat, Oman. Her husband, A. Paul Kelly, M.D., has been also been awarded Fulbright Middle East and North Africa Regional Research grant at Sultan Qaboos University and Hospital in Muscat, Oman and also in the United Arab Emirates. He is doing research on the epidemiology and genetics of keloids. The core Fulbright Scholar Program sends 800 U.S. faculty and professionals abroad each year. Boalt Hall alumni interested in applying for a Fulbright Scholar grant should consult: www.cies.org/us_scholars. The deadline is August 1st of each year." - Darren Manibog '96
Darren A. Manibog recently obtained one of the largest settlements ever, $5.65 million, against the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and City of Los Angeles. The payout settled a three-year-long personal injury lawsuit that was filed by Manibog on behalf of the injured plaintiff.
- Steve Nissen '76
Steve Nissen is currently Vice President for Legal and Government Affairs for NBC Universal, overseeing state and local government issues for the media company around the country. On March 25, 2011, he was awarded the in-house Pro Bono Counsel of the Year by the Association of Corporate Counsel in Los Angeles before a sold-out audience of 1,400. Nissen was honored for his years at the helm of Public Counsel Law Center, which he built into the largest pro bono law office in the nation, his stewardship of the State Bar Legal Services Trust Fund, and his continuing commitment to pro bono representation.