March 17 Scholars offer predictions on the Obama Administration
President Barack Obama is
taking office in a time of historic challenges, and is looking to the nation's
universities for solutions. Berkeley is at the
forefront of this policy shift, with Berkeley
professors serving as top advisors on economic policy and climate change. Join
the Cal community for a discussion of the Obama
administration with two of Berkeley's most
prominent economists, Henry Brady
and Severin Borenstein
on March 17 in Redwood City. Learn more and RSVP here.
March 18
Global Financial & Economic Crisis: What Should the G20 Do? In April, leaders from the G20 countries that represent 85% of the
global economy meet to develop a coordinated response to the worldwide
economic and financial collapse. What actions can G20 leaders take to
stem the tsunami washing over the world economy? How will these leaders
find common solutions to this international disaster? Join our
distinguished panel of UC Berkeley economists to understand these
questions and identify answers. Panelists include Aaron Edlin (Berkeley Law), Barry Eichengreen (Dept. of Economics), Maurice Obstfeld (Dept. of Economics), Pierre Olivier Gourinchas (Dept. of Economics), Andrew Rose (HAAS School of Business). 12:30 - 1:45 pm, Booth Auditorium. More information here.
April 4 Nicole Harris '95 to be honored at Charter
Nicole Harris '95, corporate counsel at Pacific Gas
and Electric Company, will be honored with the California Alumni Association's
2009 Bradford S. King Award for Excellence in Service at the annual Charter
Gala on Friday, April 4, in San Francisco. Tickets to the dinner honoring
Nicole and distinguished members of the Cal
community, including Alumnus of the Year Robert D. Haas, former chairman and
chief executive officer of Levi Strauss & Co; can be arranged online here. When registering, be sure to mention you are a Boalt
alum so you can be seated with your fellow law graduates!
May 1 RSVP now for the May 1 Citation Award Dinner Make plans to attend this annual favorite celebrating the Boalt Hall community. The dinner will be held Friday, May 1, in San Francisco and Stu Gordon '65, Dick Buxbaum '53 and Laura Parsky '95 will be honored by the alumni association. Learn more and RSVP here.
October 8-11 Rev up for Reunion This fall's homecoming for all alumni is set to be better than ever before. Among the fun that's in store is a CLE talk on wine law with expert Richard Mendelson, followed by a special tasting of alumni wines. Special thanks to donations from Eugene Kirkham '70, Casa Nuestra Winery and Vineyards; Michael Honig, Honig Vineyard & Winery; Cam Baker '61, Larkmead Vineyards; Maribel Delgado '95, E. & J. Gallo; David Freed '67, Silverado Growers; and Ross Stromberg '65, Stromberg Vineyards. Learn more about the All-Alumni Reunion, October 8-11, here.
Classes ending in 4s and 9s will be celebrating reunions. Los Angeles alumni in classes 2004, 1999 and 1994 began reconnecting over happy hour last month.

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Main News
Boalt Hall Alumni Association Awards
The Boalt
Hall Alumni Association will honor Stuart Gordon '65, Richard
Buxbaum '53, and Laura Parsky '95 at the 2009 Citation
Award Dinner on Friday, May 1 in San Francisco. Check out more
information on the annual celebration of the Boalt community
Gordon, partner at Gordon & Rees, is the
recipient of BHAA's 2009 Citation Award, the highest honor
bestowed upon Boalt alumni, for his dedication to public service, his
contributions to the legal profession, and his support of the law school. The BHAA also honors Jackson H. Ralston Professor of
International Law Richard Buxbaum with its Faculty Lifetime
Achievement Award and Superior Court Judge Laura Parsky with
the Young Alumni Award.
Call for Nominations
to the Alumni Association's Board of Directors
Submit your nominees for the 2009-2010 Boalt Hall Alumni Association Board of
Directors. Just make your submissions here before April 3.
New Boalt Blogs on Environment and Venture Capital
BCLBE's new Berkeley Law VC Blog is
up and running! The blog provides a forum for communications among academics,
venture capitalists, and attorneys about economic and legal issues related to
all aspects of the venture capital cycle.
Also, the law school's Center on Law, Energy, and the Environment officially launched a blog this week with UCLA Law that provides insight and analysis on climate change, energy, and environmental law and policy. Contributors to Legal Planet write about Supreme Court decisions, new policy
developments, major regulatory actions, and state and national
legislation that affect water resource management, toxic waste
disposal, renewable energy, air quality, land use and more.
Boalt Connections
Join the Boalt
community online:
Terry O'Reilly '69 to Lead 2009
Class Reunion Campaign
Top plaintiff personal injury attorney and aviation litigation ace, not to mention vintage car racing devotee and rugby enthusiast, Terry O'Reilly '69 has been named National Chair of Boalt's 2009 Class Reunion Campaign. Founding partner of O'Reilly and Danko in San Mateo, O'Reilly brings a considerable record of support for Boalt and outstanding leadership to the law school's key annual giving program which raised more than $5 million last year.
Reunion 2009 takes place during the four-day All-Alumni Reunion Weekend, October 8-11, 2009 in Berkeley and in San Francisco. Individual campaign committees are being organized for classes with graduation years that end in a 4 or 9. If you would like to participate, please contact Helaine Schweitzer, Director of Class Campaigns, at (510) 642-6937 or email reunion@law.berkeley.edu.
Campus Experts Discuss
Obama's Financial Stability Plan
UC Berkeley experts in economics, business, and public policy examined
how President Obama's Financial Stability Plan, announced February 10th by Treasury
Secretary Geithner, will impact taxpayers. View the Webcast here.
Save the Date! McBaine
Moot Court Competition with Supreme Court Justice
Stephen Breyer, April 14
The finalists of the James Patterson McBaine Honors Competition will be
presenting oral arguments to Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, Tenth
Circuit Judge Michael McConnell, and D.C. Circuit Judge David Tatel.
Witness Boalt Hall's finest as they make their cases and hear the final
judgments on April 14. To read about this year's case, go to http://www.law.berkeley.edu/3004.htm. For more information about the final competition, email mcbaine.competition@gmail.com.
Career Services for Alumni Just a reminder that the resources
of Berkeley Law's Career Development Office (CDO) are available
to you as an alum.
If you are an alum who knows of a job opening at your firm or organization and
you would like to spread the word among your fellow alums, you can post in on
the CDO's jobs database, the b-Line. Contact the CDO at career@law.berkeley.edu or at
510-642-4567 for assistance with registering your employer and creating a
profile for your firm or organization. Registration and job posting are
free of charge. The b-Line link for posting a position can be found here.
If you are seeking work or
considering a career transition and would like to view b-Line's job listings
(or the CDO's library of online resources, guides, and career related webcasts),
please contact the CDO to request login information and obtain the appropriate
b-Line link.
If you prefer to browse through
books, the CDO has a library of print materials in its office in 290 Simon
Hall. You are welcome to drop by anytime during business hours. Also, the career-counselors are available to meet with you by
appointment. Contact our office to arrange one.
of International Alumni in Sardinia, Italy, June 5-7 The International Association of Boalt Alumni will be holding its annual reunion in Sardinia, Italy, June 5-7, 2009! Join Boalt alums from Europe and beyond at this two-day retreat on the exquisite Italian island of Sardinia in Puntaldia at the Due Lune Resort, Spa & Golf Club. The weekend's agenda will include opportunities to socialize with fellow Boalt alums, a roundtable discussion about U.S.-style contracts, as well as boat tours of the coast and other sightseeing activities. For more information about the IABA reunion and to register, please click here. If you have any questions, please contact Stefano Guiso-Gallisay at sguisogallisay@unlaw.it or (+39)
Save the
Date for the 2009 All-Alumni Reunion
plans to join Boalt Hall alumni for a four-day homecoming that will
span both sides of the Bay. Save the dates of October 8-11 for a
moveable feast of good food, fine wine, old friends, and intellectual
stimulation. All alumni are invited, and special reunion celebrations
will be held for those graduates in classes ending in 4 and 9. Those in reunion classes should be sure to fill out a yearbook entry here. Check
out more information here!
Talk to Students About Alternatives to Traditional Law PracticeAre you a Berkeley Law alum whose career doesn't involve (or no longer involves) practicing law? The Career Development Office would like to hear from you. Students are often curious about what else you can do with a law degree, and we would like to know what our alumni have discovered about alternative careers. Please contact Sarah Cunniff at the Berkeley Law Career Development Office, scunniff@law.berkeley.edu or 510.643.3161, and let us know what you are doing, and whether you would be willing to be a contact for students interested in alternatives to traditional law practice. CLAY Awards Go to Seven Former Boalt Students California Lawyer has announced its Attorneys of the Year awards, and the recipients include six Boalt alumni and another attorney who spent a year at Boalt. They are Therese Stewart '81, chief deputy city attorney for San Francisco; Richard P. Hill, '71; David A. Lowe '95; Mitchell Zimmerman (he did his first year at Boalt); Richard S. Taylor '87; Harry C. O'Brien '84; and Jim Wheaton '84. The CLAY awards recognize lawyers
throughout the state whose legal work made a profound impact in 2008. Read more here. |


Have you
moved to a new city or job? Do you have a baby on the way? Did you get
a promotion? Keep your fellow alums up-to-date with your important life
changes by submitting a Class Note. We'll publish your news on the web and/or the alumni magazine, Transcript. And if you don't have anything new to report, just browse our Class Notes page.
Justin Karczag '02 recently became a Partner at Foley Bezek Behle &Curtis, LLP, a boutique trial law firm in Santa Barbara and Costa Mesa that specializes in class action (plaintiff), IP (trademark/copyright), lender liability, FLSA and general business litigation. Justin has been an associate there since being admitted to the bar. While there, Justin has participated (second chair) in two federal jury trials (including questioning adverse party and expert witnesses), and received the largest jury verdict in history nationwide in a landmark residential architectural copyright infringement action. Justin has also participated as second chair in multiple state court jury trials and private contractual arbitrations (including questioning expert and lay witnesses). Also, he has primary responsibility on writing briefs for the California Court of Appeals (anti-SLAPP) and the Ninth Circuit (copyright). In addition, he has participated (second chair) in multiple private settlement conferences, resulting in payments to clients of seven figures and higher.
In 2008, Justin was named one of the California Super Lawyers "Rising Stars," which is published annually and recognizes the young and promising attorneys throughout Southern California for their work in specific practices. Only 2.5 percent of Southern California attorneys were bestowed this honor.
Michael Legg '01 has joined the faculty of law at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. He teaches and researches in the areas of civil procedure, complex civil litigation and corporate law.
Kristi Hughes '04 in October of last year left her Los Angeles law firm life and took a position as an appellate attorney at the federal public defender's office in San Diego. Kristi is loving working at the federal defender's - the people are great and the work is rewarding and challenging!