Prayer Partner Newsletter
Volume #9 - August, 2010

It's About Time!  Time that I shared our praises and needs, I mean.  You're willingness to take our needs to the Father, and to rejoice with us at the work He is accomplishing through our ministry should not be overlooked by me.  It has been.  I apologize and ask for your forgiveness, just as I've already asked the Father to forgive me.

He has been providing many ministry opportunities, and I've been working hard to accomplish what I think He's given me to do.  Many challenges have surfaced, and I'm trying my best to manage the effects these challenges are having in life and ministry.  I need Him and He has promised to be there for me.  I need you too, and you've made a similar promise.  You have committed to taking our prayers to the Father.  What more could I ask for?  Thank You!
Sincerely in Christ,
Scott McIntyre
Share the Savior:
Someone You Love Needs Him

Praise Report
We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that we may declare the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light.  Once we were not a people, but now we are the people of God; once we had not received mercy, but now we have received mercy.  (1 Peter 2:9-10)

How's that for putting our day to day struggles in perspective?  Nothing can take away what he's given us, and no trial could be worse than the eternity God saved us from when he called us out of darkness.  That said, here are two  praises that I might not have considered as such a short time ago.
  1. God does not abandon the unemployed - My position as an administrative assistant was eliminated June 21st, and God is providing for our financial needs, including resources to finish paying for a trip we had been planning for over 2 years. 
  2. God monitors our health - I stopped seeing my regular doctor after being laid off, because he was not conveniently located near my home.  God used that situation to direct me to a physician closer to where I live.  My new doctor has already taken me off some medication that was contributing to an unsafe low heart rate.  She's also diagnosed me with COPD, and prescribed medication to help me manage it.
That's just the tip of iceberg when it comes to our Praise Report.  Here's some of what He's been doing for Share the Savior.
  1. We were selected to present 2 workshops at this years BASS Convention in March and were blessed to minister to 73 people.
  2. Our Eleven Twelve Project Newsletter now offers evangelism training to 155 believers.
  3. We've started encouraging evangelism efforts through Facebook, LinkedIn, and Meetup.
  4. We're in the testing phase of a method that helps Christians discover hidden interest in the gospel among the people they're connected to, and offer them 'next steps' toward Christ.
  5. I've started writing the material for a 100 day blogging project that will begin September 16th.  More on this praise in the prayer request section.
So I'm out of work, but not without lots to do.  Even in the midst of a job search, God has given me more time to spend on Share the Savior.  In fact, my search so far has been focused in the area of evangelism at the local church level.

Prayer Requests
1.  The next phase in the outreach program mentioned above (Praise #4) is being undertaken by two participants of our Summer School of Evangelism.  We will be working with them to develop a non-threatening way of offering people they know resources that provide spiritual on-ramps toward salvation.
Father, give me the wisdom to help these two believers be gentle and respectful toward their unsaved friends, and help us provide resources that will faithfully offer an explanation of the gospel.
We will also begin planning another pilot program for this project to be held sometime during the first part of 2011.

2.  Share the Savior is undertaking the task of raising support for it's ministry.  Though our current budget is small, our annual revenue is smaller.  We are also hoping that God might enable me to spend even more time with the ministry of evangelism, and that could happen if Ellen and I could be be partially supported by Share the Savior.
Father, you know every need your children have and you have the resources to meet them all.  Help us to know what those needs are and be in earnest prayer for you to meet them.

3.  On September 16th, we will launch a 100 Day blogging project to encourage evangelism in the church by recognizing at a deeper level that love for our neighbor should be a primary motive for sharing our faith.  Not only will I be writing a new blog entry for each day, but we will be creating tools to help people take stock of how well they are fulfilling the mandate to love their neighbor and  move toward greater levels of love.
Father, only you can be trusted to give me the words that will encourage your children to seek growth in love and become more effective sharing their faith.  I ask for those words and for everything else we will need to carry out this project for your glory.

Special Thank You!

My special and very belated thanks for requesting our Prayer Newsletter goes to Samuel, Eric, and Michael.  More recently, Mylene, Jamal, Brandon, Joan, Toshi, and Corazon have all agreed to keep this ministry in prayer.  Thank you all for your interest in supporting Share the Savior in this way.  Your prayer partnership is greatly appreciated and urgently needed.

Share the Savior's Archives
Visit our Archives to see all previous issues of the Prayer Partner Newsletters and Just In Time Prayer updates, plus links to other information about our ministry.

This is a part of the newsletter I dearly love.  Almost always (and right now is no exception), God softens my heart at the realization that you will soon be taking our needs to Him in prayer.  My eyes usually water (they are as I type) and I feel overwhelmed by His love for me, and your concern for our ministry.
As I draw my letter to a close, and know we might not get a chance to 'talk' again for a time, I am content that someday, we'll all gather around the throne of our God and Savior, and have plenty of time for talking.  And, if conversation isn't on God's list of activities for us in heaven, we won't care a bit.  We'll be too busy worshipping Him anyway.

When that day comes, I hope He will show us how He responded to your prayers, and how people were touched for eternity through Share the Savior because of those requests that He graciously met.  If He does, I believe we might all have 'tears' of joy in our eyes as we recognize the privilege it was to labor on behalf of the lost, for His glory.

Yours in Christ,

Scott McIntyre