The Eleven Twelve Project
Volume #15
September 2009
Do you have a rising appreciation for how great a privilege it is to share the gospel?  God did not need me or you (or anyone for that matter) to communicate the message of the cross.  He chose that method to accomplish His task.
As you read this issue of The Eleven Twelve Project, we hope God will help you recognize at a deeper level than ever before, that He doesn't make poor choices.  His deliberate selection of you and I as part of His plan to spread the precious message of reconciliation, was a perfect idea!
Scott McIntyre
Share the Savior:
Someone You Love Needs Him
In This Issue
Confidence Builders: It's a Wonderful Grace (revisited)
Training Tools: How to Be Clear for Christ - Part 2
Equipping Events: National Outreach Convention
Ministry Partner of the Month: Summer Parade of Partners
Confidence Builders
Photo of Burney Falls 
It's a Wonderful Grace
Grace never goes out of style, so even if you recall this article from an earlier issue, we don't think you'll go wrong reading it again.  After all, it's a wonderful Grace!
In a culture that screams at us to earn everything we possess, God's grace arrives unexpectedly when we least deserve it and dramatically changes what it touches.
It is this very grace, a precious gift to believers all over the world, that does much more than equips and empowers us to reach out to others.
Why don't you 'watch' a short film about grace and then see if you have any reasons to thank the Father for His wonderful gift?  And if you do, feel free to spend some time thanking Him.
* * * * *
"It's a Wonderful Grace" appears on our sister site, His Grace Creations, where we offer people unconvinced about Christianity, the opportunity to read brief articles and initiate meaningful conversations about their spiritual journey.
Training Tools
Photo of Wheat SunsetHow to Be Clear for Christ - Part 2
In part one of this two-part series, we outlined three ingredients that can help make us clearer when sharing the gospel.
  1. Prayer - Paul was referring to the gospel when he asked Christians to "Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should."  We can do the same...pray and ask others to pray for us.
  2. Perspective - Remember that being convincing is not the primary goal for the Christian when sharing the gospel, clarity is.  The Spirit of God does the convincing, and much better than us.
  3. Practice - We gave three ideas you could try to practice sharing with clarity. (review them here)

Now we're going to focus on a few more practical ideas to help you be a clear communicator of the message of salvation.

  • Revisit a spiritual discussion you had recently with someone and ask them if any of the words or phrases you used were Christian jargon and difficult to understand.  If they point out any, try other ways of expressing the same idea until it's clearer to them.
  • Write your testimony of salvation or a gospel presentation and send it to us for review.  We'll offer any suggestions we think might be helpful as our free gift to you, even if you're not a subscriber to this newsletter.
  • Write your testimony of salvation or a gospel presentation and ask a friend if they'd give you some help.  Give them what you wrote, and have  them  circle any words that don't make sense to them and give it back to you.  Find a different way of explaining the things they didn't understand and give it back to them for a second review.  Keep doing it until they clearly grasp everything you're trying to say. 
Prayer, Perspective, and Practice...that's three ingredients for our recipe to help you excel in clarity when it comes to sharing the story of the cross.  And here's one more that will really bring out the best in the other three, Peace of Mind.
No one will fail to be saved because you or I are not clear enough when we communicate the gospel.  That would mean we could foil the sovereign will of our great God.  He just wants us to be as clear as possible.  
As you wrap your mind around that, may God grant you all the peace of mind you'll need to complete the recipe and create a beautifully clear gospel message for those who will hear about Christ through you.
* * * * *
If you'd like additional ideas about being clear for Christ, check out our article, Christianese Untangled.  And let us know if you use another method to practice clarity when sharing your faith...maybe we'll share it with our readers.
Equipping Events
Photo of Zechariah 
November 4-6, 2009 - San Diego, CA
The National Outreach Convention is a gathering place and connection point for like-minded Christian leaders who are passionate about outreach.  The convention will feature four General Sessions, 50 Breakouts, and over 100 Exhibitors.  Plus, you can attend a number of Discussion Groups and dialogue with a group of church leaders, on issues of importance to you and your church.    
The schedules are set, the speakers have been selected, the breakout sessions have been prepared, and registration is available online.  About the only thing left to do is figure out if you're going.

For information about other upcoming conferences, visit the
Events page of Share the Savior.
Ministry Partner
Help Graphic 
Summer Parade of Partners
It still feels like summer so now is as good a time as any for our annual Parade of Partners.  Instead of highlighting one of our Ministry Partners in this space, like normal, we're listing all of them. 
We encourage you to visit their websites, read more about them, and consider how they could assist you or your church in the work of evangelism.
And now, it is our pleasure to present, in no particular order, our Parade of Partners! - Provides articles (online and in print) to help you share Christ with those you love.
International Students, Inc. - Uses friendship to help meet the needs of international students in our culture, including introducing those interested to the gospel.
Church Sports International
 - Utilizes sports to empower churches to carry out the God-given tasks of worship, evangelization, and edification of the body of Christ.
Forgiveness Ministries - Helps people practice biblical forgiveness, making them better able to reach others with Christ's love.
Stand for Truth Ministries - Equips believers to stand for the truth of the historic Christian faith, grow more intimate in their relationship with God, and lovingly and biblically engage the culture for Christ.
It may seem a long way off, but Christmas is really just around the corner.  The gift we want our friends and family members to receive (salvation through faith in Christ), is the one gift we can't give them, no matter how clearly we share the message.  We need the help of Someone much greater than you or I.
May we be in fervent prayer that our God will move in the hearts of our loved ones this year, and provide them with the best Christmas Presence ever...Jesus!
Scott McIntyre
Share the Savior
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Do you know of any heart so hard it cannot be conquered by the death of the living Word and the convicting word from the Spirit?

Don't give up hoping and praying for the salvation of friends or family.
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If you ever happen to consider ways of supporting us, may we suggest putting prayer at the top of the list?  Specifically, ask God to keep us hopeful in Him.
Photo of Memorial
For "those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:30-31)
Want more information about praying for Share the Savior?  Read about asking God to Meet Our Needs.
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New issues are published every quarter, and will be added to the archives shortly afterwards.