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Volume 1,
Issue 39
A Weekly UNpublication
Opportunities, News, Resources & Insights


Hello and Welcome to EditCopyProof's weekly outpouring of valuable information to propel your business and inspire your soul.

Every edition contains an eclectic compilation. Whatever happens during the week ends up in this UNnewsletter.

You are in the yawn-free zone when this publication arrives in your mailbox each Monday because I promise to deliver the best of the best. Take what works for you and discard the rest.

Business and pleasure. Pleasure and business. The lines cross so frequently for entrepreneurs, it's often impossible to separate the two. They blend so beautifully, why even try?

That's the basis of this publication. You get a full dose of business-related topics as well as content having nothing at all to do with business. I have no doubt you'll find something to enhance your life. Enjoy!

In This Edition
by Expert Copy Strategist, Charlon Bobo   Charlon Small

Another inspired week is upon us. To empower you with direct resources to increased, measurable results, this week's features include:

  1. IN THE BLOGOSPHERE - Are men better at copywriting?
  2. MARKETING 101 - Avoid these mistakes when promoting your business
  3. FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK - There's only one YOU!

Charlon Bobo is the founder and team leader of EditCopyProof | Wordsmithing and Editing Solutions -- Transforming Words Into Profits. Proficient in many diverse writing roles, her expertise spans more than 25 years. This solid foundation offers you a single and final destination in your quest for extraordinary press-ready services including copyediting, copywriting and proofreading. Visit us TODAY at EditCopyProof to submit your Request For Proposal.

In The Blogosphere
Michel Fortin   Is Copywriting a Masculine Skill?

An interesting thread appeared on my copywriters forum. A member asked who, be it men or women, are better at writing copy for certain products than others.

Albeit a little close-minded in my ...estimation, the question seemed like a legitimate one and without any ill-intent. So I welcomed it. But while the thread started out gracefully and on-topic, it quickly took a few turns.

The discussion turned out to be nonethetless quite enlightening.

For example, one tangent went into the role of women in copywriting, as copy has been long touted as "the boys club." This is where one proud board member offered some great nuggets that I wanted to share with you.

She's "Power Writer" Susanna K. Hutchenson, someone whom I respect, and a copywriter I deeply admire and have done so for many years. As she joined in on the discussions, she opened a few windows into her history that's nothing short of fascinating.

For the sake of brevity, I encourage you to go and read the thread in question to read her amazing story. But to sum up, this seasoned pro, who's also a women's rights advocate, rose to the top in this male-dominated field while overcoming tremendous barriers...

Barriers that would make any of the "big boys" in the copywriting business cringe if they were to ever walk a mile in her shoes (or, as she says, "her well-worn boots").

Now, I try to abstain from discussions on religion, politics and, of course, sex. On my blog as much as on my discussion forum. But I believe the thread brought some truly valid points that I wanted to bring to your attention to and get your opinions on.

First, let me share with you what I said.

Some of the best copy I've seen were initially thought to be written by men. For example, one in particular, for (of all things) a "men's dating guide," was ghostwritten by a woman. (And a fantastic copywriter, at that.) Many people, to this day, still think it was written by a man.

Another copywriter I know has a website with terrific credentials, a great portfolio and an amazing track record. But there are no photos or any indications as to who, exactly, this person is. (Yup, it's a woman.)

Some great copywriters I highly respect are women. Susanna K. Hutchenson is definitely one of them. Another is Carline Anglade-Cole. Eileen Coale is also another. Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero is yet another. (And don't forget my wife, Sylvie Fortin. She's pretty darn good, too.)

But is it truly because they are women?

Copy is a fantastic industry because it's gender-free. (It's also color-free.) But the moment we suddenly realize the author's sex, our judgment becomes biased somewhat. Even though it's been 130 years since George Sand, many people still cling to the belief that men are better copywriters than women.

(Incidentally, Susanna revealed that she, too, started out in the '60s by writing using a man's pen name. She dressed like a man to get her first job writing copy and even got a driver's license as a man, too.)

My thinking? Sure, the industry is dominated by men. But don't just blame the supply. The demand is at fault, too. Too often, clients opt for a man to write their copy, and they don't even know what they're missing.

Sad, really.

Even if you think you're not sexist, most of us are. We can proclaim that we're not, and protest ferociously when we're called to task. But subconsciously, our brain's circuitry tells another tale.

For example, take this online Harvard test called "Implicit" made famous by Malcolm Gladwell in his book "Blink" (great book, by the way). Scroll down and choose the "Gender-Career" test. It will only take a few moments of your time.

So, how did you do?

You see, even if you think you're not sexist (or racist, or biased against any other kind of stereotype), your brain is wired in such a way that you will have a tendency to be biased, even if slightly, no matter what.

Some of it is genetic. But a lot of it is the result of environmental factors, such as society, education and personal experience.

Nevertheless, to me the question of whether a man or a woman can write better copy is a non-issue. Can a woman, in some industries or for a particular sex (say, women writing to women), write better than men? Sure.

But copywriting is salesmanship in print. (Or is that "salespersonship?") Just like there are great salespeople who are either men or women, there are as many bad salespeople from either sex, too.

So the point is, it comes down to who is the better salesperson. Because, in fact, a truly effective salesperson is someone who can relate to any audience. (And even moreso when they appear to be at a disadvantage.)

In other words, while some products can be sold more easily to the same sex, because they may have somewhat of an advantage to some degree by being like their audience (and can therefore relate to them more easily, just like, say, financial copywriters who are investors themselves)...

... A truly great copywriter is one who's able to think like the customer.

Regardless of gender.

Or race.

Or industry.

The bottom line is, a client may go with a copywriter who may appear, at face value, to be like their audience (and therefore has a leg up on other copywriters out there). But that's a perceived advantage, not a real one.

Granted, in a perfect world, a truly smart client will choose to go with who sells the best. But since this is an imperfect world, the job rests on the shoulders of the copywriter. And a truly smart copywriter is the one who can sell him or herself the best, especially given those initial biases and barriers.

Because if they do, it means that their copywriting skills shine, no matter who they are - and particularly if they seem to be at a disadvantage.

Susanna later added that it's not just men's fault. Women are to blame just as much as men are, and I agree.

Many clients have a tendency to choose women for their copy because they think they're cheaper. While that is a challenge in itself, the problem is, many of them are.

Many women copywriters charge too little because they either feel they don't deserve it or base their worth on market demand.

As Susanna pointed out, our fees naturally reflect our experience and expertise, which applies to any service provider in any field. We start low as we launch our careers. As we hone our skills and improve our track records, we can raise our rates accordingly.

But the question is, do we?

That's when she added this valuable nugget (edited for brevity): "The days of women taking a back seat are over. I demand more and I get it. If women put their price where it should be, they'll get it, too."

Sage advice, regardless of gender.

Zig Ziglar once said that "wimpy salespeople have skinny kids." Well, I think that applies to copywriters, too. And just like Susanna hinted, you have to earn your keep and, when you do, demand your worth.

Copywriters are a dime a dozen. But good copywriters aren't. And that's how it should be. Which reminds me of an important rule I once stated (and it bears repeating):

"Cheap copywriters attract cheap clients."

Because the bottom line is, it's all about selling. Selling yourself as well as your copy. If you can sell well, particularly in print, you can - and I daresay, should - demand what you're worth. Regardless of who you are.

Michel Fortin is a direct response copywriter, author, speaker and consultant. Watch him consult actual clients on video on how to improve their unproductive sales copy, and get tested conversion strategies and response-boosting tips in the process! Go now to and watch a free 2-hour video sample!

Marketing 101
Sean McPheat   7 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid When Promoting your Business

Many people rush into business thinking it will be easy to run, but very soon they realize that it is not as easy as it looks. A successful business is a finely tuned machine. In order to keep your business running smoothly it is important to avoid making mistakes.

Here are the 7 most common mistakes to avoid:
  1. Not having clear objectives: Many business people start a business without clear objectives. They fail to set realistic goals for their marketing and consequently set themselves up for failure. It is important to make a list of goals and objectives based on a quarterly time line. If you do not have company goals and objectives you are like a car driving without a road map. Make sure all employees are briefed on company objectives. When your employees are not properly prepared you will not be able to achieve company objectives.

  2. Neglecting to analyse your potential customers is a dangerous mistake. It can lead to many problems. When you do not analyse your customers wants and needs you do not know what products and services to develop for them. This will lead to targeting the wrong market and neglecting to understand your own niche market. It is important for any business to do their marketing analysis so that you can target your market and maximise your sales.

  3. Not testing: By not testing your sales copy and places you advertise with split testing your advertising, you will be losing sales. Split testing is simple to do but many businesses fail to do this. This results in a lot of wasted time and effort. If you do not test your ad copy and marketing promotions you will not have a proper idea of the ads and promotions that are pulling and what is not working. It is simple to do by placing 2 ads for the same product in a publication or website etc. You can then see which one is performing the best.

  4. Not budgeting: Budgeting is extremely important in business. Your business should never run out of money. This is especially true with your marketing and advertising ventures. It is important to have a monthly or quarterly budget for your marketing. Within that budget put aside money for each promotion you will be doing. Start small, test and then build on successes. This will allow you to always stay solvent and have enough for promotions.

  5. Giving up too soon: Companies go out of business at an alarming rate these days. One of the reasons is that the owners give up too soon. Just when success might be just around the corner they give up and decide to close the business down. In exactly the same fashion marketing promotions can fail. You need to give your promotions at least 3 months before you decide to scrap them. Some promotions will take longer than others to bring results. As always, test all marketing tactics before you launch a larger promotion. Patience is one of the hallmarks of business and you need to implement it.

  6. Poor sales copy: How often have you wanted a product but when you read the sales page you had serious doubts? Poor unprofessional ad copy will cost you sales. In fact without good sales copy you will not be able to sell effectively at all. It is critical to your business to get this right. If necessary get an experienced copywriter to do this. It is worth the investment, as you will see returns when you make sales.

  7. Not screening your employees carefully
  8. : To handle the extra load for the Christmas season you will need to hire new employees. It is very important not to rush into this. There is no dearth of people needing employment but you need to screen them carefully before hiring. One rude customer service agent can cost you customers. Do not take this type of risk. You want to preserve the integrity of your company at all times and screening employees is the way to achieve this. You will then be able to build a core of loyal professional employees that will be an asset to the company.

The golden rule is to diversify. You should always use multiple forms of marketing promotions in your business. Do not just do one or two promotions and then wait for results. This will slow company growth and your business will stagnate. The last thing you need is to slow your marketing in the Christmas season. So remember to diversify and enjoy the increase in sales. By avoiding these mistakes you will take your company to the success you deserve. You will be able to have year round success for your business and really be able to cash in on the Christmas season. So plan ahead and be careful not to make these common mistakes.

Sean McPheat is a leading authority marketing consultant and helps businesses across the UK, Europe, US and the Middle East. Sean's marketing services include direct mail, internet marketing, sales copy, sales training, telemarketing, PR and strategic alliance marketing.

From the Editor's Desk
Charlon Bobo  
"... they will come to know, to the core of their sacred being, that the differences they might make in the world cannot be made by another."

Message from the Universe
October 3, 2007

Have you ever pondered how important it is that you live your life to the fullest? That others might depend on you for their strength? That you might be the one person who inspires them to hang on a little longer when there's no sign of hope? Yeah, it's heavy stuff. And a responsibility.

See, your life isn't just about you. It's about something much bigger than you can imagine. You have a role to play that NO ONE ELSE on this entire planet can fulfill. If you don't, something -- even something unknown to us -- is lost.

So try, achieve, dream, inspire, share, be. It's not always about doing, but simply being the highest version of our divine selves that makes the most impact on others. It's a sacred task, no doubt. But not one intended to be heavy.

Lighten up and live... for others, for yourself, for this planet.



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