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Dental Health News
September 2010
In This Issue
Healthy Teeth = Healthy Heart
White Wine and Your Teeth
Dental Materials and BPA
5K Torbethon This Weekend
Thank You!
News from the Hygiene Dept.
Healthy Teeth = Healthy Heart

Apple a day...
 It is estimated that more than 80 million Americans have one or more forms of cardiovascular disease including high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart failure.  Studies have shown the link between cardiovascular disease and periodontal (gum) disease (the chronic inflammation and infection of the gums and surrounding tissue.) Inflammatory proteins and bacteria associated with gum disease enter the bloodstream and cause negative effects on the cardiovascular system.

Specifically, it has been suggested that the inflammatory proteins and bacteria associated with gum disease enter a person's bloodstream and can cause various efftecs on the cardiovascular system. For example, a recent British study found that people who brushed less often had highter levels of C-reactive protein, a marker for inflammation. The study also found that people who brushed their teeth just once a day had a 30% increased risk of heart disease compared with those who brushed their teeth twice a day.

In conclusion, a healthy mouth can keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Practice good oral hygiene by brushing twice and flossing once a day. Maintain your dental appointments and keep both your dentist and physician apprised of all medical issues and changes.  Eat healthy and exercise for wellness and stress relief. Please feel free to ask us any questions by calling the office or at your next appointment.

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Dr. Sallyanne Bonner
Dr. Vincent Schaible
Dr. Erin O'Grodnick

White Wine Also a Staining Culprit

Wine enthusiasts often report choosing a white wine over a red to protect the white sparkle of their teeth. A recent experiment has demonstrated that this theory is only partially correct.  White Wine Stains Teeth Too!

Researchers from the New York University College of Dentistry recently conducted an experiement to mimick the effects on the color staining of teeth from sipping various beverages. They compared the staining affects of red wine, white wine, milk, and water on teeth using a spectrophotometer, a device that measures color intensities. Not too surprisingly, the researchers found that the red wine left the deepest, darkest stains on the teeth. However, they also found that white wine also produced stains that were significantly more discolored that the set that endured the experiment utilizing water.

The issue is that acids present in both colors of wine (and incidentally, citrus drinks, most sports/energy drinks, and sodas) create rough spots and grooves in teeth that allow chemical in stain-causing beverages  to penetrate deeper into the tooth. Red wine is the main perpetrator due to containing chromogen, a substance with a strong pigmentation.

To truly protect your pearly-whites, water is your friend. It is also the most hydrating of beverages. For those of us who enjoy wine and are rather partial to coffee or soda, a sip of water after your favorite beverage is helpful. And of course, after decades of wine, coffee and soda, there is always customized teeth-whitening that we can arrange for you!

Dental Materials and BPA

A recent article in the medical journal, Pediatrics, reported how dental materials can release trace amounts of BPA if they contain bis-DMA. Enzymes in saliva can cause this chemical reaction. This does not happen in materials containing bis-GMA. Be assured that here at Bonner & Schaible, we utilize materials containing bis-GMA.

Additionally, we always carefully rinse sealants/resins after placement. Along with the American Dental Association, it is our professional opinion that they are an excellent way to prevent cavities-all our children have sealants! As your dentists, we want to answer any questions you may have about your dental treatment, call us with any questions or ask at your next appointment.

Announcing the First Annual Torbethon
The Daniel Torben Liss Memorial 5K
Sunday, October 3rd, 2:00pm (rain or shine)
White Oak Park, Branchburg, NJ

Daniel Liss wasa dynamic young man and a true inspiration to all that knew him. In May of this year, he was diagnosed with a rare bone and soft tissue cancer called Ewings Sarcoma and passed away in early August. Daniel was 22 years old.

The Daniel T. Liss Memorial Fund has organized this event to support its goals of helping and supporting others with this fast-moving cancer and to fund research for a cure.

Entry fee (includes a t-shirt) is $25.00 per person on the day of the race.

Checks/donations for non-particpants can be made out to the Daniel T. Liss Memorial Fund and sent to: Daniel T. Liss Memorial Fund, Box 241, 16 Mount Bethel Road, Warren, NJ 07059.

We here at Bonner & Schaible thank you for your support. This event is close to our hearts as Daniel was the nephew of our dental assistant, Eileen Luongo.
Bonner and Schaible "Support a Solider" Yearly Project

Once again, we will be collecting Halloween candy, thank-you notes, and if you'd like, photographs, to send to support soldiers serving overseas. This successful project was started by our administrative assistant, Tracy Flatley, her husband Rob, and their sons Ryan and Owen, to provide a morale boost to our brave soldiers so far away from home. Please stop by our office to bring your items. We will mail our packages the first week of November. Additionally, if you know of a soldier you would like to be included, please call us!
We Appreciate Your Referrals!

We always welcome new patients and sincerely appreciate your referrals. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintances, colleagues, friends and extended family members!

JPS Memorial Fund Golf Outing a Success

The third annual Jason P. Schaible Memorial Fund golf outing was held June 21st at Hawk Pointe golf club. The event raised $45,000 to support the Fund's mission of providing non-medical financial support to families of pediatric oncology patients.

Our next outing will be held at Hawk Pointe golf club in June of next year (June 20, 2011.) If anyone would like to be included on invitation list, recieve more information about the JPS Memorial Fund, or recieve the JPS Memorial Fund newsletter, they can send an email to: [email protected].

News from the Hygiene Department

Since flu season is around the corner, our Hygiene Department would like to remind you to not to forget to change your toothbrush!  It is an excellent idea to change it after you recover from a cold or the flu as well as simply after flu season. 

You might also want to frequently toss your toothbrush in the dishwasher for a good old-fashioned "bath" of sorts.

And of course, don't forget to floss!