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Chancellor Dan Klaich
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College of Southern Nevada
Desert Research Institute
Truckee Meadows Community College
Dear Friend of Higher Education,


The 2011 Nevada Legislature is now in its second week and I am once again asking for your help in letting your legislators know you support those who support investing in higher education.
Many of you have contacted me and others in higher education and asked how you can help, how you can make a difference this session.  The first step is to become educated on the issues and track them. Thanks to the miracle of the Internet and social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook, voters now have the ability to be engaged with their legislators as they never have before.
Our initiative-based web site provides information on the budget issues as well as important contact information so you can share your thoughts with your legislators. I encourage you to keep tabs on that site and its accompanying Twitter feed @EducateNV and Facebook group to stay abreast of important hearing dates and events related to the 2011 session.

For starters, I would suggest reading Richard Lake's outstanding explanation of the budget in the Feb. 14 edition of the Las Vegas Review-Journal: "Higher education to suffer, no matter which way it's cut"

There are also many other online sources worth following to get a broader perspective on the budget issues:



Naturally, my list will most likely be outdated by the time you've read this and it is far from inclusive, so please consider it a launching point for your search for information and how to best stay informed of the issues affecting Nevada's future. If I've missed anyone or if you have any suggestions to add, please let me know and watch our NV Budget list on Twitter for updates.

Dan Klaich
Nevada System of Higher Education