AJS Carpet Cleaning, Inc. Newsletter
Spring Cleaning
March 2010

Bring Spring Cleaning a Little Early!

Get These FREE Gifts...
With any cleaning before April 15, 2010 you get ONE FREE gift of your choice.
But you MUST mention this email when you call.
Choose Your Free Gift
But wait, there's more...
3 Reasons to Get Cleaning NOW!
Refer Us To A Friend and Get Free Cleaning!
Choose Your FREE Gift (Pick ONE):

* FREE Car Mats Cleaned-limit 4 mats ($30 value)

* FREE Edge Cleaning to remove dark lines at baseboards (up to $40 value)

* FREE 50 Square Feet of Tile and Grout Cleaning
(One area up to $35 value)

* FREE Area Rug Cleaned (up to 35 square feet or $25 value)

THAT'S RIGHT!! You'll get any one of the services above normally charged at $25-40 for NO EXTRA CHARGE. All you need to do is book any cleaning job in your home.
But wait, there's more...

You also get all these services for 50% Off:

* 50% Off Automobile Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning (up to $90 value)

* 50% Off Fabric Protection on Every Area Rug

* 50% Off Fabric Protection on any Sofa, Chair, Recliner, or Love Seat

Plus, when you book an appointment right now, we'll give you a FREE 12 ounce bottle of spot remover.

All you have to do is book any cleaning appointment big or small.
Call us now at 801 368-0705 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              801 368-0705      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
3 Reasons to Get Cleaning NOW!

  1. Reduce permanent stains. Carpet, rugs, and upholstery need stains removed immediately. The longer you wait to remove them, the more possibility they could be permanent. Don't wait another month!

  2. You'll get a better deal on cleaning now. If you wait another month or two, you won't be able to get your free gift or the 50% off specials.

  3. Your carpet will dry fast now. Cool, crisp days have low humidity. Your carpet will dry much faster this time of year.
For more info on our cleaning systems visit www.ablejan.com or call
801 368-0705
Victor Nugent
AJS Carpet Cleaning, Inc.
Featured Article
Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning
All you need to do is forward this email to a friend, mention us on Facebook, or Tweet about us on Twitter and you can get FREE cleaning. For the entire amount any new client spends on cleaning, we'll give you 10% toward a future cleaning. Just tell your friend to mention your name when booking an appointment. And like always, we offer a 100% guarantee so your friend is sure to be happy.
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