Two New Wisdom Seminars, New Degree Curriculum in Vedic Astrology, Call for THG Initiation, and Loren's New Chapel
A three-module Seminar on Esoteric Freemasonry is now available. Emphasis is upon the significance of discoveries at Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland and connection with the Knights Templar. Also, a three- module Seminar on the history and development of Gnosticism from Hellenistic to modern times is now online. SEMINARS NOW AVAILABLE:
  1. Initiatic Mysteries of Classical Antiquity (Individual Module fee $20)
  2. Yeshua: The Unknown Jesus
  3. Gospel of Mary and Magdalenic Gnosis
  4. Shamanic Art of Harmonic Intoning and Mantric Chant: Introduction to Vocal Technique
  5. World Religions and Spirituality
  6. Rosslyn Chapel and Esoteric Freemasonry
  7. Gnosticism: Ancient and Modern
  8. Initiatic Site for T:.H:.G:. (Temple of the Holy Grail)
  9. Site for Home Temple School of Sacred Studies Degree Programs
  10. Various E-Books

Bishop Willa Keizer has been working with Indian Jyotish genius Sanjay Rath and several of his gurus to create a complete degree program in Vedic Astrology. It is sponsored by the Home Temple School of Sacred Studies and can be found online at (Don't confuse with .com or .org!) Both online and local courses in Santa Cruz, CA, begin this spring. Details of the JIVA program and new Seminars follow below.

Now is the time for those who seek Wesak Initiation into the First Order Empowerments of the Temple of the Holy Grail (T:.H:.G:.) to make application and begin preparations. Details in the third article below.

From time to time, we will be featuring pictures of home sanctuaries and chapels created by our Home Temple Priests and Bishops. This month we feature the Rev. Loren's church web site and altar.

Modern symbolic Freemasonry, dating supposedly from mid-seventeenth century England, perpetuates a secret form of high initiation used in the ancient mysteries. We find no trace of it in ancient or medieval operative stone masonry or other craft guilds. How did Freemasonry get or perpetuate this ancient form of Initiation? Indeed, how did it acquire the dramatic synopses of great European esoteric schools found in higher Masonic degrees?

The answers to these and other questions about esoteric Freemasonry are found two centuries before the establishment of the English symbolic or non- operative lodges. Where? At Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland. There the Initiation and related secrets were known, practiced, and clearly shown in wall carvings. Esoteric Freemasonry was established in Scotland by the Knights Templar within two generations of their suppression by the Inquisition. We examine the Templars, their assimilation of spiritual knowlege from the Middle East, their brotherly association with the stone masons, the Templar diaspora, and its influence in the development of Scottish symbolic Freemasonry. The course syllabus can be found through the link below.

I did my doctoral dissertation on the Hermetic Initiation tractate from the Nag Hammadi Coptic Gnostic Library back in 1970, wrote a textbook on Coptic, and have continued gnostic studies ever since. Modern Gnosticism is quite different from the ancient forms. This Seminar especially addresses the following questions:
  • What were the roots of Gnosticism?
  • What were ancient Jewish and Hellenistic Gnosticism all about?
  • How has Gnosticism been preserved and transformed from ancient to modern times?
  • How is it relevant today?

This Seminar takes us on a tour of Mithraism, which probably gave gentile Christianity (both Gnostic and Proto-Orthodox) its understanding of Heavenly Redeemer and Holy Sacraments; the Jewish Mandaeans, who survive today and accept John the Baptist as their Messiah; numerous Gnostic sects and their founders; Manichaeaism (the original religion of St. Augustine of Hippo) and its perpetuation into medieval Europe through the Albigensians (derogated as "Cathars" by their enemies); the Albigensian diaspora and its connection with the Hermetic Renaissance, Rosicrucian Enlightenment, post- diaspora Templarism, and the development of European esoteric schools and Gnostic Ekklesiae; and finally we examine modern Gnostic schools and Churches and see how the ascetic ideals of so-called Negative Gnosticism have been totally transformed.

Bishop Willa Keizer   Vedic Astrology - The Eye of the Vedas
Vedic Astrology is called "Jyotish" in Sanskrit. It is composed of the Sanskrit words "Jyoti" which means light, and "Isha" which means Divinity, so Jyotish is the Light of Divinity. Just as our physical eyes bring light to our senses, Jyotish brings the light of true knowledge to our soul.

JIVA's mission is to educate people into the science of Vedic Astrology as taught in the long tradition of astrologers from Jagannath Puri in Orissa India. This knowledge originates in the ancient wisdom tradition of India known as the Vedas.

  Preparation, Initiation, and First Order Empowerments
The Temple of the Holy Grail is an initiatic mystery school providing advanced esoteric training and practices that empower the work of all people engaged in serving the spiritual needs of humanity. It is required esoteric training for Consecration as a Bishop of the Home Temple Synod. Thirteen months is the minimal time frame in which all seven First Order Empowerments can be received and ripened. After successful completion, the Initiate has an option to be advanced through Portal exercises into the Second Order Christ- Melchizedek Tantra, which is based on the spiritual dynamics and practices used in Kalachakra Generation and Completion stages, adapted to Kabbalistic form and terminology for Westerners.

Preparation begins with email contact ( and an application, which is the same form used for acceptance into Ordination training for the Home Temple. If you are already in the program, you are also accepted for T:.H:.G:. Initiation and merely need to make an email request to proceed. If not, you will need to apply with character references. ( You will need to purchase Initiation into the Grail Mysteries shown in the picture above. It is available through Home Temple Publications and in e- book form at, as well as at all internet book stores. You will need to listen to the eleven introductory tapes, which can be ordered either as cassette tapes from Home Temple Publications or purchased is MP3 files that can be heard or downloaded from your computer through the password-protected THG portal at You will then be scheduled for the March conference calls and given passwords for printable and multimedia presentations that help you prepare for the Passover Moon All-Night Initiatic Vigil, Vigil Analysis, and instruction on Wesak self- initiation and beginning the First Empowerment.

If you would like to proceed, email the Grailmaster at

  Gnostic Catholic Church of the Holy Grail and the Hidden Chapel of Mary Magdalene
Loren's home church is located in Belen, New Mexico, where he lives with his wife and children. Loren completed all T:.H:.G:. First Order Empowerments, including the "proving" in which he manifested rain when the forecast was for clear skies. In fact, he brought down a whole storm! In recognition of his spiritual achievements, he was dubbed a Knight of the esoteric chivalric Order of St. Michael and St. Raphael in August of 2004 by Knight Commander Lewis Keizer. All T:.H:.G:. Initiates are accepted as candidates for Knighthood in this authentic European Order headed by Abbot and Bishop George Boyer in London. However, they are not dubbed as Knight or Dame until they can demonstrate the final "proving" after the Seventh Empowerment. Dubbing as Knight or Dame is a recognition of spiritual nobility and authority, but unlike other orders of nobility, it cannot be passed on by heredity to descendants. It must be earned by each candidate.

Click on Loren's altar photo to go to his church web site. Click on the link below to go to his photos of the Hidden Chapel of Mary Magdalene.


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