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3-Day Accelerated Marriage Counseling (AMC)


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Karl Pic
Karl Elkins ThM, MA, LPC, CSC, BCPCC, DAPA
"You Do Not Have A Marriage Problem That God Cannot Fix"
If the Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead, then He can certainly resurrect a dead marriage.  

However, they typical 1-hr session approach doesn't work, you need an Accelerated Marriage Counseling approach (AMC).

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             Emptying your partner's negatively filled emotional kettle caused by past hurts (Marriage Skills #32, 33) will draw them closer to you than they have ever felt before -- if you empty it God's way (Isa. 55:9). This is actually true whether you believe it or not. So if you don't believe it, borrow some of my faith. I have seen it happen over two thousand times. By addressing and resolving past hurts, couples often feel closer to one another than they ever did before.

            Three orthopedic surgeons have told me that a broken bone set correctly will grow back even stronger in the place where it was once broken (at least initially). Likewise, resolving past hurts will grow you closer to your partner than you ever were before (at least initially and if done correctly). This is one significant reason God allows us to go through painful situations in our marriages. It is the healing of these hurts, and the understanding that comes with it, that actually grows us closer.

            I often ask couples to rate their closeness level on a 1-100 scale before we start counseling. I do so by asking them to think of the time that they actually felt the closest to their partner: the day they met, became engaged, married, had their first child . . . However close they felt that day we will give a score of 100. Remember, 100 may not even be all that good; it's just the closest they have yet experienced.

            At the end of our 18-hour Accelerated Marriage Counseling or 2-Day Marriage Clinic, I then ask them to again rate how close they feel to their partner on the same scale. About 90 percent report they are in the 90's. Of those 90 percent, about 25 percent rate their closeness even higher than 100, claiming to feel even closer than they ever have before. It is interesting to me that, when people do not score higher than 100 percent, it is almost always because they did not completely empty the emotional kettle.

            Healing hurts draws you closer to your partner. Why? That's what we will address next in Marriage Skill #35.

2-Day Marriage ClinicMarriageClinic                         Schedule/Register Now
NEXT CLINIC:  May 3-4, 2012
Save $60 if register by April 18, 2012 4:30 pm

A 2-day clinic to learn / experience 25 Core Relational Life Skills.
 * The #1 reason marriages struggle and fail
 * One concept that stops all arguing
 * Why love is not meeting a need but the "Need Of The Moment"
 * How to heal and recover from past hurts
 * "Top 12 Needs Of Men And Women"
 * How to recover from infidelity
 * Learn essential lifestyle disciplines
 * How to communicate desires and hurts without provoking anger
 * See more topics   

This is a group event but you never share your 'stuff' 
with the group. You learn 25 skills and then privately communicate with your partner. The only person you have to talk with is your spouse! 


2-Day Marriage Clinics are held on the first Thursday / Friday of every month from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm.  The 2012 schedule is:  


May 3-4

Sep 6-7


Jun 7-8

Oct 4-5


Jul 5-6

Nov 1-2


Aug 2-3

Dec 6-7

Couple Pic


Contact Information:

Phone: (832) 358-0900   

3-Day Accelerated Marriage Counseling



 REGISTER NOW for 3-Day AMC           


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This is the fastest way to marital harmony!  Give us 3-days and you will experience the marriage you always dreamed of!



See 13 Reasons Accelerated Counseling is better than 1-hr sessions



You will learn: 


* The #1 reason marriages struggle and fail

* One concept that stops all arguing

* Why love is not meeting a need but the "Need Of The Moment"

* How to heal and recover from past hurts

* "Top 12 Needs of Men and Women"

* How to recover from infidelity

* Learn essential life style disciplines

* Get to the root of addictions

* How to communicate desires and hurts without provoking anger

* See more topics


Completely private: you, your partner and the counselor only.  No group sessions are included. 


Call to schedule. 


Phone: (832) 358-0900



Terry Pic
Terry Elkins MA
Private Couples CounselingPrivateCouplesCounseling

To schedule individual counseling please contact Terry at:

Phone:  (832) 358-0900
Town & Country Office Location
(Katy Freeway@ Beltway 8)

10575 Katy Freeway, Suite 315
Houston, TX 77024-1012


About Karl Elkins, LPC, ThM, MA, CSC, BCPCC, DAPAAboutKarlElkins Karl Pic

Karl has 26 years of counseling experience
having seen over 3500 clients and is an Adjunct Instructor at College of Biblical Studies teaching Marriage and Family courses. He is Founder and President of Christway Counseling Center P.C. specializing in marriage and family counseling. He earned a Master's degree in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Master's degree in Counseling from Colorado Christian University. He was formerly on staff with Intimate Life Ministries and director of a Houston Minirth-Meier New Life Clinic. He is married to Terry Elkins and has two grown children.
Save $60
If you schedule for the 2-Day Marriage Clinic by 4:30 p.m. 15 days before the event, save $60 off the regular registration price.

Coupon does not need to be printed or presented and the offer is transferable. Share this discount with friends and families that might benefit from the 2-Day Marriage Clinic.

Offer expires each month at 4:30 pm 15 days before next 2-Day Marriage Clinic