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Home In Order
April, 2012


Staying In Shape   


So you've finally tackled that organizing project that's been hanging over your head for days, months, or years! That overflowing bedroom closet, those crammed kitchen cabinets, the piles of paper on your desk are all gone, and you have established homes for everything. A place for everything, and everything in its place. The weight is lifted, and you're able to breathe a sigh of relief and feel a genuine sense of accomplishment. Now, finally, you get to reap the benefits of all of your organizing hard work! Not so fast, bucko! Just like a fitness plan or a weight loss regimen, getting there is only half the battle. Getting organized is great, but staying organized is better! Whether it's for your body or for your living space, a maintenance plan is crucial to ongoing success. Without a plan in place to maintain your hard-earned, clutter-free space, in a very short time the clutter will pile up again and your organizational efforts will seem like a distant memory. Putting systems into place to keep everything organized and spending just a little bit of time maintaining them on a daily/weekly/monthly basis is crucial. There are two methods for keeping clutter under control that I recommend to my clients:


         1. Set Your Boundaries:

When you designate a home for a category of your belongings, make a commitment to keep only what will fit into that physical space. It could be 3 shelves for your sweaters, a specific bookcase for your books, a set of cubbies for your shoes, 1 drawer for your jeans, 4 plastic bins that fit into a specific corner of your attic for your holiday decorations, or a 2-drawer filing cabinet for your household paperwork. When that space is full, it's time to stop acquiring or something must go to make room. If you are dedicated to staying organized, be firm in your physical boundaries. "One in, one out" is an excellent way to keep clutter from building up in your home.


       2. Establish a Donation Station: 

Assigning a home for the items you will keep in your home is important to getting organized. Assigning a home for the items that need to leave your home is important to staying organized. For paperwork, it's your shredder, your recycling bin and your trash can! For other items, establish a place where things that are no longer needed or used in your home can accumulate temporarily until they can be taken for donation or give-away. Have a large basket or bin in a convenient place to collect items for donation. When that bin is full, set a specific time on your calendar to drop them off at your local charitable institution or other recipient (make sure that recipient really wants/needs what you're giving away!) Remember that anything that is worn out, used up or not in a condition to be passed on needs to be discarded. You're not helping a charitable organization by "donating" goods that are broken or worn out. It just places an additional financial burden on them to do the discarding. If your concern is keeping things out of the landfill, keep that in mind the next time you're at the cash register about to bring something else into your home!


Maintaining your organized home is a necessary, but easy process if you dedicate just a small portion of time and energy on a regular basis to keep it that way. Setting your boundaries for how much you accumulate and having an established routine for eliminating excess helps keep your home in tip-top organizational shape!


"Organization is a process, not a state achieved in one day. Think about it as 'being organized' or 'staying organized.' not 'getting organized.'" NAPO Website


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Lisa S. Griffith
Lisa S. Griffith


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Making Your Kitchen Work:

Kitchen Organizing Secrets from a Professional Organizer

Free Seminar 

  • Find out how to organize your kitchen tools and your food supplies so that you can find what you need when you need it.
  • Save money and improve nutrition by cutting back on take-out meals because you will be able to plan and prepare meals in less time and with less hassle.
  • Discover the best organizing tools and systems for the kitchen so that you can purchase what will make your kitchen work.

Learn how to make your kitchen a streamlined and efficient space so that you can reduce your stress and enjoy your time with your family in the heart of your home!


Monday, April 2, 2012

7:00 - 8:00 pm 

Weaver Memorial Library

41 Grove Ave.

E. Providence, RI
Free shredding, donations welcome.
Saturday, April 28, 2012

9 am - 12 noon
Barrington Christian Academy
9 Old County Rd.
Barrington, RI

For more community paper shredding events in RI,
check out:

In order, in joy, 



Lisa S. Griffith
The Organized Way
Office: 401-484-5028
Mobile: 401-529-1674