In This Issue
Aviation Exhibit
Keene Aviation Day
IMC Club
Safety Seminars
Poker Run
Pancake Fly-Out
Airport Manager Says
Quick Links

Why Come to Keene?

Cirque Le Masque at  
May 7, 7:30pm
Escape to Carnivale with Cirque le Masque in this sophisticated European-style circus, incorporating dance and mime with acrobatics, lavish costumes and dazzling special effects. Venture to a place beyond the limits of gravity, the restrictions of the human form, and the confines of standard storytelling in this invigorating and inspiring show.
 I would be happy to help you with hotel, restaurant, or rental car reservations.
Keene, NH                                                    April 29, 2010
Barbeque This Saturday
Please join us for 'good eats' on Saturday at noon.  The food is free the hangar flying is priceless.   The Aviation Beautification Committee (which really has no standards and is made up of anyone standing nearby) will give a prize for the best looking aircraft on our ramp at 12:30!
Aviation Exhibit 
Great news!  We have obtained a Teenie Two aircraft which we will refurbish and donate as an aviation exhibit to the Keene Children's Museum.  We also have two generous volunteers who are driving to North Carolina to pick it up (thanks John and Dave).
We have a terrific exhibit planned with hands-on activities to introduce kids to aviation (paper plane folding, flight simulator).  We welcome your ideas if you have suggestions of what else we could include.  Of course, being a children's museum, the exhibit must be safe, kid friendly, and easy to figure out with little supervision.
If you have any thoughts on this, please call or send me an email.  We're hoping to make this a fantastic aviation exhibit which can unleash the imagination of future pilots and aviation enthusiasts.
Keene Aviation Day
Keene Aviation Day will be held June 5th with a raindate of June 6th, 10:00am to 4:00pm.  
The events include an airshow, radio controlled aircraft, parachute jumping demos, EAA Young Eagles Flights, lots of military and civilian aircraft on static display, tethered hot air balloon rides, helicopter rides, food vendors, face painting, and more.  We are thrilled to present some terrific performers and aircraft.  Check our website for Aviation Day updates as we confirm more participants.  Admission is $5.00 for 12 and up, under 12 are free.
Of note, all of our food vendors are non-profit organizations from our community.  We are not charging them a booth fee nor a percentage of their proceeds.  They will keep 100% of what they earn.   If you are affiliated with a local non-profit which wants to participate, please contact me.
EAA Chapter 1314 is coordinating the EAA Young Eagles flights and can use as many pilots as they can muster.  Contact Don Green at if you are interested in helping with the flights.
IMC Club
Please join us for the Keene IMC Club meeting Monday, May 3rd at 6:00pm at Monadnock Aviation.  
Membership is free and all pilots are welcome.
Safety Seminars
Did you know you can receive notices whenever a safety seminar is scheduled near you?  FAASafety.Gov  has information about seminars, the FAA Safety Team, the WINGS Program, and more. 
May 18- Boston TRACON - An Evening With ATC.  Airspace can be confusing; don't let it get the best of you.  Boston TRACON Air Traffic Control Specialist Bob Adelizzi will discuss how to conduct safe and efficient flight operations in different classes of airspace.  Be confident and competent while using ATC services and flying in controlled airspace.
Bob has been a controller at Boston TRACON for twenty five years and affiliated with the FAA safety program for over twenty.   His "Evening with ATC" presentations are the highest attended safety programs in New England.
June 15Flying the New York VFR Corridor.   On November 19, 2009 the FAA issued an amendment to Part 93.  This amendment established a Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) in the vicinity of New York City and defines operational procedures for pilots within the SFRA. With the advent of the SFRA many of the former "recommendations" have now become regulatory. This seminar will present all the new rules for flying in the SFRA. It will also point out the hazards and risks, and demonstrate how to fly the route safely and legally.
Doug is the National Certificated Flight Instructor of the Year for 2004. A Master Certified Flight Instructor, Gold Seal Instructor, and Designated Pilot Examiner, he is based at the Columbia County Airport (1B1) in Hudson, NY.
You can register for the seminars where I have provided links.  These are part of the FAA's Wings Pilot Proficiency Program. 
All seminars are from 6 to 8pm at Monadnock Aviation in the Keene airport's main terminal. 
Refreshments provided by Monadnock Aviation.
Poker Run
We are participating in a Poker Run this weekend with the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center.  It is a part of their Aerospace Fest 2010. 
The Poker Runs starts Friday and ends Sunday at 3:00pm.  Other airports involved are Concord, Laconia, Parlin, and Rochester. 
The admission price is $50.00 and that gets you two 1 day passes or one 3 day pass to Aerospace Fest.  Pick one card per airport; prizes will be awarded for the best poker hands.
If you are participating, there is a 5 minute shuttle ride from the Concord airport to the Discovery Center.  Call 603- 568-4234 for the shuttle.
More information on the event is available at or call 603-271-7832.
Pancake Breakfast Fly-Out
The Fitchburg Pilot's Association is hosting a pancake breakfast on Sunday, May 2nd.  Let's fly out and support them. Our planes will head out about 8:30am. Join us at the FBO if you would like to go also. 
The Airport Manager Says...
As everyone involved in aviation knows, there are a myriad of regulations that govern every aspect of flying - from the airworthiness of an aircraft to the intensity of a light on a snow plow.  One set of regulations deals with obstructions to air navigation near airports, which is also known as Part 77.  As an aircraft approaches or departs an airport, they are flying close to the ground and close to obstructions that may pose a serious safety concern.  To limit this potential hazard, the FAA has established various three dimensional surfaces near the airport to identify and address potential problems.  In simple terms, picture an upside down tiered wedding cake centered on the airport.  Any penetration to the "wedding cake tiers" must either be removed or marked in some way, depending on their location.  One of the methods of marking a penetration is with either an obstruction light or a hazard beacon.  These two lights are often used synonymously but differ greatly.  An obstruction light is typically steady burning red and equivalent to a 120 watt light bulb.  It "protects" obstructions within a 150 foot radius or a 300 foot diameter.   A hazard beacon is also red but flashes and has the light output equivalent to two 400 watt bulbs, yet it protects obstructions within a 1,500 foot radius or a 3,000 diameter.  While both lights are important and mark a potential hazard, it may be helpful to give a wider birth to those lights that flash.
Ed Mattern, Keene Airport Manager
Upcoming events
May 1, May 15 - Free barbeques at Monadnock Aviation.  Noon.
May 2 - Fitchburg Pilot's Association First Annual Pancake Breakfast/Brunch Fly-In at KFIT.   We'll gather at 8:30 at our office.
May 3 - Keene IMC Club Meeting 6:00pm at Monadnock Aviation.
May 12 - Monadnock Travel Council Luncheon hosted by Monadnock Aviation.  Noon.
May 18, June 15 - Monadnock Aviation Safety Seminars.
May 15 - EAA Chapter 1314 meets the third Saturday of every month at 10:00am at Monadnock Aviation.  New members  welcomed.

June 5 -  Keene Aviation Day, 10am to 4pm.

Have a great weekend.
Monadnock Aviation
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