MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2012 RESTORING THE SAND-HEARTEDIn Jesus' trilogy parable (Luke 15), the prodigal son exhibited a sand heart, one that was loose and licentious, scattered in the wind. The father satisfied the desires of his sand-hearted younger son through the gift of restoration.
When the younger son returned home, sandals were placed on his feet, which transformed him from a slave back into a son. This illustrated the father satisfying the younger son's desire for significance translated in the love, or grace, of the patriarch.
Calling for a calf, rather than a goat, implied that everyone in the community was invited, not just the family. This noted the father satisfying the younger son's desire for contentment translated into the peace of the father's reconciliation of the son with the community.
The servants scattered to find the father's robe, since it was the best. This symbolized the father satisfying the younger son's desire for security translated in the truth that everything he owned had belonged to the son.
They placed the ring on his son's finger to restore his ability to make business deals, an act that committed the father's resources. This demonstrated the father satisfying the younger son's desire for control translated in the power that he had transferred.
These four acts by the father restored his younger son to authenticity, the original design of the Designer.
Are you a sand-hearted younger brother in need of restoration? It's time to come home to your heavenly Father who's waiting for you with open arms. 
For more, watch:
 | Episode 97: Delivered with Linda McCrary |