What is your outlet? At first, you might describe a hobby or a hideaway, if anything at all, but God designed us to have outlets for His restoration to flow to others.

Everything in the Dead Sea dies because it has no outlet. Contrasted, the Sea of Galilee brings life because its outlet allows it to experience flow. God designed the same for our lives. The apostle Peter wrote: "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms" (1 Peter 4:10).

A couple decades ago, I was invited to view our local homeless shelter's new facility. The first person who greeted me was a four year-old girl playing on the floor. She was the same age as my daughter. For the first time in my life, I realized that a child in DeKalb County could be homeless. After my tour, I went back to my office and wrote a check to the shelter that stretched my sacrificial cardiac muscles. I experienced the flow of the Holy Spirit's water, that day.

When our clay hearts recognize God as the inlet of our financial resources, we seek ways to help those in need. 
Today, thank Christ for being your inlet of resources and ask Him for guidance to discover your outlet.
700 Club
For more, watch:
Episode 20: Living Water 

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336 Pages
Credo House Publishers
1st Edition (March 2010)

Study Guide

Restoration Road Study Guide

12-Week Series
80 Pages
Credo House Publishers (2010)


Restoration Road DVD
12-Week Series
120 Minutes
Credo House Publishers (2010)
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