As a recovering perfectionist, I have attempted to control every outcome in my life. Consequently, I've learned that I need to yield my heart to God in order to yield the outcomes to Him. Joshua said it this way: "Throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the LORD" (Joshua 24:23).

In order to yield ourselves to God, we need to ask the Holy Spirit to eliminate any desire for life apart from God, any sin that separates us from a heart of clay and manifests itself in a foreign god. Each of us must ask Him, "What god am I white knuckling?" It might be money, an illicit relationship, improper use of the internet, a career, or anything we see or hold in our hands that is not God. It might be a position in the church where we desire to find satisfaction in ministry, but not in God. It might even be perfectionism.

Yield your heart to God.  

700 Club
For more, watch The Restoration with Mitch Kruse, Episode 9: Restoring the Four Chambers of our Hearts.

Mitch Kruse dot Com e-mail Header
336 Pages
Credo House Publishers
1st Edition (March 2010)

Study Guide

Restoration Road Study Guide

12-Week Series
80 Pages
Credo House Publishers (2010)


Restoration Road DVD
12-Week Series
120 Minutes
Credo House Publishers (2010)
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