MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2010 WALK WITH GODAfter being blessed with God's glory on Mount Sinai, Moses spoke to God in a way that showed his heart of confession, repentance and belief in God's grace: "O Lord, if I have found favor in your eyes, then let the Lord go with us. Although this is a stiff-necked people, forgive our wickedness and our sin, and take us as your inheritance" (Exodus 34:9).
The word "go" is translated from the Hebrew word halak, which means "walk." In spite of their sin, God graciously walked with the Israelites, just as Jesus walked with the disciples. We learn four important truths from Moses' response to grace. First, Moses examined his heart and surrendered it to God; second, he confessed his sin; third, he repented and believed in God's grace; and finally, he walked with God. All four of Moses' moves toward God were empowered by God's grace. Today, will you humbly walk with God? 
For more, watch The Restoration Road with Mitch Kruse, Episode 7: A Fool's Sin and the Restorer's Grace