MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2010 THE SECULAR FOOLThe final stage of foolishness is the secular fool who exalts himself rather than God (Proverbs 30:32). The godless fool has hardened his heart with the image of his own handprint impressed so solidly in his inner being that he is unsatisfied by spiritual things (Proverbs 30:22). Consequently, he brings no joy to his earthly father (Proverbs 17:21). Nabal was a godless fool (1 Samuel 25:25) whose state of mind did not work out so well for him; God struck him dead.
Carefully consider your heart. Is there any area inside you in which you have exalted yourself above God? Are you living your life on autopilot, apart from Him? Are your desires truly satisfied in Christ, or do you need more and more of your fix of choice to advance your own earthly kingdom at the expense of His? If so, you might be coming dangerously close to playing the secular fool. Surrender your hardened heart to the Restorer, today. 
For more, watch The Restoration Road with Mitch Kruse, Episode 7: A Fool's Sin and the Restorer's Grace