MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2010 MASTER KEY OF FULL SURRENDER The Master Key that fully surrenders our
hearts to the Restorer is cross-shaped, the perfect picture of the vertical
intersecting with the horizontal. The vertical axis is our relationship with
God. The horizontal axis is our relationship with people. In order to fully
surrender the Master Key into the lock of pride on the human heart, one must
humble his heart vertically to God, and horizontally to others.
The Bible tells us that Christ the Designer (Colossians 1:16) and
Restorer (Colossians 1:19) holds the restoring key of David that unlocks the
kingdom of heaven. What he opens, no one can shut; what he shuts, no one can
open (Revelation 3:7). He has unlocked the door to abundant and eternal
restoration to those who humble their hearts to Him. Are you overdue for an
appointment with the Restorer to unlock the gate of your heart to Restoration
For more, watch The Restoration Road with Mitch Kruse, Episode 1: Sand, Stone & Clay |