Buenaventura Art AssocationBuenaventura Art Association E-Newsletter
4Members Only
October 21, 2009 - Vol 1, Issue 9
In This Issue
Wish the Print were Bigger?
Current Calendar
Discovery Gallery Exhibits
2010 Art Calendar Ads
Watercolor & Aqua Media Open Competition
Featured Artisans for Fall
Artist Sales
Volunteer Opportunities
Plein Air Schedule
Buenaventura Gallery Exhibits
Harbor Village Gallery Exhibits
Competition Award Winners
Community Memorial's Next Exhibit
Kids Art Contest at Wright Library
Our Members Shine
Call to Artists
Art News
Wish the Print were Bigger and Easier to Read? - Helpful Tip

If you'd like a larger view, hold down the "Ctrl" key, and press the "+" key a few times until the type is large enough to suit you. Press Ctrl 0 (zero) to get back to normal. (Use "Com" instead of "Ctrl" on a Mac.)

Current Calendar

-Watercolor & Aqua Media Open Competition: Nov. 9 & 10, 11-2pm, Harbor Village Gallery.
-Small Images, Member Show - Nov 8 & 9 11-2 pm.
-Community Memorial Hospital, "Our Stimulus Package", electronic entries only, due Nov. 2 at noon.

-Duain Wood, Oct. 13-Nov. 7, Reception Sat. Oct. 17, 4-7 pm.
-"Inspiration is YOU!" Photography Show
Oct. 6-Nov. 7.
-Robert Wassell, Nov. 10- Dec. 5,"Wilderness Trails of Ventura" Reception Sat., Nov. 14, 5-8 pm.

"3D Open Competition", "Kinetic Sculpture Race" & "Channel Islands, Our Local Treasure" "Art at the Islands", Thru Nov. 8.
-Award Reception for 3D/Kinetic exhibit Oct. 23, 5-8 pm.

-Linda Cowell, "Life & Earth", thru Nov. 4.
-Pam Salem, "Jungle in Your Living Room," Nov. 5 - Dec. 2, Reception: Nov. 5, 5-8 pm.

"Anything Goes", thru Dec. 6.
"Our Stimulus Package", exhibit runs from Dec. 6 thru March 7, 2010.

Currently at the Discovery Gallery

Cowell art imageLinda Cowell
"Life and Earth"

November 5 - December 2

"Jungle In your Living Room"
Pastels by Pamela Salem

Salem imgReception: Friday, November 6, 5-8 pm. during First Friday's Ventura Gallery Crawl.

Pamela Salem has an intrinsic passion for capturing animal's strength and beauty, which shines through her soft images in pastels. Her realistic renderings show more than that of a photograph; instead they delve into the expression of the stunning mysteries of the power and wonder of wild mammals. With her soft pastel strokes it is as if you can feel the artist softly caressing and creating these animals' portraits right in front your eyes, in the jungle. Her motherly instincts reveal themselves in these soft touches in her work. One can truly enjoy the wild, full of awe-striking animals, right here in this exhibit.

Advertise in the 2010 Art Calendar

There is still space left to place an ad in the 2010 BAA Art Calendar. Spaces are $150 and $75, and may be shared by more than one person or company. Design of the ads is the responsibility of the advertiser. October 24 Deadline. Click here for the ad form.

Watercolor and Aqua Media
Open Competition & Exhibit

Cibere imgBAA, in partnership with the California Gold Coast Watercolor Society, proudly present their first Open Competition for Watercolor & Aqua Media, juried by Joe Cibere (image by J. Cibere).
Nov. 11-Dec. 13, 2009
Harbor Village Gallery
Reception & awards ceremony:
Friday, Nov. 13, 5-8 pm.
Take in Dates: Nov. 9 & 10,
11-2 pm each day.
This exhibition is open to professional and amateur artists from Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties. (Click here for prospectus and entry form.)

Featured Artisans at the Harbor Gallery's Artisan Store

JCase 09-23-09
Julieanne Case
is the featured artisan at the Artisan Store at the Harbor Village Gallery, through October.

Coming in November:

Lady Jan Faulkner
"A Knitter and a Hooker"

Jan sweaterLady Jan Faulkner has been an exhibiting member of the Buenaventura Art Association and Galleries since 2004 where her volunteer hours are spent hanging the member shows at the Buenaventura Gallery. Along with the mediums of collage and digital photography, Jan also expresses her love of arts and crafts. Her lifelong ability to manipulate fiber in both the knit and crochet fields has been on display for years at the Harbor Village Gallery. Like she told the Principal the other day at the school where she works, she is both a knitter and a hooker. 

2010 Holiday Ornament Design Competition & Fundraiser

water bottle imgDon't throw out that plastic water bottle. Make it into something beautiful!
BAA is proud to announce the second annual Holiday Ornament Design Competition. All ornaments must be based a plastic water bottle (any style) no larger than 16 oz. in size, provided by the artist. Junior entries are also welcome, middle school and up. Artists are given carte blanche to create at will by adding, subtracting, painting, flattening, folding, gluing, sculpting, glittering and in all ways celebrating the upcoming holidays in style. Entries will be judged and prizes will be awarded in both adult and junior categories. Stay tuned for more info on bring-in and exhibit dates at the Harbor Village Gallery.

food share logoEach artist is asked to donate his/her creation for this fundraiser event, and 100% of the proceeds from the sales of these ornaments will be donated to Ventura County Food Share.

Workshops & Classes

jablonski imgA workshop entitled "Oil Painting Techniques" with Irena Jablonski will be held Saturday, Nov. 14, 9:00 am-1 pm. Cost is $130 Members, $150 Non Members. Instruction will focus on oil wet into wet painting -- figurative, portraits, landscapes. Level of experience: beginners to advanced, adults only. Materials to bring: an easel, a canvas or board, preferred 16 x 20", basic set of oil paints, basic set of brushes, a 'one glass' jar with fresh odorless thinner, a roll of paper towels, photos to work from.
Call BAA or stop in at our galleries to sign up
. (805-648-1235)

Ventura County Star Copy Editor Don Scott and Museum of Ventura County Director of Marketing Susan Leeper Gerrard are offering a writing workshop at the Buenaventura Gallery to share their experience and advice about how to increase readers' interest in your vision and artwork: Words as Artist Tools: Brush Up Your Message!. Sun., Nov. 1 and Sun., Nov. 15 at 2 pm. $15 for members and $25 for non-members. To sign up: Scott and Gerrard Workshop

More Workshops
See "Our Members Shine" for additional classes being taught be BAA members.

Members Photo Album
Zetlmaier at Foster imgKay Zetlmaier painting at the EP Foster House, in preparation for the group exhibit planned for April 2010.
Volunteer Opportunities

Pre-Reception Clean up: Vacuum and tidy the HVG the morning before a reception. Must be finished by Gallery's opening time. Next Reception THIS FRIDAY, 10/23. Contact Emily.
Plein Air Schedule
Artist DrawingIn addition to Chris Weber's plein air group, we also have an Ojai group's plein air schedule, and more as we receive information.

BAA Board of Directors & Staff

Jack Halbert, President
Merilee Allen, Vice-President
Wana Klasen, Recording Secretary
Gloria Rupio, Treasurer

Directors at Large
Janet Black, Gordon Bohn, Dorothy Brunkan, Marilyn Cahill, Cecile Faulconer, Amani Fliers, Judy Gibbs, Hilda Kilpatrick, Bob Privitt, Donna Zaza, Kay Zeltmaier

Emily Thompson, Interim Director
Regina Vorgang, Gallery Assistant

BAA Board of Directors meets every third Tuesday of the month at 5 pm, at the Buenaventura Gallery, 700 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura. Members welcome.

More info ...

BAA Galleries
and Exhibit Locations

Buenaventura Gallery
700 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura

Harbor Village Gallery
1591 Spinnaker Drive
(near the big lawn)

Discovery Gallery
Ventura Visitors Bureau
101 S. California St., Ventura

Community Memorial Hospital
(changing exhibits)
Main Floor Lobby & Corridors
147 N. Brent St., Ventura

Chris and EmilyChange is in the air, the weather, the seasons and a NEW Director!

    The Holidays are right around the corner and it's time to start promoting to your friends, family and neighbors the BEST places to purchase gifts for the season! BAA Galleries and Artisan Store of course! Hope you are all thinking and creating images for the small image shows at both galleries!
     Thank you again for little notes of encouragement and emails of support from the members. YOU are the reason why I am very excited to take the reins of this great organization, a marvelous example of artists working together in support of each other and of our community. Enjoy the weekend's Harvest ArtWalk and all the art and culture our city has to offer, we are so lucky! 
    See you Thursday night at Chris's Party! -
Emily Thompson
BAA Executive Director

Thank You Party for Chris
Thurs, Oct. 22, 5:30-7, The Greek at the Harbor
Student Scholarship Donations Welcome
(RSVP to emily@buenaventuragallery.org)

Harvest ArtWalk This Weekend!
Downtown Ventura, Oct. 24 & 25

Buenaventura Gallery Exhibits

Duain Wood:  "The Sculptor's Eye: Photography of the Eastern and
High Sierras"

Duain WoodOctober 13 - November 7

"The Sculptor's Eye..." might seem like an odd name for a photography exhibit, yet Duain Wood's black and white photographs appear to carve out the negative and positive spaces to create the image.    (More ... )

November 10 - December 5

Robert Wassell: "Wilderness Trails
of Ventura"

Reception: Nov. 14, 5-8 pm.

Wassell imgNationally known artist of the Los Padres National Forest, Robert Wassell has been documenting the forest for 22 years.  His paintings show a pristine wilderness where the only sign of man is a trail or dirt road. To reach the site of his works you have to hike several hours, so this is not the forest you see from your car window.  He is known as the backpacker's artist and is well known by many lovers of the forest.  Wassell has a unique stile and vision that is unlike any other artist in the Ventura region. (Click here for more info).

Currently at the Harbor Village Gallery

"Channel Islands, Our Local Treasure" through November 8, celebrates the beauty of the Channel Islands with photography or photo-inspired images.

3D/Kinetic Sculpture Open Competition. Exhibit runs from through Nov. 8, 2009. Awards will be presented by Juror Dane Goodman on Friday, Oct. 23.

kids on islands"Art at the Islands" through November 8. A special exhibit of art created by members of the Assistance League Ventura County Girls Club.

Recent Competition Winners
PhotoVentura "Inspiration is YOU!"
First: David Orians, "Cresting Wave"
Second: Linda Peterson, "Fall Fire"
Third: Donald Johnson, "Winter Sunset" 
Honorable Mentions: Sarah Kalvin, "Serenity"; John Ferritto, "Flowing Water"
Juror's Comments: Scott Miles, photographer and Brooks Institute of Photography teacher
Q. Overall, what did you fell about the quality of work submitted? A. I was pleased with the quality of the submissions. The best of the work transcended the casual view of a scene and pulled one in to engage with the images.
Q. Do you have any additional comments regarding the artists or gallery? A. We often talk about the "Ventura Arts Culture", however, the local art scene is only as vibrant as the working artists make it. The Buenaventura Art Association provides a terrific forum for the arts. It is the contributions of artists like those who submitted their work today that really make this the vibrant art community that we can all be proud of.

Channel Islands, Our Local Treasure

First: Roger Osborne, " Arch and Dolman: Anacapa Island", Photo
Second: Robert Diehl, "Kelp Design, Santa Cruz Island", Photo
Honorable Mentions: Roger Conrad, "Anacapa Dusk", Photo; Virginia Beale "Fog on Coast of Santa Cruz Island", Oil
Juror's Comments, William Dewey - photographer of the Channel Islands for over 30 years
Q. Overall, what did you feel about the quality of work submitted? A. The overall quality was very good, making it difficult to choose just a few winners.
Q. What would you say was your main criteria in jurying this show? A. The quality of the work and how well it communicated the unique beauty of the Channel Islands. Q. Do you have any additional comments regarding the artists or the gallery?
A. Just keep on working on your art!

Harbor Village Gallery 3D/Kinetic Sculpture Open Competition. Awards will be presented by Juror Dane Goodman on Friday, Oct. 23, reception from 5-8 pm.

Community Memorial Hospital

"Our Stimulus Package"

Artwork under $500 at
Community Memorial Hospital

Mon., Nov. 2, 2 009, 12:00 noon
Get out your brushes or whatever tools you use to create your 2D works! The next exhibit at Community Memorial Hospital will be "Our Stimulus Package" No theme for subject matter, no restrictions on size or medium. It just needs to be priced under $500!
Submissions must be emailed to cmhExhibit@BuenaventuraGallery.org
(Click here for more info)

"Carry the Card" Kids' Art Contest
Jack and kidsWright Library is encouraging kids to carry the card ... library card, that is. The subject of this art contest was books the kids liked and was sponsored by the BAA and Star Soto the Children's Librarian of the Wright Library. There were 65 entries. Judy Slapin from Ventura College and BAA president Jack Halbert were the judges. The photo shows the winners, Star Soto and Jack Halbert. Prizes, which were awarded on October 14 at the Library, included skating, trips, movies, a big gift basket for most entries from a school, and cash. BAA staffer Regina Vorgang did a great job designing and printing the awards.
 Our Members Shine
Members may submit exhibit information to news@buenaventuragallery.org. Please be brief, and make sure to include dates and location.

S Cook label img
Steve Cook, who has been commissioned by Firestone Vineyard to do art for their labels, has 15 paintings on display in the Tasting Room at Firestone Vineyard in Los Olivos. This celebrates the completed label project for Firestone's "Discoveries" series of wines. Artist's reception will be held on November 14. (Click here for more info.)

Wana Klasen will be showing her work during the Harvest Art Walk at the Oasis Garden and Patio, 33 N. Palm Street in Ventura. Saturday, October 24, 2009 and Sunday October 25, 2009. Also, Wana's work "Trumpeter" from her "Earthsong" Collection is included in "Festival" at the Carpinteria Valley Arts Council Event. Through November 9, 2009. 855 Linden Ave., Carpinteria.

Lis J. Schwitters is currently in "Artomotive" at the California Automobile Museum and has two works in the Ojai Valley Museum, "Ojai Celebrates Art II" on exhibit through Nov. 22, 2009.

Seaberry imgSusan Seaberry is teaching
figure drawing at the Vita Art Center November 8, 15, and 22 from 1-5 pm. The fee is $120 and the class is limited to 10 students.
For more information and samples of the artists work, please go to the Vita Art Center site (adult art classes) or speak with Mary Perez at 805-644-9214.

Louisa Wallace Jacobs has been accepted into the Madera County Arts Council Annual Statewide exhibit, "Agriculture In The Arts".  Her piece, "Man On Chair With Pear" will be included in the show which runs through November 2009 in Madera, CA.

Judith Crowe will teach pastel painting at the Red Brick Gallery on October 31 from 10-1. All materials will be provided. $49 plus $8 materials fee. 315 E. Main St, Ventura. To register, please call Jen or Phyllis at (805) 643-6400.

FrancesElson piano img Elson is included in the "Sculpture on the Hill" show, sponsored by the ArtsCouncil of the Conejo Valley, through December 13 at the Hillcrest Center for the Arts Galleria, 403 W. Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks. "Grand Piano" (above) is pictured on the back cover of the September issue of Art Scene. Other BAA members in this exhibit are Bob Privitt and Tesi Sanchez-Halpert.

Gina Niebergall and Darlene Dewing are at Fox Fine Jewelry, Main St. Ventura, thru Nov. 9.

"Ojai ink imgInk Resist Workshop" presented by the Ojai Group of Artists: Kristy Vantrease, Barbara Wiles, Patty Van Dyke, Diane Hanley, and Mary-Gail King on Sunday November 15, 2009, 10am to 3 pm at the Ojai Art Center 113 S. Montgomery St. Ojai. $45 plus a materials fee of $5 For more info or to sign up: www.theojaigroup.com or www.pattyvandyke.com. A materials list and more info will be sent after sign-ups in October. This workshop will be in conjunction with the exhibit Ojai Ink Nov. 7 through Dec. 3, 2009 at the Ojai Art Center.

A painting by Merilee Allen was accepted for the show "Ojai Celebrates Art II" at the Ojai Valley Museum. The exhibit runs through Nov. 22, 2009.

Helle Scharling-Todd
has been selected to show posters of her mosaic work at Port Hueneme Library, created in 1989, at an international Exhibit of Mosaics Integrated in Architecture, Ravenna, Italy in October 09.  
Orr imgLandscape works by Dorothy Orr and her Ventura College students will be on exhibit at the Blanchard Community Library in Santa Paula, Nov. 2 thru Dec. 29, with a reception on Nov. 12, 5-7 pm. 119 N. 8th St., Hours: Noon-8 Mon, Tue, Thu; 10-6 Wed; 10-2 Sat.
Call to Artists

SCIART imgStudio Channel Islands Art Center's grand opening show, "New Beginnings", is open to all Ventura County artists. You need not be a SCIART member to enter. Artists may bring in up to 3 entries on Monday, October 26, from 10 am - 3:30 pm. Opening reception Friday, October 30 from 5-8 pm at 2221 Ventura Blvd, in the heart of Old Town Camarillo.
   Sylvia White will be the juror for this exhibition. Please click on Call for Entries form, for deadlines and further details. Exhibit runs October 30 thru December 5.

Art News

PhotoVentura 2009: A Festival of All Things Photographic:
Ventura galleries will coordinate their exhibits and events to show fine art photography, photo-art, and multimedia projects in October/November 2009. PhotoVentura 2009 is taking over the Ventura cultural scene with dozens of photo-themed exhibits and events. The PhotoVentura Gallery Crawl, Saturday October 10, 2009 should prove to be a snapshot of success!
More info...

VC musuem imgMuseum of Ventura County "Altars of Memory" plus exhibits and activities for "Día de los Muertos"
   Altars of Memory, created by local community groups, schools and artists, celebrate the lives of the departed October 27 through November 6 at the Museum of Ventura County. Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) Community Celebration on Sunday, November 1 from  11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

museum hernandez img
("Calaveras de Juarez", detail, by Maribel Hernandez)
The exhibition includes an altar honoring las muertas de Juarez (The Dead Women of Juaréz), by Maribel Hernandez in collaboration with Adriana M. Mendoza.    For more information, go to www.venturamuseum.org, or visit 89 S. California St. in Ventura. Free to the public, 11-6 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday.

The Boho Coffee Gallery meets twice weekly in the heart of the boho district in Ventura. Please bring your own cup. Meeting Wednesdays, 9-11:30am "Tea by the Sea" at Bell Arts Factory, 432 N. Ventura Ave.; Fridays: 9-11:30 am at "Green Art People" behind the Gallery Car Wash, 140B N. Ventura Ave. Donations accepted. For more info email elle-je freeheart.

BAA publishes notices of art-related events for non-profit organizations only.
Next Deadline for submissions: October 30. news@buenaventuragallery.org
Send us your Exhibit and Award Announcements, Local Art News, Special Events or Classes being offered. Please be brief and be sure to include dates.
(Note: Art news published for non-profit organizations only).
55 year celebration