Buenaventura Art AssocationBuenaventura Art Association E-Newsletter
4Members Only
June 1, 2009 - Vol 1, Issue 4
In This Issue
Volunteer Opportunities
Featured Artisan Store Artist
Promote Yourself & BAA
Our Best Wishes
Summer Hours at HVG
From the Executive Director
Annual Member Meeting
Your Volunteer Time
Technology Alert!
Our Members Shine
Art News
Board Elections
Call to Artists
Plein Air Schedule
Artist Sales
Celebration of Life Reception
Volunteer Opportunities
Help Sunday, June 7 at CMH.  From 10 am to 1 and 1 to 4. Email the gallery if this works for you!

Harbor Village Gallery signs:

Attach wheels to bottom of 3 folding board signs at HVG. THEY ARE HEAVY! Have wheels, nees small piece of wood (talk to Emily for details) and a volunteer to put it all together!

Pre-Reception Clean up: Vacuum and tidy the HVG the morning before a reception. Must be finished by Gallery's opening time. Contact Emily
Art in Action:
Art Demos on the weekends at HVG. Talk to coordinator Debby Sutton for sign up and logistics.
Repaint Big Sign at HVG:  If you are interested in helping  please contact BAA President Jack Halbert
Nina Danza is Featured Artist of the Month at the Artisan Store
Danza N. White FlowerA
collection of wildflower photos, cards and pressed, dried floral arrangements by Nina Danza is now available at the Harbor Village Gallery Artisan Store. The images and specimens were captured in recent months from localities within a day's drive of Ventura.  "Growth of spring wildflowers is a magical occurrence," Nina explains, "needing a precise mix of natural habitat, rain, and hot sunny days."   Nina's work seeks to impart an appreciation of that mix which happens more perfectly some years than others.
Though her art provides a lasting object of a brief event, it also has an underlying environmental purpose.  "Not only are wildflowers a beautiful gift from Mother Nature," Nina says, "but these are California native plant species which need to be used more widely in our landscaping due to their drought tolerant and valuable ecological-niche properties."  She urges visitors to learn and understand about the plant varieties used in her work. 
Promotion Opportunity
Want to promote your Solo Show or a BAA Event with us? Every First Friday we attend the Ventura Chamber of Commerce Connection Breakfast. There at least 200 people attending these functions! You get your name, your contact info and your website on "the hotsheet!"
The more the merrier! $35 a person , let Chris know 2 weeks before the First Friday of the Month. Next breakfast is July 11, 7:30 am at the Pierpont Inn. 
 VCC Connection Breakfast

Our Best Wishes
Sending good thoughts and healthy wishes to Betty Estvan, wife of Chuck and mom of Valery Estvan.
The title of the Mural at the Ventura Harbor Village is Next Meal, apologies to Gloria!
NEW Summer Hours at HVG
Gallery hours for HVG beginning JUNE 1 will be 11am - 6pm on Friday, Saturday and Sundays
Gallery hosting shifts will be 11am - 1pm, 1 - 3:30, 3:30 - 6pm

Mondays, Wednesday and Thursday will remain 12 - 5pm

Check HVG Hosting Calendar online

Norm Kirk has a step-by-step instructional video out...painting a barnscape in watercolors.  And in a week a second video will be available demonstrating the painting of a self portrait as a step towards painting portraits.  For more information please call Jean Yarbrough at (805) 701-6750.
Memories to Memoirs Workshop- June 13
Learn how to write effectively about your life experiences and preserve them for the future, when Libby Atwater, professional personal historian, conducts a Saturday, June 13 workshop entitled Memories to Memoirs. The workshop is from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at the Museum of Ventura County. Cost is $10 for the general public and free to Museum of Ventura County members. Space is limited; RSVP to 653-0323 x 10.
Watercolor painting classes by Julie Merrill at Sea Breeze Gallery. Wed Evenings 6 - 9. call 340-3987 or email Julie for more info.
Free Watercolor classes with Don Fay
Yosemite Art and Education Center
June 24-27 Don Fay: Watercolor for Landscape.  Information on Yosemite Art and Education Center.The Yosemite Art and Education Center offers one class per day, Wednesday through Saturday (no classes Sunday through Tuesday), starting at 10 a.m. and ending at 2 p.m.
Questions?  Email theYosemite Art Center or Don Fay or phone Don at 805-985-0405.

Welcome again to our new 4Members Only E Newsletter.  Please feel free to offer suggestions for topics you'd like to see in our newsletter. This is YOUR organization and we want to make it the best it can be!
From the Executive Director, Christine Beirne
Christine Beirne
So much is happening that it can be difficult to communicate everything!
The new membership year and board are just a few weeks away!
If you haven't gotten your volunteer hours done, you have a couple more weeks!
Members are assessed a higher fee if they don't meet the hours.  Make sure you double check the hours listed in the book -- we can only go by what's written down, not but what we think you volunteered.
WHY SHOULD YOU VOLUNTEER?  I didn't realize until I was talking to a member the other day that members think we have full-time staff.  ALL OF US EMPLOYED AT BUENAVENTURA ART ASSOCIATION ARE VERY PART TIME EMPLOYEES!!  This organization and galleries absolutely cannot run without your help.  We can't afford to pay staff more than a minimal amount of time.  Yes, we do get a lot of work done in the amount of time we have, but you are needed!  So please, help keep our galleries open and volunteer when we send out our calls for help!
Emily Thompson will be a volunteer bartender at Weaver's Wines in Ventura on June 18 from 6 - 8 pm.  ALL HER TIPS GO TO BUENAVENTURA ART ASSOCIATION!  Help out your favorite non-profit while enjoying a glass of wine!
We finally have the schedule set for the Harbor Village Gallery.  The Port District was very generous and extended our contract through December 2010.  They would like more art in the village, so if you can think of something to beautify our second home...a mural...sculpture -- just let me know!
I hope to see you all at our annual meeting!  We'll be going over the Startegic Plan as well as the revised bylaws.  Both the Strategic Plan and our bylaws are available online.  Thislink will lead you to our info4members page and look to the right and towards the bottom for all our links!
Take care and hope to see you all soon!

Annual Member Meeting - Saturday, June 20 3pm at Harbor Village Gallery

Meet your current Board Members. Meet your fellow BAA members.
Vote for '09 ~'10 Board.
Bring Food/Drink and your serving needs.
Bring your own chair!
See you there!!
Save the Date.
Saturday, June 20, 2009

2:30 Board Meeting, open to general members as well
3:00 Annual Member Meeting, Ballot Voting, Pot-Luck 
Please enter your Volunteer Hours in either gallery's Volunteer Binder by Saturday, June 6. This membership year is almost at an end and we will be adding up to see who have fulfilled their promise.
Technology Alert!
Houston!- we had a problem!
ALERT! If you emailed Chris or info @buenaventuragallery.org between the dates of May 1 and May 20 and HAVE NOT had a response... then please send your email again.

HVG- techno update!
We have speakers that will plug into your ipod or mp3 player while you are Gallery Hosting at the Harbor Village Gallery. A little musical artistry is always welcome.

Our Members Shine
Gayel Childress won 1st place at the "Santa Paula Show" last month for her "Road to the Taft's, Ojai"  acrylic on paper.
Linda Cowell demonstrated her airbrushing techniques at the May Meeting of the Santa Paula Society of the Arts.
Luanne Perez is on page 108 in the April/May 2009, International Artist magazine!  She was a class participant in John Lovett's watercolor workshop last fall in Cinque Terre and Tuscany, Italy.
Duane Dammeyer received first place in the metal/bronze sculpture category at the California Sculptors Symposium in Cambria for a welded steel piece entitled "Into the Future".
Norm Kirk has 12 paintings hanging in the County Medical Center and a solo show of 22 paintings hanging in the Ojai Community Bank in Ojai for two months. He plans to teach a twice a week, three week watercolor class at the Ojai Art Center that will include both classroom sessions and paint outs and will run in the month of July.  Please call Norm for additional information  (805) 525-9788.
Helle Scharling-Todd was selected to show her steel sculpture "Art on Parade " in Northglenn, Colorado.
Robert Thornton won 3rd place in watercolor at the Westlake Village Art Guild Annual open juried competition in April for the watercolor titled, "Living on the Margin". Thornton also won 1st place in watercolor at the Arts Council of the Conejo Valley annual juried art competition in May for the watercolor titled, "Sundowner Sea ".
Gwenlyn Norton will have twenty-one pieces in a 3-woman show at the Proverbs Coffee House in Camarillo for one week--- June 20 - 27
Kay Zetlmaier and Rex Kochel, two of the artists chosen for the Ventura Music Festival Musical Chair Fundraiser have been commissioned to paint four more chairs!  Kochel and Zetlmaier were both seated at the same table at the White Russian Nights' auction event and met their future patron sitting at the same table as well.

Phyllis Doyon and Wendy Lefkowitz are featured artists in their show "A Pigment of my Imagination" at Fox Fine Jewelers, 210 E.Main St. Ventura. Show is May 14-July 6. Reception is May 16 6-9 p.m. They invite their fellow artists to attend the reception.

Art News
Rock Music Art Event at Scott O' Connor's Art Studio "The Galaxy Gallery"
June 6, 2009 - six, six, oh nine! Painting rocks with musical themes, Group painting, bring instruments and play! Prizes! Bring a side dish and your creative minds.  All Paint, rocks and other art materials will be provided.   4584 N. Ventura Ave, Ventura, CA  Call Scott at 805-220-8505 if you have questions.

Focus on the Masters is going to Pagant of the Masters: The Muse, July 28, 2009  12:00 noon to late evening. $90 FOTM members- $110 non-members Tour includes Pageant ticket, lectures and transportation  Seating is limited � Advanced ticket purchase required (This event sold out last year!) To register, log on to www.FocusOnTheMasters.com or call 805/653-2501Trip to the Getty Center Includes Special Tours
Museum of Ventura County sponsored motor coach trip to the Getty Center on Thursday, June 18. Special docent-led tours of two current exhibits will also be available. The motor coach leaves Ventura at 9:00 a.m. and returns by 5:00 p.m.  $35 for the general public, $25 for museum members. Lunch not included, but restaurant facilities are on site; Reservation deadline is June 4; space is limited. For more details or to make reservations, call 805-641-1876, ext 305.
Through the Window, new works by Stacie Logue at the SeaBreeze Art Gallery through June 13. First Friday 5 - 8pm and Closing Reception Sat. June 13, 5 - 8pm

Museum of Ventura County will offer George Stuart's newest monologue If These Walls Could Talk: Russia's Winter Palace. Performances at 1:30 p.m. on Mondays June 15 and June 29,, and 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16. Seating is limited. For reservations call (805) 641-1876 ext. 305. Members of the George Stuart Historical Figures� Guild may attend at no charge; admission for Museum members is $10; for non-members $15
Red Brick Gallery's ArtWalk Arty Party (ArtWalk Fundraiser) Saturday July 18th from 7-10pm. An evening of Art, Live Music and treats to raise funds to help ArtWalk continue.   Artists demonstration and raffles. A $5 donation includes admission and raffle ticket. Live Jazz music, food provided by local downtown restaurants and wine tasting. 
Artists' Books: Personal Visions - Free Panel Discussion- June 20.  Not all stories are told with words and not all books have pages. Artists Donna Barna, In�s Mongui�, and Luis P�rez share their hand-made art books and discuss this expanding art form in a free panel discussion on Saturday, June 20, at 2:00 p.m., at the Museum of Ventura County. For reservations, please call 805-653-0323 x 10.
FREE PICTURE FRAMES: Ralph Moreno has about 50 picture frames he would like to not have in his garage anymore!  Call 644-8879 to arrange a pick up.

Artifishial Hatches, a series of recent paintings by noted painter, sculptor and performance artist John White, is on exhibition at the Museum of Ventura County from June 6 through July 5. A free opening exhibition reception will be held Friday, June 5, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. White will also talk about his work and career on Saturday, June 27, at 2:00 p.m. Admission to the June 27 talk is free but space is limited. RSVP to 805-653-0323 x10 for either event. Museum of Ventura County is at 89 South California Street,. Friday 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Tuesday -Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Board Elections

You have all received or will receive soon, a ballot in the mail for the elections of our next board.
According to our bylaws --- officers have to be named and on the ballot.  However, Board Members at Large (11 total) can be elected as just that -- they don't have to run for a specific title such as "reception cooridnator).
For the first time...we have a record number of candidatesfor our Board Member At Large position.  The list is below.  We have information on the candidates on our website.  At large board members find a committee they want to head once elected.  For example: Donna Carver (who is now moving out of state - we'll miss her!) was a board member at large, she developed the Welcoming Committee and then took over the program/workshop committee.
Board Candidates
President - Jack Halbert*
Vice President - Merilee Allen*
Treasurer - Gloria Rupio*
Secretary - Wana Klausen
Gold Coast Water Color Society Representative - Dorothy Brunkan
Board Members at Large: (you will be voting for a maximum of 10)
Janet Black*
Gordon Bohn
Laudine Borges
Marilyn Cahill*
Cecile Faulconer*
Amani Fliers
Bryson "Pete" Gerard
Judy Gibbs
Amy Hall
Hilda Kilpatrick*
Bob Privitt*
Helle Scharling Todd
Donna Zaza
Kay Zetlmaier

Call to Artists
 Request for Proposals for Artist-Designed Bicycle Racks due by July 8
 The City of Ventura Public Art Program is accepting proposals by July 8 for artist-designed bicycle racks to be installed in high use locations throughout the City. The goal is to enhance Ventura as a bicycle-friendly city as more Ventura residents turn to cycling and other healthy, eco-friendly modes of transportation. Artist designs should be imaginative and FUNctional-able to accommodate two to six bicycles and conform to established safety guidelines.
Each selected artist will receive $5,000 for the final design and fabrication per bicycle rack. The City of Ventura will be responsible for all installation. Proposals will be considered for reproduction in limited edition series and should include a separate budget for the fabrication of additional racks.
Artists interested in submitting proposals should exhibit the following criteria:
Experience working with durable materials specific to the outdoor environment.
Demonstrated success in comparable projects using creative, innovative and effective approaches
Ability to understand a locale's sense of place and design in a context-sensitive manner.
Download request for proposals at www.cityofventura.net/publicart or contact Denise Sindelar at dsindelar@cityofventura.net or 805/658-4793. Submittal deadline is Monday, July 8, at 5 PM by mail, in person or email. Send mailed or hand delivered proposals to:
City of Ventura Public Art Program/Attn: Denise Sindelar/PO Box 99-501 Poli St-Rm 226/Ventura, CA 93002
The Camarillo Art & Jazz Festival is Saturday, August 29th, 2009.  This year's headliner is Peabo Bryson, along with other top names in the world of jazz. Call to artist is going out to top artists in Ventura County.  The deadline is August 1, but the business locations will be at a premium.  I encourage you and your members to log on to the Camarillo Art & Jazz website for more information and the entry forms.
The Ventura County Maritime Museum is having a take-in on Tuesday, June 16, 1-5 pm and Wednesday, Jun 17, 9-12 am. Prospectus available at VCMM.org and from Jackie Cavish, 805.984.6260.
Dianne Dietrich is interested in having an instructor come to her home to give basic instructions in watercolor, acrylics, pastels and pen & ink. She is looking for about 5 - 10 sessions. Wells and Telegraph Rd. Please call her at 320 - 4677.
Red Brick Gallery is seeking Artists who would be interested in demonstrating and donating one of their creations for their ArtWalk Fundraiser on Sat. July 18.( see Art News) Jen at Red Brick Gallery 805-643-6400 info@RedBrickArt.com.  Deadline to be included in press is June 29th.

BestofArtists.com and Kennedy Publishing is proud to announce the Best of America Water Media Artists Volume II book series and Best of Worldwide Water Media Volume I book series. 25 art book competitions each dedicated to a single medium or genre. Open to all artists. Selected artists will receive a TWO PAGE FULL COLOR LAYOUT of their artwork (a total of 2-4 images), and their contact information in a beautiful Best of book. Plus much more. Entry fee is $40 for up to 10 images. Postmarked or Enter On-line Deadline: July 1, 2009. Best of America Prospectus and Best of Worldwide Prospectus. For postal entry forms send a SASE to: Kennedy Publishing - 5251-18 John Tyler Highway # 311, Williamsburg, VA 23185.
National Watercolor Society 89th Annual Exhibition. Slide/Digital deadline June 27, 2009. Show opens October 10, 2009. Original watermedia on paper. $25,000 in awards. Free Catalog for entering artists. For prospectus, download at www.nationalwatercolorsociety.org  or send SASE to: NWS, 915 S. Pacific Ave, San Pedro, CA 90731  
Chippy Sharling-Todd needs a lot of pictures of unfinished food/ uneaten food. She is doing a project that needs a lot of food imagery. You can finish your food after you take the little snap shot for me so it's more of an illusion of waste. I just need a couple hundred images. Take your digital camera with you to the dinner table or when you go out to eat and email the images to Chippy 
Main Street Mini Fair every Saturday, May 16 through September 28.   Discount if you sign up for all summer in advance $152.00. The fair set up begins at 7:30 am and opens at 8:30am.cl oses at 4pm.   or for two shifts: 8:30 to 12:00 shift and a 12:00 to 4pm shift. Need to sign up in advance. Margaret Landreau, maggielandreau@aol.com  (805) 200-8735

The Camarillo Ranch Foundation is looking for submissions of paintings featuring Camarillo. Landscapes, Landmarks, Buildings, ect. Looking to publish a 2010 calendar. Please Contact Frank
Plein Air Schedule
Artist DrawingIn addition to Chris Weber's plein air group, we also have an Ojai group's plein air schedule, and more as we receive information.
Artists Sales
Your monthly Artists Sales will now be listed online!To check on past months, just go to the Buenaventura Art Association website at www.buenaventuragallery.org and click on Current Members, then click on this link : Artist Sales
Great Artist Reception for the Celebration of Life Show at the Harbor Village Gallery
Celebration of Life Reception
Let me know where you're showing, about awards you may have received, and Art News, Special Events or Classes being offered. Deadline June 15
Emily Thompson
55 year celebration