Certification tools are online
Tools can be downloaded individually from ecoschools.ca. The print version of the guide is being distributed at EcoSchools "kick-off" sessions held throughout October.
Stewart Grant has left his teaching duties at Cedarbrae CI to step into the role of Interim Instructional Leader for EcoSchools for 2009-10. Stewart served as Curriculum Leader of Science and was one of nine secondary school teachers from across the province to pilot the Environmental Science course (SVN3E) described in this teaching and learning success story. Welcome on board Stewart!
Waste Reduction Week October 19-25, 2009-- make links to EcoSchools expectations!
This annual Recycling Council of Ontario event may be a good time to mount your own school's waste reduction campaign. EcoSchools materials for reducing your waste provide really helpful support.
Thinking of doing a school waste audit this fall? Page 19 of the Certification Guide and Planner maps out just how many EcoSchools expectations you can meet with this activity.
For school auditing tips, see pp. 68-69 in the new Toolkit.
Platinum: EcoSchools reaches a new  milestone
September 24th marked a new milestone in the EcoSchools program's journey toward creating sustainable schools. On that beautiful fall afternoon, EcoTeams from 16 schools gathered at Forest Valley Outdoor Education Centre where they were honoured as the TDSB's first platinum EcoSchools. The event was as much a professional learning community meeting as a celebration, with some audience members taking notes as each school's "platinum story" was read. We are also very excited to be announcing that altogether a total of 311 schools and one administrative centre (hats off to 140 Borough Drive staff!) have been certified as bronze, silver, gold, or platinum this year out of 550 schools. The momentum is real.
We are now in the midst of 18 regional certification "kick-off" sessions to introduce new features of this year's program and give teams time to plan for the year. We never forget that your efforts in schools are at the very heart of our success; your commitment and dedication drive the action. It is a real pleasure to actually meet so many of you at these workshops, veterans and newcomers alike!
Every EcoSchool counts. Some of you are well-advanced gold or platinum schools, some of you are at an earlier stage. The important thing is that we are on the same path, heading in the same direction, with the same goal. We look forward to the year ahead, where we expect to see some real breakthroughs while at the same time we continue to work patiently away, one initiative at a time, transforming our schools and ourselves.
Essential tools for green schools
The expanded 2009/10 EcoSchools Toolkit consists of 100 tools to help you access the Board resources and services to make your school more environmentally responsible.
"Education in" the Environment School Plan (pp. 103-105) is a simple planner to encourage a whole elementary school staff with their plans for taking students outdoors for learning in the environment. We imagine this planner posted somewhere on your staffroom bulletin board, and we want to hear from any school staffs that try this out!
"Local Environmental Programs beyond the TDSB to Broaden Ecological Literacy (pp. 116-117). We are happy to be providing schools with this list of 10 organizations in Toronto that provide environmental programs across the grades. Contact names and numbers are right at your fingertips! Some are very season-dependent such as ACER's Measure and Mulch program at the Humber Arboretum. Most programs have a cost but two from the Botanical Gardens at Allan Gardens (for grades 3-4) are free.
EcoTeam Timeline: Planning for Campaign Implementation (p. 19).Here's a tool that has quite magically focused middle school and secondary students on the task of planning a campaign with the whole school and the whole year in mind. Print copies of this 11"x17" sheet can be ordered using the order form (p. 4). Check out its companion tool Designing a Campaign (p. 18) as well.
Best practice (5)...A Grade 11 Environmental Science teaching and learning success story!
Imagine that you are asked to teach a science course about environmental issues for students on the workplace destination pathway. Now imagine that 90% of the students enrolled in the course are there not because they are passionate about the environment but because it is a convenient credit or it solves a timetabling problem. That was exactly the make-up of the students sitting before Stewart Grant when he volunteered to pilot one of the two new environmental science courses for the Ministry of Education at Cedarbrae CI last year. To read about how Stewart's pedagogical approach in teaching this course transformed him and his students, click here.
Behind the scenes: TDSB's Purchasing and Distribution Services help to make us a whole lot greener!
Many TDSB greening initiatives predate the 2003 introduction of EcoSchools. The great thing is that these green pioneers, some of them "behind the scenes," have quickly become stalwart EcoSchools champions. This is the case with our Purchasing & Distribution Services (PDS) staff, headed by Manager Chris Ferris.
Each green purchasing option in our Certification Toolkit has its own story. Often many people are involved in long and patient conversations to move us forward, but in the end, we depend on our highly dedicated staff in PDS to help realize these goals.
Seeking out these options must be a lot of work, so I asked Chris what motivates him and his staff. Chris's answer is a model for us all: "Simply put, it's the right thing to do. It is true there is often more work involved in researching green claims, testing new green products to ensure they serve their intended purpose, and helping people understand how to use the products. But PDS has a lot of help from other TDSB departments in all those areas and we're seeing great results from our collective efforts."
PDS staff's leadership, open-ness to others' suggestions, and full cooperation are helping to make our Board by far the "greenest" in the province when it comes to purchasing choices.... To read more about the amazing work being done, click here.
New TDSB integrated Grade 7 science resource available November 1
This brand new TDSB resource can help teachers contribute to students' ecological literacy by showing the connections between energy use, energy transfer, heat loss, and climate change. It is accompanied by a Heat in the Environment Kit available through the Science and Technology Resource Centre at Tippett. The kit includes two pieces of special equipment: an infrared sensor that permits teachers and students to have fun measuring and exploring infrared radiation, and an infrared thermometer that allows instantaneous temperature measurement of a surface that is out of reach. Abstract concepts come alive as students use the equipment to explore the nature of energy transfer directly, both inside and outside the classroom.
The activities involve both cross-curricular and integrated learning, and help fulfill the expectations for ecological literacy (Certification section 3). Additional readings and a guide for a field trip to Exhibition Place complete this exceptional resource.
For more information or to inquire about in-service options, contact Annelies Groen, Instructional Leader for Science & Technology at annelies.groen@tdsb.on.ca or Stewart Grant, Instructional Leader for EcoSchools at stewart.grant@tdsb.on.ca.

Students in Grades 7-12 are invited to submit their idea for a 30-second "live green" video on a storyboard. No previous video or film-making experience required. Six winning teams will get to work with professional filmmakers at Planet in Focus to turn their green message into a captivating 30-second video. All EcoSchools have been sent a package with postcards and a poster to promote the challenge.
Deadline: December 18, 2009 Details and entry forms are available at livegreentoronto.ca. Contact: Jeff McCormick at 416.302.1135 or kmccorm@toronto.ca
September 2 and 3 EcoSchools PD days
What a treat for the EcoSchools staff to meet so many "green teachers" in two afternoon PD sessions at UofT's Earth Science complex in the heart of downtown Toronto. For those of you who weren't there, Richard Christie brought the audience up-to-date on the latest climate change news, and guest speaker Ralph Torrie spoke eloquently about the present period as a new revolutionary era. He sees the change in thinking about humans' relationship to the earth as akin to the shift in the European worldview when in 1516 Copernicus declared that the sun, not the earth, was at the centre of the universe.
Torrie urged the audience to see this period of massive change as full of exciting new possibilities for students and teachers to be part of solving one of the greatest challenges humankind has known. Students want to find solutions; it makes learning relevant and engaging. The speakers were complemented by an environmental marketplace, where local organizations offered resources for schools.
You're invited...to join the ETT Environmental Committee !!!
Who--ETT members interested in educating in, about, and for the environment Why--you want to make a difference How--be part of a team of like-minded individuals What-networking, learning opportunities, helping to plan/organize educational events When--meeting dates: October 26; November 23; January 11; February 8; March 1; March 29; May 3; June 7 Meeting time--Dinner is served at 4:30; meeting begins at 4:45 and finishes by 7 pm Where--ETT Office, 4211 Yonge Street (just north of the York Mills Subway), Suite 300
Please Note: Healthy food (organic and local where possible) will be provided for committee members. Parking is available as needed.
Contact: Bonnie Grossman at: bgrossman@ett.on.ca or 416.393.9930 extension 223
Around the town
This new column will highlight events happening in our city that can contribute to developing our ecological literacy.
Toronto Public Library's Bram and Bluma Appel Salon at the Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street.
Far too busy to read break-through books? This exciting new educational venue gives Torontonians an opportunity to hear directly from top experts in many fields. All programs at the Salon are free. Programs are on a first-come, first-served basis. No advance registration is required unless otherwise stated.
Of special interest to us are two scheduled for this fall:
Tim Flannery Oct 13, 7pm World-renowned Australian scientist Tim Flannery came to public attention in 2007 with his book The Weather Makers hailed as one of the most important books of the decade. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared, "All who read The Weather Makers will be left wiser and able to appreciate how fragile our climate is and how it is this generation who must act to protect it." Please note: you must register in advance for this event. Only a few tickets remain. Contact the Toronto Public Library.
Jeff Rubin Dec 1, 7pm We'd love to have Jeff Rubin as an EcoSchools guest speaker, but we just don't have the funds! Rubin is in high demand across Canada, the U.S., and in Europe. Here's our chance to hear him talk about his new book How Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller. Rubin has left his job as Chief Economist for CIBC World Markets to write and lecture about how the end of cheap oil will cause a profound shock throughout the global economy. He's speaking to sold-out audiences wherever he goes, and this appearance is free for the citizens of Toronto!
City Hall 
Wednesday, October 14 The Power to Live Green
Residents are invited to help create a forward-thinking environmental framework by providing input into the City's sustainable energy strategy, The Power to Live Green. This is phase II of the City's framework to build a more sustainable Toronto. Nearly half of the 68 recommendations made in Phase I of the plan already have been implemented in two short years. Here's another chance to contribute to making a greener city to inspire our green schools!
Council Chambers (2nd floor), City Hall 100 Queen Street West 6 to 9 pm
To register or sign up to speak, call 416.338.0889
International Day of Climate Action
On October 24th join people all over the world to take a stand for a safe climate future. 350.org is a global grassroots campaign to respond to the climate crisis. The International Day of Action on October 24th is the major event kicking off a campaign that will continue until the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen in December. For more information, go to www.torontoclimatecampaign.org or contact Jessica Bell.
Toronto location: Queen's Park Saturday, October 24th, 2pm
From the editor's desk... As you begin your EcoSchools planning, remember to check out our EcoSchools resources. Last spring our auditors found that some schools had not realized just how useful our EcoSchools materials are, particularly the Certification Toolkit. There are lots of new tools, especially in the Leadership and Teamwork and Ecological Literacy sections.
We have several staff changes in the EcoSchools group this year. Instructional Leader Steve Bibla is on a "4-over-5" leave pursuing a Master's in Building Science degree at Ryerson U. Good luck Steve; we miss you. We're excited to have Stewart Grant in Steve's place. Stewart brings lots of great teaching experience to the job--if you haven't read this issue's whole "best practice" story yet, go back and do so soon! School Ground Greening Consultant Samara Newman goes on maternity leave this week, soon to bring a brand new eco-hero or heroine into the world! Jenn Vetter, two-year certification auditor and technical wizard who designs this newsletter, also has a part-time position to pick up some of Samara's work. And Sarah McCans replaces former School Ground Design Consultant Heidi Campbell who is now at Evergreen as their Senior Designer.
With regional "kick-off" sessions running until the end of October, the team is already at full speed, and looking forward to another great year!
Finally, if you are interested in seeking platinum certification, contact Wendy Abbot at wendy.abbot@tdsb.on.ca. by November 1st to let us know that you intend to apply.
Best wishes,
Eleanor Dudar
TDSB EcoSchools Specialist