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The Comfort Zone
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Big Question Of The Week

Are You Really Happy Being Who You Really Are In Your Comfort Zone?
Quote Of The Week
Not Everything That Can Be Counted Counts, And Not Everything That Counts Can Be Counted - Albert Einstein
What Are We Up To This Week? 
This week I am back from holiday and getting very busy with a work project.

My new website video is ready to go so hopefully I can upload that and get it to work!

And the new bowling league is officially starting...hoping this season not to be bottom but if we are then we have a target to beat the following season :-)

Issue: # 64 October 10th 2009
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How are you?
I ask every week and hope that you always have a positive response. A friend said to me once that being alive is such a positive as all other options are a bit limiting, and that is so again I hope you are doing fantastically well and have a great weekend planned.
I have been in America this week and had a great time, one of my work colleagues was commenting about how you struggle in the US to eat healthy food and how the portion sizes were out of control.
Now I have to say I agree with the portion sizes, they were very very large, and the old me would definitely have eaten the lot as I learnt a behaviour as a child to always 'clear my plate' but the new me has stopped doing that. I now choose to eat what I fancy and not eat what someone else puts on my plate. I had a meal in a fish restaurant and I think the waiter thought I didn't like it because I left about half of it, but I just explained I was actually full and it was lovely! Next time I will remember to order one between two of us and ask for two sets of knives and forks.
In terms of eating healthily then it isn't true that you can't eat healthily. I am not denying that a lot of the menu items are full of fat and calories but there are healthy choices. I remember honeymooning in Florida and putting on ten pounds in fourteen days, when I got home I blamed their menu's but to be honest I wasn't looking for healthy options to start with...
OK then I will leave you to your lovely weekend!
And cya Saturday
Mike ;-) 
The Comfort Zone
The 'Comfort Zone' is something that I hear a lot when working 1-2-1 with people. The notion of the comfort zone is that by not changing things and by keeping the 'status quo' then it is a comfortable place to be.
Now the comfort zone does exist but it isn't where most people believe it is!
My example would be my old job.
I was very much in my comfort zone. I had worked there for 15 years, I knew the job inside out and upside down, I was good at my job, I worked with some great people, I earnt good money, everything was perfect apart from the fact I wasn't happy! I wanted to make a difference and I couldn't make a difference there anymore.
I knew after working there for 10 years that I wanted to leave but I was in my comfort zone, it was more painful to move jobs and more risky than staying there and hence I spent every day wanting to leave but never doing it.
So I was in my comfort zone...but it wasn't comfortable because I wasn't happy, and all I thought about was how much I wanted to do something else.
Now after I had worked there 12 years I got offered a new job, it was a very good job but I turned it down as I was worried that the job may not work out and wanted to stay in the comfort zone of being unfulfilled and unhappy!
But then I felt the fear and did it anyway! I am a great believer in talk it, walk it and hence I stepped out of my comfort zone and resigned.
Then I started my new job which I now love, I am doing and acheiving loads more and getting up in the morning with a spring in my step, I am now HAPPY at work!
Therefore the comfort zone did exist but it was the other side of the line! So to get to my comfort zone I had to change...
And change is certain! Change is going to happen whether we all want it to or not.
So turning this to you.
Are you in your comfort zone? If you are, is it a nice place to be? Or do you keep feeling bad because you aren't doing, acheiving or having what your really want and deserve?
I spent 20 years being overweight, sitting on the sofa and not living my life as I was in my comfort zone...looking back now I realise that it was never that comfortable.
Have an amazing week and let me know if you are going to step out of your comfort zone into the real comfort zone!
Mike ;-)
The Overload Solution

Jana Alexander has written a little gem of a book here. This is a very honest up to date book around how in the modern world we are all swamped by our lives.

This has some great strategies to help you deal with 'life overload' and get yourself back on the healthy and happy road.

One of the strategies I use everyday and it works well.

A common sense book but well worth a read!

You can get it at Amazon at

The Overload Solution
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(C) Emijo (East Anglia) Limited - All The Content In This Newsletter Is The Copyright Of Michael Scott. If You Wish To Reference Or Use The Content Then Please Contact Mike Directly At [email protected]