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Issue: 4.5

December 2011  
The Regeneration Project
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earth in hands
OhIPL Earthkeeping Summit
Saturday March 31, 2012
OSU 4-H Center 

You are invited to attend an Earthkeeping Summit sponsored by Ohio Interfaith Power and Light, The School of Environment and Natural Resources at OSU, and OSU Climate Change Outreach Team, on March 31, 2012, at the 4-H Center at Ohio State University. This will be a Zero-Waste Event!

At the summit, we will raise up the challenges of energy, climate, and environment work that we've all been facing, revisit the moral and ethical foundations upon which our response stands and equip for meaningful engagement in our congregations. Look for registration to open up in early January with an early bird fee of $25 available until March 1st.

Give A Meaningful Gift Through Carbon Covenants  CO2-print
Here's an idea. If you haven't already planned your gifts for the holiday season, consider giving a gift in a loved one's name to support faith communities on the front lines of climate change. We'll send them a card (or you can) telling them about your gift in their name.

Through Interfaith Power and Light's Carbon Covenant program you can support communities in combating deforestation. Deforestation is responsible for almost 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions and takes a grave toll on communities living in or near these ever-shrinking forests.

Our partner communities are reforesting degraded lands, protecting existing forests, empowering women and youth through sustainable livelihood trainings and eco-clubs, and building crucial interfaith alliances. 

To make a donation on the National Interfaith Power and Light site, click Here


Eco-Film Series Continues 

The Dayton International Peace Museum will host environmental film presentations from 10 am until noon on the second Saturday of each month. Some of the films will be provocative, some controversial - all will be thought-provoking and inspire conversation and response. 

The December Showing will be Dirty Business.
Dec 10, 2011: Dirty Business "Clean Coal" and the Battle for Our Energy Future is a 90-minute documentary produced by the Center for Investigative Reporting that investigates the true cost of our dependence on coal for electricity in the age of climate change. Politicians and corporate interests have mounted a formidable public relations campaign promoting "clean coal" as a solution to our energy/climate problem. Despite major concerns on the part of scientists and environmental groups, there has been little public education about this issue, which was a high-profile topic of the 2008 presidential campaigns and is a central element of President Obama's energy policy.

 The Peace Museum is located at 208 West Monument Avenue, Dayton, OH 45402 and can be reached via telephone (937-227-3223) or internet (daytonpeacemuseum.org) for more information. Free parking is available next to Holbrooke Peace Hall. Cosponsors of the series include the Peace Museum, Ohio Interfaith Power and Light, and Creation Connection of the Greater Dayton Christian Connection.  For full information, click here.


A Climate Change Forum  
The Ethical Challenge of Climate Change: Why Don't We Act?
Wed, Dec 14, 2011; 7 pm
Cleveland Natural History Museum

earth grass

Despite increasing scientific warnings of the dangers of altering the Earth's climate, humanity continues to release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Those who cannot hold us accountable today - such as future generations, the global poor and nonhuman species - will be harmed the most by our failure to change course. This creates what some  philosophers call "a perfect moral storm" that thwarts ethical action. 
Dr. Jeremy Bendik-Keymer, Beamer-Schneider Professor in Ethics at Case 
Western Reserve University, will explain the ethical problem of climate 
change and lead a discussion about how we can find the wisdom and 
courage to act. For a link to the website click HERE

Climate Hot Map- An Interactive Tool
union of concerned scientists global warming

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is pleased to offer a new, interactive way to learn about the local consequences of global warming. The Climate Hot Map allows you to travel the world, exploring the places (or "hot spots") where scientists have gathered evidence for climate changes that are already underway and where they are now assessing the risks associated with further warming. This web feature builds upon work originally undertaken by a coalition of nonprofit groups that was first published in 1999. (The original coalition included Environmental Defense Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists, U.S. Public Interest Research Group, World Resources Institute, and World Wildlife Fund.)

The purpose of the Climate Hot Map is threefold:

  • to share the evidence demonstrating that global warming is already underway and affecting our physical and biological world;
  • to emphasize that this is a problem with consequences the world over; and
  • to motivate viewers to take action by showing how places they know and love are at risk of irreversible change.
For more information and a link to the Climate Hot Map, click HERE.
Winter Solstice Sunrise Celebration Wed Dec. 21 6:30pm-8:00am Marianist Center Family Room, Marianist Center
Mount St. John, 4435 E Patterson Rd, Dayton OH 45430 

The Marianist Environmental Education Center will observe the longest night of the year with prayers for world peace and a reflective candlelight procession through the woods of Mount St. John. A bonfire in the prairie at sunrise will welcome the Prince of Peace. Hot beverages and a light breakfast will be provided. Free will offerings accepted. RSVP by December 16 to 937-429-3582 or meec@udayton.edu.
 As we approach the end of another year, we look back on the challenges and successes of the past and forward to new partnerships in caring for Creation.  As you partner with us to honor the Creator, we ask you to consider making a tax-deductible donation to advance our mutual work. Please donate now.

Send us your good news!

If you have news, information or resources to share, please drop us a line at ohioipl@ohipl.org, or visit our web site at www.ohipl.org.  Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions!


Greg Hitzhusen, Board Chair

Ohio Interfaith Power and Light