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People of faith are called by that faith
to speak for all children.
March 8,  2010
This legislation is in alignment with SB 292 (Juvenile Code Reform).  Please support HB 1085.

We have just been informed that HB 1085 - Fostering Connections may be brought up for a vote on the House Floor of the Georgia General Assembly tomorrow, Tuesday, March 9, 2010.  Please contact your member of the House of Representatives today and ask him/her to support HB 1085.


Background:  The federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (H.R. 6893/P.L. 110-351) was designed to help hundreds of thousands of vulnerable children find a safe, loving and permanent home by increasing opportunities for adoption and relative guardianship. It also focuses on improving critical education and health care services for children in foster care and better preparing older youth for adulthood.


Mandatory Provisions of Federal Law

·         Enhancing Support of Relative Caregivers

·         Promoting Sibling Co-Placement and Visitation

·         Improving Education and Health Care Access

·         Improves Planning for Youth Transition to Adulthood

·         Strengthening Adoption


Reasons for Pursuing HB 1085 in the Georgia General Assembly

·         This legislation would assure Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) compliance with the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (outlined above).

·         This proposal would include:

o    addition of an element to the case planning process to ensure that reasonable effort are made to assure placement of siblings together or to allow them ample visitation if they cannot be placed together;

o    addition of case planning requirement regarding attention to the health and educational needs of foster children; and

o    add a requirement that a written transitional living plan for every child be completed no later than 90 days prior to their 18th birthday or their eventual exit from care.


Consequences for Failure to Comply

US Department of Health and Human Services could withhold funding in excess of $80 million of Title IV-E funding annually.

To find your local representative go to:  http://www.legis.state.ga.us/legis/FindLegislator.htm
One of the most important things faith communities can do for children is to pray for them.
Every child is a child of God and deserves justice and compassion. Every child deserves our prayers.
ICM encourages every faith community to become a spiritual witness for children. Hold a worship service in your church, synagogue, mosque or temple and invite others to join in praying for the well-being of all children.
ICM Mission and Goals
The Interfaith Children's Movement was formed in 2001 as an intentional association of individuals and communities of faith from all religious traditions.
The Interfaith Children's Movement strives to be a voice for all Georgia children, but especially the poor and marginalized whose voices are often unheard. 
ICM works closely with Georgia's policy-oriented child advocacy organizations, such as: 
  • Voices for Georgia's Children,
  • The Barton Child Law and Policy Clinic at Emory University,
  • Georgia Appleseed,
  • JUSTGeorgia,
  • Prevent Child Abuse Georgia and
  • A Future.Not a Past. (child prostitution prevention). 

These organizations set the agenda for our advocacy work for children. 

ICM's faith community members provide a megaphone to the legislature about what needs to be done for children.
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 Doing what we are able to do. 
 Doing what must be done!