The Solar ABCs is a collaborative effort among experts to formally gather and prioritize input from the broad spectrum of photovoltaic stakeholders resulting in coordinated recommendations to codes and standards making bodies for existing and new solar technologies.
Solar ABCs Newsletter
| March 2011
Greetings! Welcome to the March newsletter for the Solar America Board for Codes and Standards (Solar ABCs). The Solar ABCs Newsletter provides the latest news and information about solar codes and standard achievements, announcements, and events. The Solar ABCs also provides industry and other interested organizations the opportunity to co-fund a Solar ABCs research study focused on a PV codes and standards issue. Co-funding participation provides organization direct access to PV codes and standards research and development. Current co-funding opportunities include: recommended protocol for accelerated aging testing, high wind loads and model code for PV arrays, snow load issues, other structural load issues, and grounding. If you are interested contact me for more information. Sincerely, Larry Sherwood Project Administrator Solar America Board for Codes and Standards |
Grounding Photovoltaic Modules Interim Report
The Solar ABCs has released a new interim report, Grounding Photovoltaic Modules: The Lay of the Land that provides an overview of the existing state of affairs related to the electrical grounding of photovoltaic (PV) modules and systems to address current module-grounding issues. The objective of this interim report is to provide the PV industry with practical guidelines and procedures for module grounding, in the overall context of system grounding.
This interim report begins the process to develop guidelines and recommendations for changes to existing standards, which will draw on feedback from the PV industry as well as ongoing research at Underwriters Laboratories (UL). The results will develop final recommendations for the appropriate standards. The Solar ABCs interim report provides the findings and interim recommendations. A one-page summary and the full report can be found on the Solar ABCs website. |
Module Power Repeatability Report
The Solar ABCs has recently published a study report entitled Photovoltiac Module Power Rating per IEC 61853-1 Standard: A Study Under Natural Sunlight that provides the results from two rounds of outdoor measurement testing, which addresses five objectives related to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) power and energy rating standard, IEC 61853-1, Irradiance and Temperature Performance Measurements and Power Rating.
This type of testing is important because manufacturers typically rate PV modules at standard test conditions (STC). The STC rating involves only one temperature, one irradiance, and one sunlight spectrum. However, the actual energy production of field installed PV modules is a result of a wide range of operating temperatures, irradiances, and sunlight spectra. Therefore, there is a need to characterize PV modules at different temperatures and irradiances to provide more comprehensive rating information. The Solar ABCs study report provides the major conclusions based on the two rounds of test results; a one-page summary and the full report can be found on the Solar ABCs website. |
Arc Fault Detection and Mitigation Webinar
The Solar ABCs held an Arc Fault Detection and Mitigation Stakeholder Webinar on February 8, 2011 to provide photovoltaic (PV) stakeholders with the latest information, guidance and stakeholder discussion on PV arc-fault protection, arc-fault requirements in the 2011 National Electrical Code and an overview of the soon to be released UL Standard 1699B for listing arc-fault detectors. You can download the agenda, presentations, listen to an audio recording, and read other background materials for this webinar on the Solar ABCs website. |
Redesigned Solar ABCs Website
Be sure to visit the Solar ABCs newly redesigned website, where you can obtain the latest information about PV codes and standards, read about current issues regarding PV codes and standards under development and learn more about the Solar ABCs mission and organization. |
Call for Presentations for the ASTM Workshop on Solar Glass
The ASTM Workshop on Solar Glass will be held Thursday, June 23, 2011 in Baltimore, MD and is sponsored by ASTM Committee E44 on Solar, Geothermal, and Other Alternative Energy Sources, and the Glass Association of North America. The organizers are seeking abstracts for presentation. Researchers, scientists and professionals (including architects, engineers, energy managers, urban planner and industry experts) are invited to submit papers for presentation. Interested participants must submit a 250-300 word abstract by March 31, 2011 by email to Urmilla Sowell. Read more information about possible presentation topics and other Workshop detail on the ASTM Workshop on Solar Glass webpage. |
2011 SolarTech Leadership Summit
Solar Tech will be holding a Solar Leadership Summit on March 29-30, 2011 in Santa Clara, California. SolarTech in conjunction with State, National and Federal partners will collaborate over two days with industry leaders to discuss fundamental best practices central to accelerating the solar industry's long term place in the U.S. energy mix. Additionally, you will gain insight into tools developed in response to critical issues facing our industry, ranging from permitting and performance best practices, to workforce readiness and installation, interconnection and streamlining of financing transactions as well as energy efficiency and solar thermal. |