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Solar ABCs Newsletter
March 2010
In This Issue
FERC Screen Stakeholder Meeting
On-line Discussion Begins on Solar Access Issues
Solar PV Inverter Communication Project Interest Group
Solar ABCs High Priority Issues
ASTM Accelerated Life Testing
SolarTech Solar Leadership Summit
High Penetration Solar Standards Meeting
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Welcome to the March newsletter for the Solar America Board for Codes and Standards (Solar ABCs).   The Solar ABCs Newsletter provides the latest news and information about solar codes and standard achievements, announcements, and events.
If you are interested in playing an active role in discussion, debate, and the preparation of position statements and policies, contact me and let me know your interest. Also contact me if you have any suggestions for future newsletters or any other comments for Solar ABCs.
The Solar ABCs is a collaborative effort among experts to formally gather and prioritize input from the broad spectrum of solar photovoltaic stakeholders including policy makers, manufacturers, installers, and consumers resulting in coordinated recommendations to codes and standards making bodies for existing and new solar technologies. The U.S. Department of Energy funds Solar ABCs as part of its commitment to facilitate widespread adoption of safe, reliable, and cost-effective solar technologies. For more information, visit

Larry Sherwood
Project Administrator
Solar America Board for Codes and Standards
Recommended Standards for PV Modules and Systems

The Solar ABCs has released a new policy recommendation addressing the use of qualification and reliability standards for photovoltaic (PV) modules.  The recommendation is for the U.S. to adopt three international standards that establish quality manufacturing standards. Currently, there is no qualification or reliability testing required for PV modules in the U.S. marketplace.  As a result, the U.S. marketplace may be flooded with lower quality PV modules. 
Meeting qualification standards is considered to be a minimum requirement for any module procurement.  Photovoltaic modules sold or installed in the U.S. shall be independently tested and certified. Therefore, the Solar ABCs is recommending that consumers of PV modules adopt the policy to require that all PV modules pass qualification testing based on the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61215, 61646, and 62108.   Standards organizations such as the IEC have developed and successfully implemented various PV standards to help protect consumers and support the growth of the PV industry.  More information on IEC standards.
More information on the Solar ABCs Recommendation.
The Solar ABCs will also address the rating of PV module capacity and PV system energy performance in future recommended policy statements.
On-Line Presentations Now Available

The Solar ABCs, in partnership with the Interstate Renewable Energy Council and the North Carolina Solar Center recently produced informative on-line presentations that provide an overview of recommendations from two Solar ABCs Study Reports. The first presentation is based on the findings and recommendations of a Solar ABCs study report, A Comprehensive Review of Solar Access Law in the United States.  The second presentation is based on the findings and recommendations of the Solar ABCs study report, Utility External Disconnect Switch: Practical, Legal, and Technical reasons to Eliminate the Requirement.  For each report, there are two presentations offered, one "full" presentation targeted at providing policy makers and solar industry professionals a snapshot of the issues and recommended areas for improvement.  The second presentation is intended for consumers and provides them with a brief overview to help them better understand solar access law in the United States.
Listen and view the audible presentation on Solar Access Law.
Listen and view the audible presentation on Utility External Disconnect Switch.
Solar ABCs Stakeholder Meeting

The Solar ABCs provides solar industry leaders and advocates the opportunity to participate and learn about key issues facing the PV codes and standards market through Stakeholder Meetings.
Upcoming Stakeholder Meeting: Rate Impact of Net Metering Study
April 6, 2010, 3:00PM (ET) to 4:30 PM
Please plan to join us and participate in a Solar ABCs Stakeholder Meeting that will discuss a study currently underway on the Rate Impact of Net Metering. Mr. Jason Keyes and Mr. Joseph Wiedman of Keyes & Fox, LLP on behalf of the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) are leading this study. The scope of the study is investigating the rate impact for all utility customers due to the net metering of photovoltaic systems. This meeting is a chance for all stakeholders to hear about the status of this study, to ask questions, and to provide input to the authors.
Register Today! There is no cost to attend. The meeting will be held via GoToWebinar software, which will allow conference call audio (via phone or computer) and visual presentation by the presenters.
Steering Solar Codes and Standards Development for Market Success

In February the Solar ABCs Steering Committee met to identify the current high priority issues and develop the appropriate activities to support this year's development of codes and standards to facilitate and accelerate the installation of high quality, safe photovoltaic (PV) systems.  The Solar ABCs Steering Committee's work is conducted by a partnership of Universities, State and Municipal energy organizations, National and International codes and standards organizations, research organizations, and professional contractors who are currently under the direction of a U.S. Department of Engineering (DOE) contract awarded to the New Mexico State University.  The Steering Committee includes Arizona State University, BEW Engineering, Brooks Engineering, Florida State Energy Center, Interstate Renewable Energy Council, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, New Mexico State University, North Carolina Solar Center, PowerMark Corporation, Sandia National Laboratory, Sunset, Underwriters Laboratories, and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Permitting, wind loads, interconnection and net metering, and fire safety were some of the subject areas in which the group identified as high priorities. The high priority areas identified in this meeting will be acted on in the coming year through planned collaborative study efforts, research panels, and white papers.  All of these planned efforts ultimately position the PV industry with codes and standards that foster accelerated market adoption.
ASTM Standard Practice for Accelerated Life Testing of Photovoltaic Modules

ASTM International Technical Committee E44 is currently working on a draft standard for the accelerated lifetime testing for photovoltaic modules titled The Practice for Photovoltaic Module Reliability Assessment (WK25362). The driving issue behind WK25362 is to provide a common ground for manufacturers and users to assess durability and estimate functional service life. To that end, it could also potentially be used to corroborate claims of warrantable lifetime. The results of test protocols described in WK25362 will help designers and manufacturers identify and quantify the important failure mechanisms that can limit the service life of PV modules as well as provide methods to evaluate the rate of performance degradation.
When approved, the proposed standard should serve as a technical framework for evaluating improvements to increase the long-term performance of PV modules.
If you would like to participate in the development of this standard or others, please contact ASTM E44 Staff Manager, Christine DeJong at [email protected] or 610-832-9736.
Solar Leadership Summit - Presented by SolarTech
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - Thursday, April 22, 2010

Please plan to attend SolarTech's second annual solar leadership summit to be held in San Ramon, California.  This event brings together hundreds of experts across many disciplines of the solar industry to help shape our industry's future.
Be at the table, leverage best practices and drive future standards! Attendees will expand on broad and actionable industry shaping objectives in concert with new strategies for 2010 based on where we've come and where we need to go.  The Solar ABCs is proud to be sponsor of this event and we hope to see you there.  Register now.
High Penetration Solar Standards Meeting
May, 20, 2010, Denver, CO

Effectively interconnecting high-level penetration of photovoltaic (PV) systems requires careful technical attention to ensuring compatibility with electric power systems. Standards, codes, and implementation have been cited as critical enablers to widespread use of PV within electric power systems in the United States. On May 20, 2010, in Denver, Colorado, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), will hold a workshop to examine the key technical issues and barriers associated with high PV penetration levels. Speakers and attendees will discuss concerns, solutions, gaps and needs specific to new and potentially revised standards and codes. 

Registration and further information.