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What's Happening at Light Internal
Helping you discover and step into your true essence

March, 2009
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Welcome to Light Internal's e-zine by Marnie Vincolisi Leichtenberg, developed specifically for those who want to create better lives for themselves. Please feel free to forward this issue to friends, family, and associates. Thank you, in advance, for your readership and passing this valuable information along!

What to do When a Major Challenge Occurs

Spring rainspring sun

Change is inevitable, it happens all the time and usually we can flow with the punches but what about those times when your entire energy system collapses? It is during these times our true essence will emerge.

I am seeing how people are adjusting to the opportunities presented when foreclosure is unavoidable along with job layoffs. There is a period of shock and then a time to regroup. Americans are survivors; our ancestors built this country by leaving their homeland to create a better way of life.  

Get the whole story

Look for Marnie's stimulus package at the bottom of this ezine

Swamiji is coming to Denver

Light Internal Center still holds a
Focus for Illumine
Sri Swamiji 2nation

As many of you know my home and educational center has dou
bled as a vacation rental. We have been blessed with some very interesting guests as far away as the United Arab Emirates, Scotland and nowSri Swamiji India. 

Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj will be  staying at my home from April 18th to the 25th. The core of Sri Swamiji's teaching is dhyan, a powerful type of yogic meditation which is practiced in complete inner and outer silence. He will  hold his event in Evergreen, Boulder and Denver, Colorado.

click here for his website
click here for his schedule and locations
    Crestone Tour
       May 15, 16 & 17


You will feel as if you are in a time warp when you travel with Marnie to the mysterious Crestone. Days appear to turn into weeks as time stands still in this rustic, gentle area. Crestone is a mica for the spiritually endowed.

During this tour The Shumei International Institute will be having their 7th Anniversary celebration complete with drumming. For those of you who have previously toured with Marnie to Crestone you may recall the huge drums that were seen at the center. This tour you will actually get to hear them played. This will be quite an addition to the experience of Crestone.
Because of the Shumei Institute celebration reservations need to be made quickly as rooms are quickly filling up. If you have an interest please let me know as soon as possible. Each day we will taste a smorgasbord of spiritual practices. You won't want to miss this tour.

Location: we will car pool from Littleton to Crestone
Date:     May 15. 16 & 17
Time :    9 am Friday to 5pm Sunday
Tuition:   $385, 3 days and 2 nights,
              Includes lodging, guidance and breakfast.

look at the schedule for the tour

Skype, It is Just Like Being There

Skype You can experience face to face energy treatments right at your computer

Have you heard about Skype? It's free and so easy to download. I use it to talk to my children and grand babies in San Francisco and Denver while I am away in Tucson. I also use their phone service and save on cell minutes by using my computer instead. I have given a master level attunement to a gentleman in Hong Kong with much success.

All you need is a web cam, most new computers have them or one can be purchased for about $20. Follow the link below and you will be on your way to staying connected to your friends and family across the world.

Get it now

my address: yournona   What else could it be!

Medical Intuitive Practice Class
May 11         6 pm to 9 pm

finger and bell
Medical Intuitive Practice Class
for Level 1

Our first medical intuitive class was a great success. I have had requests for an interim class to clarify any issues which have arisen over the last few months. Therefore there will be a class to fine tune the processes experienced in Level 1. We will once again connect to the quantum field through meditations and practice with groups of 4 or more students. You may also retake Level 1 for half price.

Tuition: $30

Date May 11

Featured Classes and Dates
 Water Lilies

Reiki Exchange
   6:30 till  9 PM   
Monday May 4th

Come share your healing energies with people of like minds. No matter what your level of Reiki you will benefit from this evening. The joy and laughter makes this healing group fun and effective.
 Please join us.

Reiki Classes


Reiki 1 

May 9 & 16 1 pm to 5:30


July 7, 9 & 14     6 PM to 9 PM

at Lowry Air Force Base


Reiki 2   

    May 6 and 13  6pm to 10 pm

    July 8 & 15

location to be determined


    Reiki 3 

      May 5 & 12 6pm to 10pm


July 10 & 17


Master Teacher Class

upon request


Karuna Reiki


May 7 6pm to 9 pm

$50 or Donation

Medical Intuitive  Level 1 Practice class
May 11
6 pm to9 pm

Medical Intuitive Level 2
will be in the fall
due to the time involved in redesigning
 the new Reiki 2 and 3 books

    All classes are at
Light Internal Educational Center
3490 E. Easter Ave.
Centennial, CO. 80122

    unless otherwise noted    

  It's in Print
Finding Your Inner Gift

The Ultimate Reiki 1 Manual

radio broadcast

It's done and the ink is still wet. It took years of research to create the ultimate Reiki manual and now you can have one.

Reiki 2 and 3 books are in the works and should be completed by the end of summer.
                                                                              $13.95 US
                                                                                    $17.95 Canada


Karuna Reiki 
May 7th Thursday
astral dream A class gifted to Master Reiki Practitioners

Karuna Reiki will introduce you to the goddess of compassion and mercy, Quan Yin and give you 8 more symbols to add to your practice.

Because you have chosen to expand your light and healing abilities this class is given to you from the divine essence of Quan Yin. She will be present to instill the high vibrational frequency of Karuna Reiki during the attunement. Many have said this class haS expanded their energies in a completely new way.

Requirements: Reiki 3, Master Reiki
Tuition:          $50 or Love Gift

Master Teacher Class
      upon request
teachingAre you being called to teach?

If you love sharing Reiki, now might be the time for you to expand it out to others by teaching. This class will give you all the tools you need: outlines for the Light Internal Reiki books, an attunement to pass on attunements, and extensive marketing. Unlike other master classes you may have taken, this class will prepare you to market yourself successfully. Marnie holds nothing back, you will come away from this class with the knowledge you need to begin to help others find their power while lies inside waiting to be awakened.
Tuition:      $450
includes outlines for all levels of books

Class outline
Tea for Health and Well Being
wedding kiss
Holy Tea Plant

This is a simple herbal product that works very effectively for weight loss, energy and cleansing. I have found over the last 2 months I am more aware of the needs of my body, I feel intuned.

It is a pleasant tasting tea which you drink twice a day for fast results. The ingredients are leaves from persimmon, malva, holy thistle, marshmallow and blessed thistle. That's all. These botanicals allow the colon to easily cleanse. Most of us hold weight in the abdomen which is usually the result of a clogged up intestines. This tea will gently clear out old fecal matter.

I know people who have dropped excess weight by making no other changes than drinking this tea. I have been on a super workout program while taking the tea so I cannot contribute all my weight loss to the tea but I do like the taste and the energy it gives me. One months supply is $40. You can find out more by going to: or clicking the link below.
Find out more or order

Can Marnie be in 2 places at once?
 You Bet
Marnie is now working in both Tucson, AZ and the Denver area. She continues to work with clients over the phone while in Tucson and returns to Denver every other month for treatments, the Reiki exchange and classes.

Watch this publication for classes updates and send your request for classes to Marnie
email letter
   Office: 520-584-1383
6062 E. Eli St.
      Tucson AZ  85711
       Cell:    303-770-6729
Light Internal Education Center
3490 E.Easter Ave.
Centennial, CO 80122
Rent a Garden Paradise, fully furnished
Back Yard Everything you need is supplied

Please spread the word, the Light Internal Center is offered for short term rentals, 1 week to 1 month. This beautiful home is fully furnished,  office with DSL, spa, gourmet kitchen, pond and waterfall, all utilities paid. This is not just a home,this is a retreat.
Please send inquiries to

get the details
Light Internal is dedicated to empowering you to live your best life by teaching you to locate and utilize the unique powers and talents you have locked away inside of you. This state of being is accomplished by personalized treatments and customized programs developed by Marnie Vincolisi Leichtenberg.
Blessings in the Light, 

Marnie Vincolisi Leichtenberg
Light Internal

Directions to Light Internal Educational Center

 Located in SE Littleton at University and Arapahoe
                                       East of The Streets at SouthGlen
3490 E. Easter Ave. 
Centennial, CO  80122 
From the South:
  C-470 to University North exit right
  Continue north to the 2nd Easter at the Conoco
   gas station about 5 minutes

From the North:
  I-25 south to University South, exit right
  Continue for about 15 minutes on University
    to Easter Ave.
  Easter is the 1st stop light after Arapahoe           
       at the Conoco gas station.

Save 25%
Receive this discount on a treatment for optimal health, emotional balance, mental clarity and spiritual connection. Remember Marnie works on all levels and dimensions, which transcends time and space therefore the work is equally effective over the phone as in person.

Treatments are offered via Skype, phone or in person. Feel free to share this offer with friends and family. Call today to make your appointment and mention this ad.
                                520-584-1383 office    303-770-6729 cell
Offer Expires: 5-01-09