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What's Happening at Light Internal
Helping you discover and step into your true essence

October, 2008
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Welcome to Light Internal's e-zine by Marnie Vincolisi, developed specifically for those who want to create better lives for themselves. Please feel free to forward this issue to friends, family, and associates. Thank you, in advance, for your readership and passing this valuable information along!
Politics, Finance and Centering

White House

In this time of financial turmoil and political unrest it could be easy to become unsure of the future. This stress can affect your daily life only if you let the information run you. Take a moment and look at if these issues have changed how you live each day.

Do you still live in the same place?
Do you go to work as you have in the past?
Do your friends and family remain the same?
Think about it.
Get the whole story

The Beckoning of the Nile

excerpts from Marnies' Egypt journal


my Nile

Once again I find that my life is magic.My first night in Egypt is in a luxurious 5 star hotel in Luxor. I was dripping with beauty from the green marble floor to the sparkling crystal chandelier; even the elevator was lined in marble with gold leaf sunk deep into the carved paintings on the walls. I entered my room to find I could look out not only at the Nile but also the deep indigo blue marble swimming pool which lies directly below me.

Get the whole story

Watch for more excerpts from
            Marnies Egyptian journal.            

     Egypt Tour Spring Equinox 
  March 14 - 21 2009

Extended Tour March 21- 28

For more details and to register for this unique spiritual program contact Power Places Tours at 800-234-8687 or email: and tell them this is Marnies Spring Equinox tour.

Save your pennies, save your dimes

Before you know it, it will be the time
Be prepared
Don't delay
After this trip
You may want to stay

There is nothing to compare to the vibrational light held within Egypt. It will transform you and awaken memories and abilities. Some feel there is a strong cosmic connection held at this location on earth. Come see for yourself.

Join Marnie for an unforgettable tour of Egypt. Let us know if you are interested and you will be put on a crystal grid to intensify and activate your desires.

Click here for more info

The itinerary is set, contact Power Places Tours at 800-234-8687 or
email: and
tell them this is Marnies' tour

Medical Intuitive Class   Level 1
         Sunday November 16     9:00 - 5:00 
finger and bell Understanding the Body

Ever wonder how Marnie observes the body and makes changes that are felt physically and emotionally. In this class you will learn her secrets/

Use your inner sight in a whole new way; tracking disturbances within the body. This hands on class will give you the information you require and the time to practice what you have learned.

There is too much information to be shared for just one class, therefore the second level will be taught in January.

Requirement:The Illustrated Atlas of Human Anatomy
   This is a 25 page book of anatomical charts of the
   human body. I have found them on a few used book
   sites,, Amazon, just Google the title, the
   price should be less than $20, otherwise you have the
  wrong book.

  Make you book easy to open by taking it to Office Max
  and install a coil bind for about $3.

Tuition:  $150
Karuna Reiki           
November 12, Wednesday 6pm to 9:30
astral dream A class gifted to Master Reiki Practioners
Karuna Reiki will introduce you to the goddess of compassion and mercy, Quan Yin and give you 8 more symbols to add to your practice. Because you have chosen to expand your light and healing abilities this class is given to you from the divine essence of Quan Yin. She will be present to instill the high vibrational frequency of Karuna Reiki during the attunement. Many have said this class had expanded their energies in a completely new way.
Featured Classes and Dates
 Water Lilies

Reiki Exchange
   6:30 till  9 PM   
Wednesday November 19th

Come share your healing energies with people of like minds. No matter what your level of Reiki you will benefit from this evening. The joy and laughter makes this healing group fun and effective. Please join us.

Reiki Classes

Reiki 1  November 15 & 20   Saturday  1 to 5:30 pm

at York and Colfax in Denver

next class January 3 & 10


Reiki 2  November 11 & 18

     6 to 10 pm

3490 E. Easter Ave

location subject to change

next class January 6 & 13


         Reiki 3   November 10 & 17

6pm to 10 pm

3490 E. Easter Ave
location subject to change

next class January 7& 14


Master Teacher Class

Upon Request

Medical Intuitive Class    Level 1

Sunday November 16
9 am to 5 pm
3490 E. Easter Ave
location subject to change

Medical Intuitive Class    Level 2
Saturday, January 10    9am to noon
Saturday, January 17    9am to 1 pm

Karuna Reiki
November 12     6 pm to 9:30
$50 or Love Gift




ONEness Blessing and New Moon Meditation

with Kila and Marci

click here for dates

astral dream

Join us for a powerful evening, combining astrological insights and Deeksha Meditation


When:  late September call for exact date  6:30 to 9:00 PM Experience the calming effects of Deeksha Meditation, "Awaken to Oneness"  

Master Teacher Class
teaching Are you being called to teach

If you love Reiki now might be the time for you to share it with others by teaching. This class will give you all the tools you need: outlines for the Light Internal Reiki books, an attunement to pass on attunements, and extensive marketing. Unlike other master classes you may have taken, this class will prepare you to market yourself successfully. You will come away from this class with the knowledge you need to begin to help others find the power inside waiting to be awakened.
dates booked upon request       $450
Class outline
Tea for Health and Well Being
wedding kiss
Holy Tea Plant

This is a simple herbal product that works very effectively for weight loss, energy and cleansing. I have found over the last 2 months I am more aware of the needs of my body, I feel intuned.

It is a pleasant tasting tea which you drink twice a day for fast results. The ingredients are leaves from persimmon, malva, holy thistle, marshmallow and blessed thistle. That's all. These botanicals allow the colon to easily cleanse. Most of us hold weight in the abdomen which is usually the result of a clogged up intestines. This tea will gently clear out old fecal matter.

I know people who have dropped excess weight by making no other changes than drinking this tea. I have been on a super workout program while taking the tea so I cannot contribute all my weight loss to the tea but I do like the taste and the energy it gives me. One months supply is $40. You can find out more by going to: or clicking the link below.
Find out more or order
Can Marnie be in 2 places at once?
 You Bet

Marnie is now working in both Tucson, AZ and the Denver area. She continues to work with clients over the phone while in Tucson and returns to Denver every other month for treatments, the Reiki exchange and classes.

Watch this publication for classes updates and send your request for classes to marnie
email letter
Office: 520-584-1383
6062 E. Eli St.
      Tucson AZ  85711
                      Cell:    303-770-6729

Light Internal Education Center

3490 E.Easter Ave.
Centennial, CO 80122

Executive House for rent, fully furnished
Back Yard Everything you need is supplied

Please spread the word, the Light Internal Center is offered for short term rentals, 1 week to 1 month. This beautiful home is fully furnished,  office with DSL, spa, gourmet kitchen, pond and waterfall, all utilities paid. This is not just a home,this is a retreat.
Please send inquiries to
get the details
Light Internal is dedicated to empowering you to live your best life by teaching you to locate and utilize the unique powers and talents you have locked away inside of you. This state of being is accomplished by personalized treatments and customized programs developed by Marnie Vincolisi.
Blessings in the Light, 

Marnie Vincolisi
Light Internal

Directions to Light Internal Educational Center & alternate location at Diane Hales home

 Located in SE Littleton at University and Arapahoe
               East ofThe Streets at SouthGlen
3490 E. Easter Ave. 
Centennial, CO  80122 

From the South
   C-470 to University North/right
   Continue north to the 2nd Easter at the Conoco Gas
   station              About 5 minutes north of C-470
From the North 
   I-25 to University South
   University south to Easter Ave. (one stop light S. of
     Arapahoe)         About 15 minutes south of I-25

Turn east on Easter Ave. (Conoco is on the east)
     Continue east past four stop signs
     Second house on the right after the fourth stop sign